
The Sidekick Shenanigans : Balancing Support in The World of Romance

A melancholic man finds himself unexpectedly reincarnated as a supportive character in a dating simulator game. As he navigates this new life, he realizes that his role is to die tragically for the character development of the main target in the female route. Will he be able to handle the pressure and rewrite his fate, or will he succumb to the inevitable tragedy that awaits him? Join him on this hilarious and heartwarming journey as he tries to find meaning in a world where his life is on the line for someone else's romantic storyline.

HydeUs · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 22. Another Flag

As a member of the Clover family, every member is naturally blessed with luck.

Prince Lysander stirred from his deep slumber, opening his heavy eyes to find Lilith standing beside his bed, her weapon ablaze, gazing at him.

Naturally, he was startled.

Observing the intensity in Lilith's stare, Prince Lysander realized that she might be like Rose, who had massacred her servants in her sleep. Whether she was sleepwalking or trapped in a nightmare...

It was undeniably a chilling scenario.

Prince Lysander hesitantly spoke, "If you want to stay and sleep, it's fine. Perhaps you could share a bedtime story with me."

"I will end you, boy."

"Is that so?"

Hold on a moment. Could this unintentionally be the second death omen triggered by provoking Lilith?

The sword, cloaked in dancing flames, was held aloft by Lilith as it aimed menacingly at Prince Lysander's neck.

"Do you have any final words?" Lilith's whisper was frigid.

"Well, this is not your fault. Thank you for the lessons all this time. I have learned much as your student, Miss Lilith," Prince Lysander replied with composure, despite the cold sweat coursing down his neck and soaking his back.

Despite the imminent danger, an inexplicable calmness washed over him, as if this moment could lead to either death once more or a peculiar reincarnation as a sea coral in desolate heavens.

"Is that all? In that case..." Lilith swung her sword to end Prince Lysander's life, only to abruptly halt at the brink of his neck where blood began to trickle.


Feeling a dampness on his cheek, Prince Lysander slowly opened his eyes to find Lilith, who had placed her sword beside his bed, silently shedding tears. Her cheeks were wet with cascading tears, her furrowed brows and trembling voice barely audible as she spoke softly. Despite the night breeze threatening to carry away her words, they resonated clearly with Prince Lysander.

"You...You don't know how scared I was back then...they all...they all attacked me. I have lost my innocence...What have I done wrong? Why was I brought into this world only to be abandoned like this?? Why...why do I have this accursed special blood?!!!"

Moved by Lilith's impassioned words, Prince Lysander slowly rose from his bed and enveloped Lilith in a tight embrace, her taller stature dwarfing his own, possibly reaching up to her waist.

"This isn't your fault, Lilith. To me, you are already perfect just the way you are. Your purity doesn't matter. What truly counts is that you're a kind soul, not as ruthless as those mad bandits," Prince Lysander whispered, attempting to console Lilith but worried he might unintentionally offend her. He held her close with his still-developing body.

As Prince Lysander enveloped Lilith in his embrace, she felt a wave of tenderness wash over her. Despite the vast age difference that separated them, she found comfort in the way his small, innocent body pressed against her own. The contrasting combination of his youthful vulnerability and her mature strength created a poignant and unexpected connection between them. In that intimate moment, she could sense his sincerity, his pure intentions to comfort her and offer solace in his own unique way.

As she held him tightly, she felt a rush of emotions - a mixture of protectiveness, compassion, and a burgeoning sense of affection for the young prince. The contrast between their bodies seemed to fade away as she focused on the purity of his gesture, the genuine desire to make her feel safe and loved. In his embrace, she found a sense of peace and understanding, a bond forged in the most unlikely of circumstances that transcended age and physical form.

It was a moment of unexpected intimacy, a meeting of hearts and souls that left her feeling a warmth she had never experienced before.

After a brief embrace, Lilith reluctantly pulled away, her eyes fixed on Prince Lysander with a nostalgic gaze. "Thank you, you truly are a good student of mine. Do you know, upon closer inspection, you're quite cute—almost like a lost puppy. Would you allow me to take you home and care for you?"


The sudden shift in Lilith's demeanor left Prince Lysander bewildered. What did she mean by taking him home to take care for him as puppy?

Attempting a forced smile, Prince Lysander replied calmly, "Thank you for your kind words, Miss Lilith. However, as a prince, it would create quite a stir if you were to abduct me for such purposes, especially considering the Night Flare gang. Please understand."

Lilith furrowed her brow, a mix of frustration and adorableness crossing her features as she finally released her embrace of Prince Lysander and gripped her sword. "What if I ask for permission first?"

After some time attempting to explain a peculiar situation that Lilith eventually accepted, Prince Lysander successfully escorted her back to his headquarters, allowing her to cling to him during the journey. Despite feeling a sense of calm as he witnessed Lilith's wide smile and heard her recount her daring escapade, Prince Lysander couldn't shake the feeling that he was now opening a forbidden door in his life, or perhaps unfurling a mysterious flag that held dangers for his future.

Yet, the sight of Lilith's smiling face beside him already brought Prince Lysander happiness, suggesting that this path they were embarking on together might be the best one they could take.


The day after, as the palace buzzed with rumors of an intruder and the city bustled with talk, Lilith and Prince Lysander's relationship seemed to be on the mend—until Lilith learned of Prince Lysander's engagement.

"What does this mean?" Lilith inquired, her tone surprisingly calm and her expression blank, which somehow sent a chill more potent than her usual fiery anger. Her icy demeanor prompted the bar patrons and the friendly bartender to quietly exit the establishment, leaving Prince Lysander, his brow glistening with sweat.

"Of course, as a prince, it's inevitable for me to be engaged sooner or later, Lilith. You understand, don't you? It's for the peace among the kingdom factions and the people..." Prince Lysander replied with a naive smile.

"Nonsense, I'm certain you've also grown fond of your betrothed."

"That's true, but I also have feelings for you, Lilith. So relax, and let's continue our sword practice as usual before Rina, my maid, comes looking for me in the room," Prince Lysander responded with a smile, his gaze fixed on Lilith's as his hand tenderly brushed against hers.

Lilith gave a frustrated sigh and turned her face away, although deep down, she was secretly pleased. "Fine. I'll let it go this time. After all, I have no interest in matters of royalty."

"Ah, good."

What lay ahead for Prince Lysander was shrouded in uncertainty...


To Be Continue ?

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