
The Sidekick Shenanigans : Balancing Support in The World of Romance

A melancholic man finds himself unexpectedly reincarnated as a supportive character in a dating simulator game. As he navigates this new life, he realizes that his role is to die tragically for the character development of the main target in the female route. Will he be able to handle the pressure and rewrite his fate, or will he succumb to the inevitable tragedy that awaits him? Join him on this hilarious and heartwarming journey as he tries to find meaning in a world where his life is on the line for someone else's romantic storyline.

HydeUs · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 26. Chaos? (1)

As the day progresses, the party continues into the evening, with lanterns and fairy lights illuminating the grounds, creating a magical and enchanting setting. The night sky is dotted with stars, adding to the romantic and celebratory mood of the event.

Prince Lysander found himself enjoying the party and the brief interaction with Lucius, who was deeply engrossed in practicing his magic in the palace's backyard, which explained his absence during the celebration. Despite his desire to prolong the revelry at his younger brother's engagement party, he was not keen on encountering their father.

Allowing his older brother to enjoy himself, Prince Lysander engaged in a brief conversation with Lysandra, who appeared to be avoiding her father as well.

'Why do these nobles often try to avoid or dislike their own fathers?' he pondered aloud.

As Lysandra spoke about her mastery of intermediate fire magic at a young age and the challenges she faced in unlocking more advanced spells, a distant commotion caught their attention. As the clamor intensified, Prince Lysander and Lysandra exchanged intrigued glances before hastening towards the source of the noise. Exiting the grand ballroom, they entered the palace courtyard, where a throng had gathered around a cluster of guests engaged in a spirited debate.

At the center of the tumult stood a young man with disheveled hair and a resolute expression. He was locked in a fiery argument with an elderly noble, their voices escalating in fervor as they clashed. Some spectators seemed to be taking sides, while others observed with a mix of captivation and dismay.

The air crackled with unease, murmurs rippling through the crowd as they tried to decipher the unfolding confrontation. The significance of the event was palpable, drawing Prince Lysander and Lysandra into the web of intrigue that enveloped the courtyard.

Although the young man's face appeared younger than he remembered, possibly due to being around the same age as Prince Lucius, there was no denying that he was...

"John..." Prince Lysander whispered unknowingly, causing Lysandra to turn towards him. "Do you know him?" Lysandra whispered back.

"Ah, I only know his name because he's one of the nobles from the outskirts of town. Wait here, I have to quell the disturbance on our engagement day, which was meant to be peaceful," Prince Lysander said as he bid farewell to Lysandra. She appeared shy as Prince Lysander took her hand, delicately caressed it, and gave it a warm squeeze before striding towards the center where John, the central figure, was engaged in a heated argument with an elderly man who appeared to be another noble.

As Lysandra witnessed Prince Lysander striding towards the heart of the commotion, a blend of concern and intrigue quickened her heartbeat. Intrigued by the mysterious young man named John and his ties to the prince, she found herself swept up in a tide of unease, silently praying for a tranquil outcome to the unfolding drama. Amidst the chaos, her mind swirled with a torrent of uncertainties and anxieties, leaving her on edge about the impending confrontation's outcome.

Prince Lysander had never expected to encounter John, the main character, so soon. Despite John's humble origins on the town's periphery, the prince understood that he still held noble status. What could possibly be unfolding at this moment?

With the commencement of a new game at the academy, Prince Lysander was caught off guard by the unexpected developments. As one engaged and reveling in the festivity, he was determined not to let Lysandra's father or Lysandra herself view him in a lesser light if he failed to intervene and diffuse the escalating turmoil.

Attentively observing the heated exchange between the two men as he cautiously approached, Prince Lysander began to piece together the situation, realizing that...

The commotion in the courtyard may have erupted due to a disagreement or conflict between the young man, John, and the older noble. Perhaps John was looking like a commoner who had ventured into the noble crowd, causing tension and objections from the aristocrats. The debate could have been about John's presence at the engagement event leading to a heated exchange of words between him and the senior noble.

As the situation escalated, onlookers may have taken sides based on their opinions about class distinctions and societal norms. The outcome of the confrontation could have far-reaching consequences for John, the nobles, and the relationships between different social classes within the kingdom.

When Prince Lysander appeared in the midst of the commotion, the murmurs among the other nobles quickly died down. The old man, who had paused his argument, bowed respectfully to greet Prince Lysander before turning to John with harsh words, requesting that Prince Lysander remove John from the party. Undeterred, John confidently asserted his nobility, proclaiming himself a true noble despite his status as a mere baron from the outskirts of town.

As Prince Lysander calmly approached the conflicting parties with a charming smile, he spoke with a soothing tone, "Gentlemen, let us not allow this misunderstanding to escalate any further. I believe there may be a simple explanation to this situation...I believe thatㅡ" With his quick thinking and calm demeanor, he effortlessly steered the discussion towards a peaceful resolution.


After imparting a detailed and insightful explanation, the old man bowed apologetically to John and Prince Lysander before hurriedly exiting the palace, clearly embarrassed and attempting to evade the scrutiny of other nobles.

With admiration gleaming in his eyes, John joyfully embraced Prince Lysander, who stood slightly shorter than him, exclaiming, "Oh my goodness! Prince, I am immensely grateful for your assistance! I deeply regret causing a disturbance at your engagement celebration, my Lord."

Prince Lysander, in a gentle gesture, patted John's shoulder and freed himself from the hug, nodding in understanding. Just as he turned to respond, Lysandra approached from behind, calling his name softly, "Lysander!"

"Oh, Lysandra? Now that the chaos has settled—" Prince Lysander's words trailed off as Lysandra unexpectedly wrapped him in an embrace as well.

In contrast to John's firm grip, when Lysandra embraced him, it felt as though a wave of warmth and comfort washed over Prince Lysander. The gentle pressure of her arms around him was reassuring, and he found himself momentarily lost in the embrace, cherishing the moment of connection and understanding between them. It seemed as if time had momentarily stood still, allowing Prince Lysander to bask in the peaceful and calming presence of Lysandra's hug for a few precious moments longer than he had anticipated...


To Be Continue ?

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