
The Silent Phoenix

Name: Luciana Crest Gender: Female Job: Assassin Type: Field Agent Status: Deceased That's what her file says now. That's what it has said for five years. But, what others don't know, is that she's out there. Alive. And hiding. ~~~~~~~ Luciana has completely cut off ties from her former friends and family, letting them believe she's dead. What else would you do when you had a lunatic, who wants you dead, behind your back? She's living out in the open with a fake name. She starts to feel almost normal. Except for the fact that she doesn't really try to interact with a lot of people which makes her come off as standoffish with her neighbors. Who has time for that, really? Everything seems fine for the first five years. And then shit hits the fan. All because of one mission. Mission: 803 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Surprise?" He was still looking at the gun, which I didn't let waver. "I didn't know you still kept a gun" "How inconvenient for you."

Khyati94820 · Teen
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21 Chs

7: The Secret Of Miranda Roberts

"They muddy the water to make it seem deep."

C H A P T E R 7


Turned out Miranda not only wanted to introduce herself but also wanted to know if she could assist me in training, and of course, I gave her all the necessary details and asked her to meet us in the training room next week.

It was strange how everyone but me was excited to train the newbies, and somehow I was the one who ended up with the job. I really had to talk to David about this someday.

Luck was on my side because when I got back to my room to get a few things, I saw that David was waiting for me, sitting on my bed. He got back on his feet as he saw me and sent a small smile my way.

Looking at him, I cocked an eyebrow and asked. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Realizing that I was ready to talk to him, his face turned serious. "I see that you have met Miranda, and you have accepted her request to help you as well."

"Yeah I did, it's not like I wanted to be with the newbies alone." I said, a little confused as to why he would ask me about that.

"I suppose you are right, but I am here to offer you something that you might not be able to refuse." he said, looking a little smug.

"Go ahead then, make your offer." I replied, looking a little skeptical.

"Since you have met Miranda, I think you have heard about the special circumstances in which she has joined IAO, am I correct?" he asked, looking me straight in the eye.

"I heard about it from Alex." I told him.

"You see, Luciana the story did not go exactly like Agent Ronald told you, in fact the only people who know the truth are Nathan and me. Did you not feel it odd that I would recruit someone like that?" he asked, his eyes very serious.

"I felt that it was not something you would do, but I thought maybe you had changed." I said, knowing the matter was serious if David came down here to talk to me personally.

David was quiet for a few minutes and I looked away from him, thinking about why he waited for Alex to tell me this instead of just talking to me himself.

I sighed, only he knew what went on in his mind. "Tell me what actually happened."

"The man that Agent Ronald mentioned was not just any man, it was Mr. Paul Fort."

My eyes widened. "The one who used to hire me?"

"Yes him, the one person who I made an exception for."

He was the one person who we didn't kill for, but protected. Usually, assassins are hired to kill the people you wanted to get rid of. But Paul Fort was not like anyone else, he hired assassins as bodyguards for himself. More specifically, the assassins from the Crest family. Obviously he had asked for Nathan after I left.

All of this made much more sense now.

"But what does he have to do with Miranda?"

"Agent Roberts is not to be trusted, Luciana, remember that."

"I still don't understand."

"Agent Roberts was not there to take out Mr. Fort, she was there to kill Nathan."

All the blood drained from my face. Why would she want to kill him?

"She did not specifically want to kill him, she wanted to kill one of us."

It took me a minute to realize that I had asked the question out loud.

Get a grip, Luce.

I took a deep breath. "Who does she work for? And what happened after Miranda spotted Nathan?"

"After Agent Roberts found Nathan, she tried to shoot him but he was too quick for her, unfortunately not too quick as she managed to shoot him in the leg. All the same, as Nathan won the fight and brought her here. On coming here she told us the same story Agent Ronald told you, and I recruited her, letting her believe that we accepted her lies."

"You didn't answer my first question, who does she work for?"

"That is what I want for you to find out."

"And how do you expect me to do that?" I asked, not looking at him. My brain was going haywire with all the new information.

"You are going to be spending a lot of time with her while training the recruits, you can monitor her then, but do not let her get close to any of the recruits, we do not want her to turn them against us."

"Who do you think I can trust with the secret?" I asked him.

"You can tell Alex, Amber and any of the recruits you trust. I trust anyone that you would trust."

He knew how hard it was for me to trust anyone, just like him.

"Alright, I take it that this is an official mission?"

"It will be whenever you are ready."

I nodded. "Next week. I'm still having the after effects of the medicines that were given to me."

"Okay then, I'll show myself out."

Then I remembered something.


He turned back looking surprised and asked. "Yes, Luciana?"

"Where is Nathan? I haven't seen him in a while."

"He's been on a mission. Were you thinking of letting him in your circle of trust?"

Tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, I looked at the ground. "I guess I could use a little brotherly advice."

His eyes softened on hearing this and he said. "I'll let you know once he's back."

"Okay, thanks a lot." I said, still looking down.

On looking up I saw that he was already gone, I guess it was hard for him to come talk to me with his busy schedule.

I got up to close the door, not in the mood to sit in the file room again. I placed my hand on the knob and saw another person standing in the doorway.

Angela came in with a few files in her hand, placed them on the counter and walked out, barely glancing at me.

Was she working with Miranda?

I'm going crazy.

Deciding to ask her why she was ignoring me the next time I saw her, I shut the door and took the files to look through them. They turned out to be the files of every single time an assassin had been hired by Paul Fort to protect him.

David must have realized that I would have agreed to help him out once he mentioned my brother and asked Angela to bring the files as soon as he left.

Either everyone here was really fast on catching up with things or I was really slow.

I groaned as I felt a headache coming. I just wanted to sleep.

I was right, today was a very long day.