
The Silent Phoenix Warriors

Born into a powerful family with talent and beauty. Yet every corner was filled with secrets. Secrets that must be kept in the dark at all cost. But what will happen when the trouble arises, and these secrets are being put on the line? Ming BaiLing, the eldest daughter of General Ming, had beauty and talent like no other in the entire kingdom on Ming. But to the nobles in the capital city, she was nothing more than a daughter who never left the house. However, her time hidden from the world was spent on the battlefield and out doing secret missions. But her fate starts to change after the talk of selecting a crown prince arises within the courts. Will, she still find peace, or must she step out onto a different battlefield?

MoonlightWolf2129 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Untouched Dishes (12)

(Narrator's pov)

Soon the food arrived. The waiters placed down all the dishes, each looking better than the last. After setting down the last few dishes and the rice, the waiter left and let the two enjoy their food.

BaiLing took one at the dishes and knew that this meal would be an interesting one.

Ninth prince: "Let's eat. The food won't be good if it gets cold."

BaiLing nodded her head and picked up her chopsticks.

While the two were eating, the ninth prince couldn't help but notice how little BaiLing was eating. The majority of the dishes brought up were her favorite dishes, yet they were also the ones she touched the least or didn't touch. Seeing how she was eating left the ninth prince confused. He was sure he had gotten the correct information about her favorite dishes.

"Could it be that there was a mistake?" he thought.

Unable to hold back his curiosity, he asked.

"Are the dished not to your liking?"

BaiLing: "No, your highness. The dishes are great."

BaiLing didn't leave much room to continue the conversation, so the ninth prince didn't ask anymore. Once the food was finished, the two headed out to the boat to return to the carriage. Like when they headed to the restaurant, BaiLing stayed on the deck instead of going inside this time.

Sitting outside, BaiLing thought back to when she was young and when her mother was by her side. Although her mother was a noble lady, she was also a doctor and didn't care if her hands got a little dirty. For her children, she could do anything, so cooking was nothing to her. Whenever her or her bother wanted to eat something, their mother would go into the kitchen to make it for them. It was true that they had chefs in the house. However, her mother thought that food made by your loved ones always tastes a bit better.

After her mother died, the dishes that BaiLing used to love eating became her least eaten dishes. To her, seeing those foods only brought back memories. Even though she could still eat the food, it didn't taste the same, as the person who made them is no longer here. Food created memories for her, but there were no more memories to create, only the past and the pain.

(At the Ming mansion)

After dropping BaiLing off at the mansion, the ninth prince was getting ready to return to his manor. However, before he left, he stopped BaiLing and asked her.

"What color will your dress be? The one that you will wear to my grandmother's birthday."

BaiLing: "The dress will be a light pastel green color, your highness."

Ninth prince: "I understand. And thank you for accompanying me to visit my mother today."

BaiLing gave the ninth prince a small smile and responded.

"Not at all. I'm glad to be able to visit her with you."

When BaiLing stepped inside, the ninth prince headed back to his own home.

(BaiLing's pov)

As soon as I returned to my courtyard, I took out my whistle and called for Bai Yang. A couple minutes later, he came landing in my front yard.

Bai Yang: "You called for me, my lady?"

Me: "Please go to the Fire Thread workshop and bring Mei Li here. I have something I need her to get done for me."

Bai Yang: "Understood."

As soon as he finished his answer, he was up and out of the courtyard. Bai Yang did not like to waste his time. It was good to have him by me. Without him and the others, work would be too overwhelming.

I knew that Mei Li wouldn't be able to come immediately, as she had to run the shop. So, I went inside and changed my clothes. Since my father and brother weren't home yet, I sat down and wrote down what I thought would be a good gift for the empress dowager. After thinking and planning for some time, I prepared some simple tonic for her. Once done, I put the papers aside and went to read my book.

(A couple hours later)

It had been a while since I sat down and began to read. Looking outside, I could see that the sun was starting to set. This was my cue to go and check on dinner. Around this time, my father and brother would come home from work.

