
The Silent Phoenix Warriors

Born into a powerful family with talent and beauty. Yet every corner was filled with secrets. Secrets that must be kept in the dark at all cost. But what will happen when the trouble arises, and these secrets are being put on the line? Ming BaiLing, the eldest daughter of General Ming, had beauty and talent like no other in the entire kingdom on Ming. But to the nobles in the capital city, she was nothing more than a daughter who never left the house. However, her time hidden from the world was spent on the battlefield and out doing secret missions. But her fate starts to change after the talk of selecting a crown prince arises within the courts. Will, she still find peace, or must she step out onto a different battlefield?

MoonlightWolf2129 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Drugged Wine (4)

(Narrator's pov)

Before the sun even rose, BaiLing was up. After getting ready, she headed over to the kitchen to check on breakfast.

Whether it was a workday or a day off, the Ming family was always up before sunrise. To them, the days were too short, so the earlier they are up, the more time they have to do things.

Once BaiLing made sure everything was ready, she headed over to the dining room, where her father and brother were.

Me: "Morning dad, ge."

Dad and brother: "Morning."

Soon after she sat down, the food was brought out.

After some time, BaiLing's brother spoke up and asked her.

"Why are you eating so little?"

Smiling, she told her brother.

"I'm supposed to be heartbroken. How can I have the appetite to eat? I should look like I'm in pain."

Tears started to fall from her eyes as her brother looks at her.

Not caring about her tears, he proceeded to say.

"You already look heartbroken enough to me. No need to lose more weight. Besides, you're already very skinny."

Seeing how her brother didn't even flinch at the sight of her tears, she wiped them away and went back to her usual expression.

"To play the part, you need to look the part."

All her brother could do was shake his head while their father just watched them.

Once they were done with breakfast, the servants came and cleaned everything up, and everyone returned to their room.

BaiLing knew that the fifth prince wouldn't come until after noon, so she spent her morning reading and putting together the music score for the dance. BaiLing knew that the empress dowager was from a literary family, so she choose to create a piece that was elegant, graceful, and matched with the empress dowager's style. To make sure that the music sounded right, she had to pull out all the instruments needed and cast a spell on them so they would play together all at once for her to hear.

It pained her to do all of this, but she soon got it done and was able to send it off to the emperor with all the instructions listed on a separate paper.

Around 11, BaiLing started to get ready for the arrival of the fifth prince. She first went to get changed. Going over to her closet, she took out a beautiful pink and purple outfit with flower embroideries that looked like a field of freshly bloomed flowers in spring. Although it was not her color of choice, it was what the fifth prince liked. Layer by layer, she put the dress on. Before putting on the waistband, she put on a sheer purple shawl over her shoulders, then adding the belt to secure everything and complete the look. Next, she went over to her vanity table to do her makeup. BaiLing wasn't a fan of makeup. She only ever wore it when it was needed.

BaiLing started off with a light layer of powder on her face, followed up with some blush. She then added a little bit of color to her eyelids, and to finish everything off, she put on a bit of lip color.

Now that makeup was done, it was time for hair. BaiLing did a half-up half-down hairstyle. She took the upper part of her hair and braided it, then pinning it down to look like a flower. Then she took two small strands of hair from the side and pinned them to the back of her head under the bun, creating a loop on each side. Once she was done, she added in some hairpins and then wore her jewelry. BaiLing kept it simple, with a pair of dangling earrings that looked like a fan, and a matching necklace.

Although BaiLing tried to keep everything as simple as possible, it still felt like a lot. But to the social world, it would look as if she didn't have enough money to buy clothes and jewelry.

Once the last piece of jewelry was set in place, BaiLing became an elegant and gentle young lady of the general household.

Though by the time she was all ready, the prince hadn't arrived yet, so she went and called for

Bai Yang. When Bai Yang came, he greeted her as per usual.

BaiLing: "Rise, and take a seat."

Bai Yang: "It's okay. I can stand."

BaiLing shook her head before saying.

"(sigh)... When it's just you and me, you can be more relaxed. We both grew up together. I don't see you as a servant, but rather family and families don't need to be so formal with each other."

Once she said that Bai Yang came over and sat down at the table.

BaiLing: "How is everything so far?"

Bai Yang: "Everything is ready. All of the men are spread out across the mansion as you ordered."

BaiLing: "Good..."

Before she could say anything else, a knock came to her door, followed by her asking who it was.

"My lady, it's me, the butler."

BaiLing looked over at Bai Yang, and he nodded his head before getting up and walking deeper into her room, away from the area of the door. She then told the butler to come in. When he came, he greeted BaiLing.

BaiLing: "Please rise. What's the matter, uncle Su?"

