
The Silent Phoenix Warriors

Born into a powerful family with talent and beauty. Yet every corner was filled with secrets. Secrets that must be kept in the dark at all cost. But what will happen when the trouble arises, and these secrets are being put on the line? Ming BaiLing, the eldest daughter of General Ming, had beauty and talent like no other in the entire kingdom on Ming. But to the nobles in the capital city, she was nothing more than a daughter who never left the house. However, her time hidden from the world was spent on the battlefield and out doing secret missions. But her fate starts to change after the talk of selecting a crown prince arises within the courts. Will, she still find peace, or must she step out onto a different battlefield?

MoonlightWolf2129 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

The Next Empress? pt. 1

(Narrator's pov)

As the servants began cleaning up the equipment from the archery contest, another group set up the embroidery contest. The tables were set in rows of four, each having its own equipment. After everything was done, the ladies and princess consorts sat at a table. Once again, eunuch Huang announced the rules of the contest.

"Ladies, for this contest, please embroider something that will suit the empress dowager and the empress. There are no requirements for the design. Please create whatever you see fit. Good luck, and you have 30 minutes. You may not begin."

(Fyi, the royal consort is not at the party. She stopped attending all the events when she locked herself away in her palace.)

As soon as he was done, all the ladies began looking through all the threads they had and trying to think what design would help them win. However, BaiLing sat quietly and didn't touch her equipment. Those who were watching couldn't help but wonder what she was up to. Many thought she was too tired to sew after shooting the arrows from before. But it turns out that BaiLing didn't want to partake in the contest. BaiLing had many things that she didn't like to do when it was for the amusement of others, and embroidery was one of them. Why create something for a prize rather than creating it from the heart? 

Nonetheless, after sitting there for a while, she picked up her needle, threaded the string, and got to work. 

(15 minutes later)

While others were trying to finish their designs, BaiLing set down hers and waited until the time was up. Once the time was up, everyone set down their frames and stepped away from the table. Slowly the empress dowager, emperor, empress, and all the other nobles got up and went to look at embroideries. BaiLing was located at the end of the fourth row, so it took a while for everyone to make it to her table. 

As all the royals and nobles made their way around, the ladies near BaiLing's table glanced over to see what she had created. When they saw what she had created, some couldn't help but smirk. Thinking that they had a better chance than she did, they held their heads up high and waited for their evaluations. 

Walking through the hall, the empress dowager had yet to see anything that caught her eye. Although many showed great skill and talent, there wasn't one that spoke to her. When they finally made it to BaiLing's table, what everyone saw, made them stop and think for a second. Did BaiLing not have a talent in embroidery, or did she not have an idea of what to create? Many had this thought running through their heads. However, when the empress dowager saw the design, she was pleased with it. All BaiLing did was embroider the word family on the handkerchief. 

Even though the royal family may seem as though honor, power, and wealth were the most important things to them, in reality, it was family. A family who is close and trusts each other is a family that will last long. All the dowager wanted was for her family to get along with one another and not have her grandson fighting each other for the throne. 

After seeing BaiLings handkerchief, the empress dowager picked up hers and declared her the winner. Many were shocked and felt it was unfair that she didn't see everyone. However, what's done is done, and no one could go back against her decision. After returning to their seats, BaiLing was awarded the phoenix hairpin, and her brother was rewarded with money as they were the contest's two winners. 

Time flew by, and soon the party was over. Everyone bid the royal family farewell and made their way out to the carriage.

Before leaving home, BaiLing had instructed Bai Yang to take Bai Yao home while she was at the banquet so that she didn't have to worry about him. When they got to the carriage, BaiLing heard someone call out to her. She turned around to see that it was the fifth prince.

(BaiLing's pov)

Seeing that it was the fifth prince, I stopped and greeted him.

Me: "Greetings, fifth prince. How can I help you?"