I set my book down and made my way to the kitchen. Although today wasn't as hot as the other days, it was still fairly warm. And after working outside all day, I'm sure they could eat something nice and cold. After checking on dinner and making sure that they weren't home yet, I started preparing dessert. I made a simple syrup and cooked up some dried fruits and other ingredients suitable for the body and a hot day. Once everything was done, I put it aside, and just as I finished, I heard my father and brother's horses arriving at the front door.

I wiped my hands and went outside to greet the two. The horses were handed off to the stableboy, and the two came into the front yard.

Me: "Dad, ge. Welcome home."

Dad and brother: "BaiLing... thank you."

My brother quickly came up to me and patted my head. It was a habit of his. Whenever he came home from somewhere, and if I was there to welcome him, he would always come and pat my head.

Me: "Dad, ge, why don't you go wash up and eat dinner. Everything is ready."

They both nodded and headed off to their rooms to clean up.

While they were off cleaning up, I returned to the kitchen, brought the food to the dining room, and set up the table. After ensuring that everything was there and that the staff had their share, I went back to the dining room and waited for my father and brother to return.

Less than ten minutes after I sat down, my father and brother showed up at the table together. Sitting down, we started our meals. My brother was the first to ask how my day went. He was always the most curious about how my days went. He always put his family first, no matter how bad or good the days were for him.

Me: "Today was alright. I'm just a bit tired from everything."

Still curious to know more, my brother continued to ask more questions until he had the whole story.

Brother: "Whaa... I didn't know that mom was friends with the empress and royal consort. Dad, did you know about this?"

My dad nodded his head and said.

"I do. It's just I forgot about it. Your mother was very close to them."

Brother: "Ummm... But I can see her being friends with them. She probably be in the middle. Taking care of both sides."

Thinking of what my brother said, I couldn't agree more. Our mother was a very calm person, and considering the personality of the empress and royal consort, she definitely would be the mediator of the group.

I then looked over at my father. Although he was smiling, I could see the pain in his eyes. He missed mother just as much as we do, maybe even more. His love for her was a love story that my brother and I grew up to love and admire. No matter how many years have passed, he can't forget her. He didn't even marry anyone else and raised us on his own. My father was a strong person, but without our mother here, I know things can sometimes get tough for him.

Once dinner was done, I went back to the kitchen to prepare dessert. After finishing a nice and refreshing sweet treat, my father and brother retreated back to their room, for tomorrow would be another workday.

Coming out of the bath, I put on my nightclothes and headed to my room. It was now late, and most workers had returned to their living quarters. Although I was tired from the day's events, I still couldn't sleep, so I went outside to enjoy the fresh air. As I was sitting outside, someone landed right behind me. They stayed there for a while, not saying a single word.

Me: "Are you trying to pretend to be an assassin today?"

I turned around to see Mei Li look up at me with a smile.

Mei Li: "Of course not, captain. It's just you look so peaceful, so I didn't want to disturb you."

I gave her a dry smile and told her to come inside with me. After sitting down at the table, I pulled out the dress design I had drawn earlier.

Me: "I want you to help me make this dress. I will need it for the empress dowager's birthday."

Mei Li: "I understand. How much time do I have?"

Me: "The banquet will be in one month. Help me get this done as soon as possible, and keep the accessories simple."

Mei Li: "I understand. I will get this done soon."

Me: "Thank you. Now go home and rest. It's late now."

Mei Li stood up and took the papers with her after bidding me farewell. Seeing how everyone was tucked away in the nest, I decided it was time for me to go to bed. I blew out the candles and got into bed. Although I had difficulty sleeping, listening to the cicadas outside soon brought sleep to me.