Butler: "My lady, eunuch Huang is here with an imperial edict. Your presence is requested."

BaiLing: "I understand. I'll be right out."

The butler then nodded his head and took his leave. BaiLing then told Bai Yang to come back out and said to him.

"Alright, you should go back and keep an eye on things. Let me know if anything arises."

Bai Yang: "I understand."

And with that, he took off, and BaiLing headed out to the front yard. When she got out there, her father and brother were also waiting there. She greeted her father and brother then greeted the eunuch.

Once all the greetings were done, the eunuch proceeded with what he came there for.

Eunuch Huang: "The Ming family receive the imperial edict."

BaiLing and her family all got down on their knees, waiting to receive the edict.

Eunuch Huang: "'The emperor of Ming, the son of Heaven, has learned the Ming BaiLing, the daughter of general Ming, is kind, gentle, elegant, intelligent, talented, and humble. The 9th prince, Ming Yeu Hwa, is talented in martial arts and literature, making a perfect match in Heaven. I hereby bestow an engagement between the 9th prince and lady Ming.' Receive the imperial edict."

BaiLing, who was down on her knees and bent over the entire time, sat up straight to receive the edict. Once she was handed the decree, the eunuch said.

"Congratulations, my lady."

(BaiLing's pov)

I thanked the eunuch after standing up. For most girls, it was a dream come true, but for me, it felt like a cage was placed upon me. My freedom would be taken away the moment I marry him. All I can do is sit around the house and be his princess consort. I would have to watch what I say and what I do. If I made a single mistake, shame would be brought upon him. After talking to my father, the eunuch bid us farewell and headed back to the palace to report to the emperor.

Once the eunuch was out of the door, I turned back to my father and said.

"I'm going to go back to my room and put this away. And the fifth prince should be coming soon, so I should go and prepare."

My father nodded his head, and I left to go back to my courtyard.

When I got back to my room, I opened a hidden compartment in the wall and placed the edict inside. I then went back to reading my book.

Less than an hour later, a knock came to my door.

Me: "Who is it?"

"My lady, it's me, the butler."

Me: "Come in."

The butler stepped inside and greeted me again.

Butler: "Greetings, my lady."

Me: "Rise. What is it?"

Butler: "My lady, the fifth prince is here to see you."

Me: "Alright, I'll be right out."

Butler: "Actually, he's on his way to your courtyard."

Me: "Alright, let him be. But could you go and prepare some snacks for me, please?"

Butler: "Of course, my lady."

Me: "Thank you, uncle Su."

I took in a deep breath before I stood up and went outside. But just as I got out, one of my secret guards came landing in front of me.

Secret guard: "Captain." he greeted.

Me: "Rise. What is it?"

Secret guard: "The fifth prince came by the kitchen today and gave me a bottle of wine. But the bottle is a double compartment. He also gave me money to keep me quiet about the bottle. One half of the bottle contains normal wine, while the other half is drugged."

"Huh, he really won't stop at any means to get the throne." I thought.

Me: "Alright, dump out the wine that he's drugged and keep it in a safe bottle, and put in some new wine. Keep the money safe as well. Also, put this into the new wine."The guard took the small packet that I gave him and tucked it into his sleeve before saying.


Me: "Good, now leave and don't get caught by anyone."

The secret guard nodded his head and disappeared just as quickly as he appeared.

Once the guard left, I headed over to the courtyard on the west side of the mansion. Whenever the fifth prince came by I would use the courtyard on the west side, this was so that he didn't know where I actually stayed at. When I got there I sat down at the table and waited for him to come.

Soon the fifth prince showed up. His steps were light yet heavy at the same time. Although the fifth prince did learn martial arts from a young age, he wasn't as skilled as the ninth prince, and you could tell that from his steps. They weren't consistent, and even if he wanted to hide his presence, he couldn't do so.

I pretended not to notice he was there and continued to admire the clear sky and the birds flying around. He tried to quietly come up behind me and put his hands over my eyes, and said.

"Guess who?"

(Narrator's pov)

BaiLing smiled before reaching up gently to take the fifth prince's hand and saying.

"Your highness, is that you?"

Fifth prince: "That's right. I'm here to see you."

While the fifth prince puts his hands down, BaiLing turns around to face him with a bright smile on her face, making the prince believe that she was madly in love with him.

After the fifth prince sat down, a couple of maids and her secret guard came with the snacks and wine.

Maids: "Greetings, my lady, your highness, we've brought the snacks and wine."

BaiLing: "Alright, you can put them down and go back to your duties."

The maids and her guards put everything down, bowed, and then left them alone.