Fifth prince: "BaiLing... how are you? I... I'm sorry about the other day. I... I really didn't mean to hurt you. I just didn't have a choice. You understand that, right?"

The fifth prince reached out and tried to grab my hand, but I stepped back before he could.

Me: "Your highness, it doesn't matter to me anymore. We will soon be family. I don't have a reason to hold a grudge against my family."

The fifth prince froze when he heard me say, family. A painful reminder that I was no longer his. He tried to reach out again and say something, but another voice spoke up.

"Brother, she is now my fiance. Are you trying to steal her from me? My, you are greedy. Isn't the prime minister's daughter enough for you? Now you wish to have my fiance as well."

We turned around to see that it was the ninth prince approaching us. The fifth prince quickly stepped away from me and said.

"No, that's not what I'm doing. I... I just wanted to apologize for what I did before."

Ninth prince: "Is that so? Well then, I hope she forgives you?"

The ninth prince turned to look at me. I only nodded my head.

Seeing how awkward the situation was from inside the carriage, my brother poked his head out and said.

"Ling'er, are you done yet? It's getting late. We should head home soon."

Saved by my brother, I excused myself and got onto the carriage, and headed home. On the way home, it was mostly my brother talking. Our father was particularly quiet, lost in his own thoughts.

Me: "Dad? Are you okay?"

My brother stopped talking and looked over at our father. Our dad looked back at us, seeming to have just snapped out of a trance.

Jia Le: "Huh? Oh, I'm okay."

Me: "Dad? What is it? You can tell us."

Zhi Chen: "That's right. Whatever it is that's bothering you, you can tell us."

Our father shook his head and said.

"By showing you so much favor at the party today. They're putting on more restraints. Chaining you down to the royal family."

"So this is what he's worried about." I thought

It was true that this would cause more trouble for me. However, as long as I had my family with me, there was nothing that I couldn't go endure.

Me: "Dad, as long as you, grandpa, and brother are happy and healthy. I don't care what I have to go through."

My father and brother looked at me, half wanting to yell and half wanting to cry.

Zhi Chen: "No. We will keep you safe, and you can live with us in peace for the rest of your life. You got that? No matter what happens, we will be there for you."

I smiled and nodded. Anytime I say anything similar to this, I would always get a similar response back. I moved myself to sit between my father and brother, hugging their arms the entire way back to the manor. Once we arrived, we each returned to our own courtyards and turned in for the night. 

(The next morning)

When I woke up, the sun wasn't up yet. However, I could hear the birds flying around, looking for their breakfast. True, as they say, the early bird gets the worm. I got myself out of bed and got ready for the day. 

After breakfast, my father, brother, and I left for work. I saw another tall stack of paperwork waiting for me when I arrived at my office. Although I was glad to be back at work. Sometimes I couldn't tell what was worse, dealing with nobles or paperwork. I placed my sword and mask to a side and got straight to work. 

(Narrator's pov)

The day had passed by fast for BaiLing, and before she knew it, it was time to go home. She grabbed her mask and sword and headed out to get Bai Yao. Her horse had waited patiently the entire day for her, but when he saw her coming, he started to make a lot of noise. Unlike his master, Bai Yao was always ready for some drama. After getting some sugar cubes, he calmed down, and they left for home together.

After arriving home, BaiLing went about her routine as usual. That night before going to bed, BaiLing called for Bai Yang. Within minutes he showed up and was ready for orders.

Bai Yang: "Greetings, my lady."

BaiLing: "Rise. Bai Yang, I need you to have one of our men stationed at the prime minister's mansion."

Bai Yang: "I understand. Are there any specific instructions you want them to follow?"

BaiLing: "Just tell them to watch the family closely. Report to me immediately if something arises or if the fifth prince pays them a visit."

Bai Yang: "I understand."

With that, Bai Yang left to carry out his orders, and BaiLing turned in for the night.

