
The Sidekick Story – I Reincarnated As Sidekick In Fantasy Game World

Arthur king the son of you Duke Ronald king suddenly gets his past life memory. And from the memory of his past life, he learns that he was a game developer in his past life and they developed a very famous fantasy adventure game that changed the entire gaming industry, but the catch is now he is reincarnated in that game world, which his company developed, but not as mc or mob, not a villain but as a sidekick of man charter of the game who die a very tragic death. And for the cherry on the cake, he gets killed by his childhood friend and crush Vanessa. Now with the help of his past life, he wants to save his life and live a comfortable life get a good wife, and live happily ever after, but can he do that, because everyone knows life in a fantasy world is not easy to live... So what are you waiting for, join the Epic and comedy journey of Arthur? And experience the new adventure with him.

rohitbhati22 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Prologue Part 2

In the fantasy world of planet Remark, there are two types of magic. The first is light magic and the second is Red magic. The difference between light and Red magic is that Red magic is used by men and light magic is used by women

but all the other things you can do with magic are the same, for example, if you want to create a lighting attack with your Red magic power it will take the same amount of energy from you as light magic take.

And in this world Magicians get their powers from the power source which they named The True Source, whether they are a light Magic-user or Red magic-user, they get their power from the same True Source. And for this reason, the true source is seen as a god in the whole world, apart from The True Source there are many other gods such as the god of Rain Vegas and the goddess of the sea Riza, etc.

But most people believe that in the end all of the gods and humans have come from the true source. And every living being is also connected to the true source and the true source also protects everyone at all times. And that's why people believe, that humans got magic to Protect themself and their families from any external dangers.

Every living being is born with magic power along with his birth but the only difference is that not everyone is able to awaken their powers, those who awaken their powers are called the source user.

Any man or woman, who was born in this world, gets connected to the source with the birth, and if they are capable, then they can also awaken their magical source.

if there is a woman and if she awakens her source of light, then she can use the light magic by being connected to the source of light. And if there is a man and if he awakens his source of red, then he can use the red magic by being connected to the source of red.

The Source of light and the source of Red are also part of The true source. In other words, the true source is the main source of power and the source of light and red is the part of it and every living being is using these sources to use magic power.

The man in this world cannot use the light magic and it's the same for woman, any woman cannot use the red magic, and if any man tries to connect with the source of light or any woman try to connect with the source of red, the results will be no good for Both of them.

The reason for that is, every living being is associated with his chosen source from their Birth, for example, when a woman is born, she gets connected with The Source of Light, and for the men, they are connected with The Source of Red. And that's why their body is capable of handling only source that suits them.

Even if any woman tries to connect with the source of red, in most cases her body is not able to handle the power and she will die while trying to connect with the source of red. Because the source of red power is not easy to handle for any woman's body. And if by any chance, she survived, she will develop a new source called The corrupted. The corrupted is also called The source of corruption.

But in the case of men, the story is completely different or we can say that it is even worse, because the body of men is made to handle The Source of Red, so they get connected to The Source of Light. But as soon as he connects to the Source of Light, like women, man will also develop a new source in himself whom we know as The source of corruption.

If anyone gets attached to The source of corruption, then it is considered nothing less than a disease in the world of magicians. because The source of corruption gets energy from the greed sitting inside you, and that's why it makes you more greedy for power and anything you want in life.

A source of corruption user can use both light and red sources of magic, in short, they can you both magic. because a person becomes corrupted when he tries to connect to a different source than the one he got from his birth.

The biggest problem with the source of corruption is that it starts making the person even more greedy and power-hungry, whenever a person is connected with The source of corruption, His hunger for power will increase.

Many people who have been corrupted before, said, that the source of corruption talks to them, and promises to give them power and fame or whatever they need the most. And after that, they completely drown themselves in greed and hunger for power.

But everything does not end here. Whenever anyone joins The Source of Corruption, they can also come back to normal self by sealing both sources inside them.

And if a man connects with The Source of Light then, this matter will be handled by The Magic tower of women and for the same if any woman connects with the source of Red, it will be handled by the magic tower of men.

Whenever someone tries to connect with a different source and connect with either light or red source, first of all, whatever tower is related to that person's case, start a case on that person, and if that person has taken someone's life or has done any such act which is against the law, then he will be punished accordingly the law but before that, all his power will be taken away from him by sealing both sources.

And if a person is only connected to a different source and he has not used it, then by forgiving his mistake only his power is taken away, but in most cases whenever a person like this remains alive., after when he lost his powers, he is not able to live his life as before, somewhere in his mind, he always has a desire to get that power back and because of this, connecting with any other source is restricted to common people and Most of the people who do that, always have some greed for something in life that they think they never get.

Also, there is one more most important thing about Remark, that this world is mostly run by women and this is because, women are easily able to connect to the source of light, while men can not connect with the source of red easily like women, and hence the number of women who can use magic is higher than men.

but in this world, there is no discrimination between men and women, but when it comes to power, women become more powerful than men because they are more in number, you can understand it in such a way that, if In an election, the party which has more majority will be able to implement its plans very easily. And here women had all the votes in the department of magic, so they have most of the power.

There are only 4000-5000 men in this whole world who can use The Source of Red. Whereas there are millions of women who can use the Source of Light.