
The Sidekick Story – I Reincarnated As Sidekick In Fantasy Game World

Arthur king the son of you Duke Ronald king suddenly gets his past life memory. And from the memory of his past life, he learns that he was a game developer in his past life and they developed a very famous fantasy adventure game that changed the entire gaming industry, but the catch is now he is reincarnated in that game world, which his company developed, but not as mc or mob, not a villain but as a sidekick of man charter of the game who die a very tragic death. And for the cherry on the cake, he gets killed by his childhood friend and crush Vanessa. Now with the help of his past life, he wants to save his life and live a comfortable life get a good wife, and live happily ever after, but can he do that, because everyone knows life in a fantasy world is not easy to live... So what are you waiting for, join the Epic and comedy journey of Arthur? And experience the new adventure with him.

rohitbhati22 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 3 – Before The Entrance Exam

"Huu, Let's Try it" After taking a deep breath I said to myself.

For any source user, to use his magic power or to know whether he can use magic or not, first he has to calm his mind and find the source inside him. And when he tries to find the source inside him, he sees a light inside his closed eyes, which is different for different source users.

For example, if any woman, who can use light magic tries this process, she will see a blue light in front of her closed eyes, and if any man tries it, he will see a red light in front of his closed eyes because of the source of Red.

But, if any normal person tries this process, he will see nothing, except the dark black color, which every one see when they close their eyes.

"And if I am able to see it, that would be very good for me. Because if any man can use magic in this world, then he is considered no less than a treasure, and it is also said that in the world, A man who can use magic can get very hot, I mean good girlfriend or wife very easily." I said to myself while trying to focus.

"No no no, I have to focus, first I have to save my life from any dangerous situation and then I will think about the relationship or anything less important," I said to myself with a determined look.

After thinking about all of these teenage thoughts, I realized that I didn't change much after gaining my previous life memories. I just become very concerned about saving my life from any dangerous situation.

And with getting my concentration back, I started focusing again on using source.

And after completely clearing my mind from any other thoughts, when I try to find the source inside me and concentrate even more, suddenly I start seeing a red light, and as I go towards that red light. I see a blue light, near that red light.

"Wooo!, what was that? why I saw the two lights in my mind, what does that even mean?" I said to myself while taking a deep breath.

After trying to see the source, my whole body started sweating, my face was completely drenched with sweat, I taking out a handkerchief from my pocket and clean all the sweat on my face with it and then say to myself -

"If I think about what just I saw, there was no information about any of this on the game, but one thing is sure that, I can use magic because I was able to see Red light, but why I saw a blue light also, is it means that, I can also use the light magic without the source of corruption."

"Yes, there is the possibility, that I can use light magic because the source of corruption is born after you connect with any different source, and also when I get rid of the source of corruption that doesn't mean I also get disconnected from the source of light."

"But that not good, this is really bad, because The Magic tower of women, Arora will definitely don't like any man who can use the source of light, they will think that I am corrupted and I am just trying to fool them"

"First I have to try using both sources separately and then with combined also, and if by any chance I am able to use light magic, I will hide this truth at any cost, I will not use this magic at any situation,"

After thinking some more time, I first try to use The Source of Red, to blow a pen in the Air, which was on my study table, and as soon as I try to use the Source of Red, suddenly both my eyes Turns red and a red light starts coming out of my both hands, and in a few moments that pen starts flying in the air.

Seeing this a big smile appear on my face but that was not the right time to be happy because now I had to test the source of light as well.

And for testing light magic, I try to use light magic on that pen again, and as soon as I think of The Source of Light, suddenly both my eyes become blue and blue light starts coming out of my both hands, and within a few seconds the pen starts flying back into the air.

After seeing this, I was so shocked that any word didn't come out from me, and after the silence of more than 5 minutes, I calmed myself and started to use both sources at the same time.

And as I try to use both the sources together, my right eye turns blue and my left eye turns red, and with this blue light starts coming out from my right hand and the red light starts coming out from my left hand. And that pen was also started flying but after some small time that pen suddenly blasted because of the power overdose.

after seeing this I was so shocked, that I didn't have anything left to say. I also got very worried because something like this was not even mentioned in the game. It was completely new for me, so I start groping all the memories of my past life in the hope of finding any little bit of information but I found nothing.

But one thing was absolutely certain in front of me, that I can use both the source separately as well as together, but when I use both the sources together, then the same amount of power, which could able to fly a pen easily could blast that pen with power overdose. which proves that when both the sources are used together it is very very powerful and dangerous for anyone.

When I am thinking about all these things, then suddenly I hear the voice of my mother shouting at me and telling me to come down quickly and have breakfast so that I can reach the entrance exam at the right time.

Hearing my mother's order, I look at the clock in my room and it was already 10:30, my clock always running half an hour ahead of the current time so that I could get to any place early, and when I look at the clock at 10:30 then I understand that I have to hurry because the time of my entrance exam was at 11:00 am, and I was yet to have breakfast and then it takes more than 20 minutes to go from my home to the exam center.

So I quickly keep everything I need with me and quickly get down from my room and go to the kitchen for breakfast.

And as soon as I get to the kitchen, I see my father Ronald sitting on a table next to the dining table, and my mother Ariana sitting on my father's lap. Both of them start blushing on seeing me and my mother immediately gets up from my father's lap and starts placing 3 to 4 sandwiches on a plate for me.

seeing them like this I didn't say anything, because it was all common for me, my parent's marriage was a love marriage, they were lovers since their Academy days and this type of behavior is quite common in our house, and because of that, it became quite common for me to see them becoming all lovey-dovey, but after getting the memories of my past life, I feel a little shy for the first time in my life and I sit silently at my table without saying anything. But I was also very happy to see my parents happy and lovely.

And seeing me sitting absolutely peacefully on the chair my father Ronald suddenly says to me -

"Hey Arthur, Are you nervous, if yes, So don't be, because it's not like you have to fight a monster or give any maths test or something, just go there and do your best, my dear son"

Hearing my father sudden response, my mother Ariana also said -

"Oh my boy, don't be nervous, we are here for you, and you know your elder sister is already left to the academy to make everything ready for you"

Hearing both of their response, I said to them -

"Yes I am a little nervous but I also know that I can do it, so don't worry,"

"That's our boy, you start becoming a man now, Vanessa will definitely like you," my father said with a big laugh.

And seeing my father laughing, my mother suddenly pinch his hand and said to him -

"Don't tease my son,"

"I am just kidding,"

Hearing my father and mother, I suddenly said -

"I don't like Vanessa like that, she is just my friend"

Seeing my serious expression, they both understand that I am telling the truth, for a while, both of them get shocked but then they both look at each other and say softly -

"it seems that we misunderstood, well it is also good"

Hearing them talking very softly, I said to them -

"You know, I can hear you guys"

And hearing my reply, they both start laughing very loudly and say to me -

"So we think, now we can find you a good wife, hahaha"

"Whatever, you guys are..., You know it's already the time for me to leave, so I will now go for the academy exam, so thank you for breakfast and take care here," I said to my parents while leaving the kitchen.

Seeing me leave, they both wish me the best of luck for my exams and hand me the car keys.

To be continued...