
The Silent Phoenix Warriors

Born into a powerful family with talent and beauty. Yet every corner was filled with secrets. Secrets that must be kept in the dark at all cost. But what will happen when the trouble arises, and these secrets are being put on the line? Ming BaiLing, the eldest daughter of General Ming, had beauty and talent like no other in the entire kingdom on Ming. But to the nobles in the capital city, she was nothing more than a daughter who never left the house. However, her time hidden from the world was spent on the battlefield and out doing secret missions. But her fate starts to change after the talk of selecting a crown prince arises within the courts. Will, she still find peace, or must she step out onto a different battlefield?

MoonlightWolf2129 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

New Dance Dress (8)

(Narrator's pov)

Li Qiang and Jia Le looked up at Zhi Chen, who had just entered the dining room. His expression was full of anger and resentment.

His father and grandpa could understand where his emotions were coming from, but as much as they wanted to take away all the troubles for BaiLing, they were left helpless.

Jia Le: "Zhi Chen, sit down first."

Zhi Chen sat down between his dad and grandpa, his expression didn't less, and it seemed that his anger was rising.

Jia Le: "Zhi Chen, it's not that we don't want to help Ling'er... but you know how stubborn she is. Once she sets her mind on something, there's no going back."

Zhi Chen: "Dad, but this is her freedom we're talking about. If she really has to marry the ninth prince, she's no different from a bird trapped in a cage. And what about her work? Ling'er isn't just any noble lady. She's also the general of the ghost army and the captain of the shadow guards."

Li Qiang: "Chen'er, why don't you trust Ling'er, and let her handle this. You and I both know what she is capable of."

Zhi Chen: "But..."

Zhi Chen wanted to protest, but looking at the face of his father and grandpa, he knew that they were right. He had no other choice but to trust that his sweet baby sister would be able to handle this situation.

Soon the three men sat in silence, not knowing what to say. When Zhi Chen was about to break the silence, he heard BaiLing coming into the dining room while saying.

"Dinners ready."

All three men changed their gloomy expressions to a happy one, but when BaiLing walked in, she could tell that what she saw on their faces was far from what they truly felt.

BaiLing sighed while shaking her head as she walked towards the table to put the food down. Once everything was placed on the table, the servants took away the platers and left the family to have their dinner.

Seeing how none of her family was picking up their chopsticks to eat, she asked them.

"Is my cooking that bad? You all don't seem to have the appetite to eat. Should I go ask the kitchen to make something else?"

As soon as she said that, her grandpa, dad, and brother snapped out of their dazed state and started to eat.

Zhi Chen: "Ling'er, did you cook all of this by yourself?"

BaiLing nodded her head before asking.

"Is it good?"

Zhi Chen nodded his head.

Zhi Chen: "Your cooking skills are getting better by the day."

BaiLing smiled. She was happy to know that her family enjoyed her cooking.

For the rest of dinner, she and her family chatted and had fun together. No one said a single word about the emperor and the royal family.

When dinner was over, the servant came and took away the dirty dishes, and she followed them back into the kitchen to prepare the dessert.

Once she finished preparing the dessert, her last step was to add ice to the bowls.

BaiLing: "Please go and get me some ice."

Chef: "Right away, my lady."

When the chef came back, he set down a block of ice that he had gotten from the storage.

BaiLing broke off small chunks of ice and placed them in the bowls. Once she was done, she took four bowls with her to the dining room. Just as she was about to step out the door, she turned around and looked at the chef, and said.

"I made extra. Please take it and share it with everyone else."

The chef bowed and thanked her as she continued on her journey.

BaiLing: "I'm back."

BaiLing came in and placed a bowl of chilled dessert in front of her family. She then put the plater aside and sat down.

Zhi Chen: "Waaa, this is exactly what I need on a hot day like this."

BaiLing: "I'm glad you like it. Grandpa, dad, try and tell me what you think."

Li Qiang and Jia Le each took a sip of the dessert and smiled at her when they looked up.

Li Qiang: "It's good, not too sweet, and not too many ingredients."

BaiLing: "I'm glad you enjoy it. I still have some in the kitchen. Why don't I pack some up for you to bring home and enjoy? There are lots of ingredients in this that are good for your health."

Smiling at his granddaughter, he agreed, so as soon as she was done eating, she rushed to the kitchen to prepare and portion for her grandpa.

Soon it was time for her grandpa to go home. BaiLing prepared a carriage to take her grandpa back and gave him the dessert.

BaiLing: "Take care grandpa. I'll come and visit again soon."

Li Qiang: "Alright, you take care as well."

BaiLing nodded, and the carriage was off. She then headed back inside and went to her room. It had been a long day for her, so she went and took a bath to get cleaned up. When she finished, she sat down at her lounge area and grabbed out a book to read.

There were many past times that BaiLing had, but her favorite was to read. She is always eager to learn and know more. In this world, there were many things that she had to be prepared for. She never knew what would happen next, so studying was her preparation.