(Narrator's pov)

The following day after breakfast was eaten and BaiLing's father and brother had left for work, she returned to her room to prepare for her day. After getting dressed in her uniform, she headed to the stables to grab her horse. The moment Bai Yao saw her, he started to cause a ruckus. Compared to Ming Yue, BaiLing's other horse, he was far too noisy. BaiLing petted Bai Yao and gave him some snacks before taking him out and mounting him.

Once he was ready, she took off into the forest to get to her destination.

Instead of going to the army base, BaiLing headed deeper into the woods. After traveling for about half an hour, BaiLing arrived at a huge building. Tall walls surrounded the area, and there were guards stationed everywhere. However, from the outside, it looked like an abandoned place.

Taking the back door, BaiLing went straight to the stable and put Bai Yao away into one of the stalls. After ensuring he had plenty of grass and water for the rest of the day, BaiLing made her way to the office. Once she was inside, she placed her stuff aside and sat down. Seeing how tall her stack of paperwork was made her have a headache. With everything going on for the past few days, BaiLing didn't have time to do anything. Taking in a deep breath, she started to go through her work.

(The place that BaiLing is currently at is the base of her secret guards. They are also known as the Shadow guards. BaiLing splits her time between the army base and here as she is in charge of both. However, she has to worry less about the Shadow guards since she has two trusty vice-captains, Bai Yang and Hwa Mei. Bai Yang is in charge of training the boys and overseeing their missions. He is also her personal guard. As for Hwa Mei, she is in charge of training the girls. On the boy's side, they focus more on martial arts and doing missions in the dark, while on the girl's side, they focus more on learning poison and medicine and disguising tricks, as they are more likely to go undercover. Each side has its own strengths and weakness, and BaiLing ensures to bring the best out of everyone. When there are extremely dangerous missions, BaiLing will usually do it herself, but Bai Yang and Hwa Mei assist her in any way they can.)

(BaiLing's pov)

(Two hours later)

I was about halfway through the paperwork by now. Though it was taking much longer than usual. Many of the Shadow guards have completed their missions, and now I have to go through the reports and make another report for the emperor. A little while later, Bai Yang came knocking at the door. I guess he finally realized that I'm here.

Me: "Come in."

Bai Yang came in and stared at me and the desk. He did so for a couple of minutes before opening his mouth.

"Is that tall stack what you haven't gotten to or have finished?"

I smiled as he asked his question with a confused look. In many ways, he was similar to Zhi Xuan.

Me: "What do you think?"

I set down the brush and looked at him. He opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but then closed his mouth and shook his head. He came toward my desk and placed more reports on my smaller stack.

Bai Yang: "This is my answer."

Me: "(sigh).... Alright, good answer. Now take these. You know what to do with them."

I handed Bai Yang the reports that I had just finished writing. With so much work to do, I rarely had time to deliver them myself, so the job fell onto him. However, Bai Yang was always ready to give me a hand. He took the reports and went on his way to send them to their destinations. Once he was out of sight, I returned back to my papers. Looking over at the new addition only made my head hurt. Although the reports end with good news, the information in between wasn't always pleasant to read.

A while later, a knock came on my door as I was still making my way through the stack of files.

Me: "Come in."

The door opened, and came in Bai Yang. It seems as though he was done delivering the reports to the palace.

Me: "Bai Yang, what's up?"

Bai Yang came over and placed down a cup of tea for me and said.

"Nothing. I just thought that you could use some tea."

I smiled as I looked at the cup. I picked it up and took and nice big sip. The tea wasn't too hot, just the perfect temperature.

Me: "Thank you."

Bai Yang only nodded his head. He wasn't much of a talker since he was young, and it has continued until now.

Me: "Anything else?"

Bai Yang: "No, there's nothing else. I'll get going now."

Me: "Hang on, one more thing. For this month's evaluations, I want to change some things. Please go and help me prepare them. I'll be there that day to oversee things."

I took a scroll from my desk and handed it to Bai Yang. He took the scroll and said.

"I understand. I will have everything ready."

I nodded, and with that, he left to do his job.