As soon as the servants left, the fifth prince started to pour out some wine. Although he was trying to be sneaky, it was hard for BaiLing not to notice how he was pulling a trigger on the bottle to open up the other vale to pour out the drugged wine for her, but as usual, she pretended not to know anything.

Once he poured her, her drink she gently touched his hand and said.

"Let me pour a glass for you."

The fifth nodded his head and let go of the bottle. To him, it seemed as though she was just doing her duties, but to her, she just wanted to make sure that the wine that she had drugged herself was poured out.

Once the wine was poured out, both drank the wine. However, BaiLing in reality poured the wine onto a handkerchief instead of drinking it. Even though she knew that the wine was fine, it was a habit of hers to do that every time. While the fifth prince was smiling inside and out, thinking that his plan is going smoothly, BaiLing was also smiling, knowing that his plan would fail while her's was moving along just fine.

Five minutes after the wine was drunk, BaiLing began the next part of her plan.

As the two talked, BaiLing slowly changed her expression from happy to sad/concerned. Soon the prince noticed and asked her.

"What's wrong? Are you not feeling well?"

BaiLing looked at him and shook her head before saying.

"No, I'm fine. But..."

Fifth prince: "Yeah, what is it?"

BaiLing: "Is... Is there anything that you want to tell me?"

The fifth prince looked a bit shocked at the moment but then recovered and said.

"No, there's nothing."

BaiLing looked at the prince with a disappointed face before saying.


Following that, she took out one of the hairpins from her hair and placed it in front of the prince. The hairpin was beautifully crafted. It was a light pink flower, with smaller gems inlaid and a pearl for the center. Looking at it, anyone can tell it cost a fortune, and the artesian was a very skilled one.

Upon placing the hairpin in front of the prince, he looked at her in confusion and asked.

"What is this for?"

BaiLing: "Your highness, do you remember what you told me when you gave me this hairpin?"

Fifth prince: "Of course I do. How could I forget."

BaiLing: "Then, can you tell me what you told me at that time again?"

The fifth prince seemed a bit annoyed, but he sighed and said.

"Of course I can. When I gave you this hairpin, I told you that this was made for the person who would become my princess consort. And that person would be you. I promised you that I would always be by your side and to love and cherish you forever."

BaiLing gave the prince a bitter smile before saying.

"That's right, you did tell me those things."

Prince: "BaiLing, what's wrong? Why are you acting so weird today? And why are you giving me your hairpin."

BaiLing: "Your highness, you told me that this hairpin would be for your wife. I... I don't think I should keep this anymore."

Prince: "What?! Why?"

BaiLing, at this point, noticed an extra presence in her courtyard but pretended not to know. She had already known who it was since she spent her entire life watching over him.

But she soon went back to her plan, and this time tears were coming to her eyes as she looked at the fifth prince and said.

"Your highness, you're already engaged to the prime minister's daughter. She'll become your wife now. It should be her who has this hairpin. It should be her who wears this."

The fifth prince looked shocked, hearing this from BaiLing. He couldn't understand how she know of this news when it was just announced this morning. He came as fast as he could to try and cover up the news, but it seems as though he was too late.

Once he recovered from his shock, he tried to sweet-talk her into believing in him and that he would marry her.

"BaiLing, listen to me. You're the one that I love. I had no choice in this engagement, but trust me, I will marry you."

BaiLing: "Your highness, I understand your feelings. But even if you were able to marry me. I would just be a concubine. I wouldn't be your wife."

Tears were now flowing down her cheek, making her seem extremely heartbroken.

Wiping her tears away, the fifth prince told her.

"I'm sorry, please don't cry. I'll talk to my father and ask him to let me marry you and let you have a status as high as a princess consort, alright?"

BaiLing: "Your highness, I truly love you. But I don't wish to have to share my husband with any other women. I know this is selfish of me, so I'd rather let you go than have to go through this pain."

Prince: "BaiLing, listen to me. Although, I have to marry her. I promise you that I will only have eyes for you and will only love you, okay?"

BaiLing tried to show him a smile through all of her tears. Then she proceeded to say.

"Your highness, thank you for all the memories that you have given me. But it's too late now.

Neither of us can go back anymore."

Worried about why the drug has yet to take effect and what BaiLing was talking about, the fifth prince was starting to get anxious.

Prince: "BaiLing, what are you talking about? There will be a way. Just wait for me."

BaiLing shook her head and said.

"This morning. Eunuch Huang came by with an edict. Your highness, the emperor, bestowed an engagement for me and the ninth prince. I can't marry you anymore. From now on, I'll be your sister-in-law."

Shocked from what he just heard, the fifth prince asked her again to make sure he heard her right.

"Did you just say that my father bestowed an engagement between you and my ninth brother?"

BaiLing nodded her head.