(BaiLing's pov)

I had been reading for a good half an hour when my brother came knocking on my door. I set the book down and went to open the door for him. In this family, there was rarely the need to ask who was at the door. We could just tell by the footsteps.

When I opened the door, I saw my brother holding a fairly big box.

Me: "Ge, what's up? And what's with the box?"

Brother: "I have something to tell you."

Me: "Okay, come on in."

I walked over to my table and poured two cups of tea. My brother closed the door, then came over to the table and set the box down.

Me: "Ge, what is it that you wanted to tell me about?"

My brother pushed the box in front of me and said.

"This is for you. Open it."

He nodded his head towards the box. Not knowing what he had planned, I opened the box.

Inside the box was a beautiful dancing dress. The dress was a gorgeous deep purple with a tint of grey, making the color look pale. There were also gold and white flowers embroidered onto the dress. The dress dragged on the floor, hiding the feet that would be bare, and the sleeves were long, making the dancer look as though they had wings while moving their arms. There was also jewelry in the box, a couple of flower hairpins, and a face covering connected to two hairpins to keep them in place.

I looked up at my brother in shock. I knew where he got this dress from, but I didn't expect it to be him to get it for me.

Me: "Ge... when... when did you get this dress?"

Brother: "I went to the shop yesterday and talked to Mei Li. She had some designs for dance dresses, so I picked a design and had her make it. I went to get it today when you went into the palace."

(Mei Li is the owner of Fire Thread, a very popular clothing shop in the kingdom of Ming. People

had to wait days and months to get a chance to have their clothes made there. And if you were lucky, you could go and look at the premade dresses. That was what the shop looked like on the outside, but in reality, it was an information guild that was part of the secret guards. Many places throughout the land looked like typical shops but were actually information centers. Mei Li works under BaiLing, but she also takes orders from anyone from the Ming clan. Any information needed could be easily scouted out by the shop.)

I looked at my brother with shock. He had the entire shop make my dress in one day?

Me: "You didn't have the dress and everything made in one day, right?"

My brother looked at me like I was a crazy person before saying.

"I'm not that cruel. Mei Li told me that she had already had the dress put together. All that was left was finishing the decorations, and the jewelry was also done beforehand. I was lucky because the design that I chose was the one that she was made first."

Me: "Ahhh, I see. Well, thank you, Ge. I love the dress."

(Zhi Chen's pov)

I looked at my little sister and could tell that she truly loved the dress, but I could also tell that a part of her wasn't happy, that something was holding her back. I knew what was putting her into this mood, and I wanted to take that away from her so that she could be happy, but I still fail to do so to this day.

Me: "Ling'er... I know you don't want to dance. I know it hurts... but you have to know that it wasn't your fault, do did your best. She doesn't blame you, and neither do any of us. If she were still here, she would want you to be happy. I know you want to see this through to the end, but if it's too much, you must speak up. We'll always be here for you."

Ling'er looked at me, and I could tell that she was trying to hold her tears back. Ever since that day ten years ago, she never cried in front of anyone, not even when she was in tremendous pain. Only when memories from ten years ago resurface do I see some tears start to form.

BaiLing: "Ge... but it was my fault. If I wasn't so careless, she would still be here. I caused her death."

I pulled her in for a hug and said to her.

"No, it was never your fault. If there is anyone to blame, then it's those assassins. They were the ones who killed her. So don't blame yourself anymore, if you must dance, then wear this dress with pride. Honor her memories by doing your best."

It took me a while, but I was able to calm Ling'er down.

When she regained her composure, she put the box away, and since it was getting late, I tucked her into bed and made sure she fell asleep before I left.

Ling'er was only 14, yet the weight she bears on her shoulders was more than that of a grown man.

I stopped by my father's room and gave him a quick update on how she was doing, then I went back to my room to get some rest for the next day.

(Narrator's pov)

Sitting in the dimly lit room, Jia Le stood up and went over the corner near his table. Hanging on the wall was a portrait of a very beautiful young lady. She had big round eyes that lit brightly as though they were stars and long silky black hair and flowed as if they were dancing around her. Looking at the portrait, you could feel that she was gentle, elegant, and kind, but also wise. At the bottom of the painting was a poem.

"Never dying, but always reborn. Flames of life that never cease to dim. Flying high in the sky is the home of the phoenix."

And following the poem was a name, "Ling Hwa."

Jia Le reached his hand up to touch the portrait, very gently as if it could break at any moment.

Jia Le: "Ling Hwa, it's been 10 years since you left. The children and I are still doing well, but I don't think that Ling'er can ever make peace with what happened that day. It tortures her every day, and she became someone who seemed so perfect in everything she does. But through all that, she lost who she truly was. I'm sorry, Ling Hwa... I failed you. I couldn't take proper care of our children. Please watch over her and protect her... please."