
The Silent Thunder

"Legends speak of Dokkaebi, mischievous goblins, and Gumiho, nine-tailed fox spirits," Hyunwoo explained. its the strong and mighty ninjas to fight to protect their village our protagonist Seojin is on this path watch him become the ninja reknowned for his strength

Moses_Samuel_8864 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: Into the Whispering Woods

The Whispering Woods, located on the border of the Earth Nation, were known for their eerie atmosphere and the legends of spirits and mythical creatures. As Seojin, Haneul, and Hyunwoo ventured deeper into the forest, the air grew thick with tension.

Hyunwoo activated his Byakugan, scanning the surroundings. "Stay alert. This place is known for playing tricks on the mind."

Seojin nodded, his senses heightened. "What kind of tricks?"

"Legends speak of Dokkaebi, mischievous goblins, and Gumiho, nine-tailed fox spirits," Hyunwoo explained. "The forest can be disorienting, but we must stay focused."

As they moved through the dense woods, Seojin felt a strange energy, as if the forest itself was watching them. Suddenly, a faint laughter echoed around them. Seojin turned sharply, but saw nothing. "Did you hear that?"

Haneul nodded, gripping her kunai tightly. "It's the spirits. Stay close and keep moving."

The whispers grew louder, the voices unintelligible yet strangely compelling. Seojin felt a pull, as if the forest wanted to draw him in. He closed his eyes, focusing on his breathing and his chi, grounding himself.

"Focus, Seojin," Gwan-sensei's earlier advice echoed in his mind. "Remember your training."

They continued, navigating the winding path until they reached a small clearing bathed in ethereal light. In the center stood a shrine covered in intricate carvings. Gwan-sensei had taught them to respect such places, and they bowed in silent prayer for protection and guidance.

Feeling a renewed sense of calm, they pressed on. The path eventually led them out of the Whispering Woods and back into the sunlight. Seojin felt a wave of relief. They had made it through the forest's grip, but the real mission was just beginning.

Ahead lay the first village under threat from the Earth Nation. Seojin could see the damage from a distance—houses in ruins and the ground scarred by battle. The villagers, fearful and desperate, looked to the approaching ninjas with hope.

One elderly woman stepped forward, her voice trembling. "He came like a storm, wielding earth with such force that we stood no chance. Please, you must help us."

Seojin and his team exchanged determined looks. "We will," Seojin promised, his voice steady.