The following day, BaiLing went to the shadow base for work. Most days, she would be at the barracks, leaving the guards in the hands of Bai Yang and Hua Mei. However, she still needed to stop by occasionally and ensure everything was going well. Besides, the monthly evaluations were coming up, and she needed to ensure all arrangements were in place. 

After putting Bai Yao away, BaiLing headed over to her office. Once she set her stuff aside, she sat down and began her work for the day. A typical day for BaiLing at the shadow base would be going through reports, assigning new missions, or training the guards.

(BaiLing's pov)

"(sigh....)... What am I going to do?"

I had been sitting at my desk for hours now, and each report I went through didn't make my day any better. Various missions were assigned to the shadow guards, each more dangerous than the last. Although I didn't want to send my men to such risky jobs, I had no choice. 

Shaking my head, I moved on to the following report. As I opened the scroll, I could hear Bai Yang walking up to the door.

"Knock, knock."

Me: "Come in."

Bai Yang came in with a teacup in one hand and more scrolls in the other.

Bai Yang: "Captian, have some tea."

He placed the cup down on the table along with the scrolls. I placed the scroll I was holding down and sipped the tea. The flavor was mellow, but it made one feel relaxed after taking a sip. Usually, Hua Mei was the one to brew the tea, and Bai Yang would deliver it. However, today I could tell it was Bai Yang who had brewed the tea. Although the two worked together, they each had their own personality. Hua Mei preferred sweeter tea, while Bai Yang preferred a mellow flavor.

Me: "Thank you."

Bai Yang: "Captian, please take care of yourself. You seem much thinner than before."

Bai Yang had been my personal guard since young. One slight change in me, and he could tell. 

I smiled back and said.

"I'm fine. There's lots of work to be done. I can't leave everything for you guys to take care of."

Bai Yang: "Captian, we can take care of it. You should take care of your health first."

Me: "(sigh)... Alright, alright, I got it."

If there was one thing that Bai Yang and Hua Mei had in common, it was their stubbornness. But I can't complain. Growing up together, I guess my stubbornness rubbed off on them. 

As I took another sip of tea, Bai Yang placed a small box on my table. I looked up and asked him.

"It is almost time again?"

Bai Yang nodded his head.

I sighed and took the medicine. During the middle of each month, I must take a specific type of medicine before taking a few days off from work. Back during one of the wars, I was poisoned. Although the poison was cleared from my system, it left a side effect. Every month on the same days, I would have a relapse, and it would feel like I was being burned alive while bitten by thousands of incest. During the few days I took off, grandpa would come and give me an acupuncture treatment. Without him, the pain would be too unbearable. However, I had to take the medicine before the treatment. Everything has its pros and cons. Taking the medication helped reduce the pain from the treatment.

After taking the medicine, Bai Yang took the box and was about to leave when a knock came on the door.

Me: "Come in."

The door opened, and a guard came in.

Shadow guard: "Greetings, Captain."

Me: "What is it?"

Shadow guard: "Captain, per your orders, we have been watching the prime minister's mansion. A letter was sent back just now. The fifth prince is on his way to meet the prime minister."

Me: "Huh? It has been 3 days since the dowager's birthday, and he's already causing trouble."

Me: "Alright, you head back."

Shadow guard: "Understood."

The guard got up and left back to his post. I looked over at Bai Yang and said.

"I'm going to head over there and see what they are doing. Help me take care of the reports. I'll be back soon."

Bai Yang: "I understand."

I got out of my seat and went to get ready. Since riding a horse wasn't an option, I turned into a bird and flew there. Before arriving, I returned to my human form and got down to business. I met up with the guard watching over the manor and got an update on what was happening. 

Me: "Alright, keep watching."

Guard: "Understood."

I left the guard where he was and moved to a different spot to get a better view of things. In the end, I turned into a small sparrow that was perched outside the window. This gave me the best view and listening spot. 

Prime minister: "I have brought what you have asked for, your highness."