
I transmigrated!?!?


Suddenly a boy jolted awake, 'Huh?bang?,is that a gun being shot?' ,The boy frowned as His Vision is blurry.

Then suddenly a shout can be Heard, "AARON"

The boy frowned as memories came to him like a tilded wave, "who?Aaron?", I say as memories rushed up to me and i get a Splitting headaches that makes me want to rip my head out.

Then a few minutes later after accepting the memories my headaches Starts to ease slowly and my blurry Vision Starts to Clearing, I slowly sit to analayze the memories.

'so this memories tell me that my name is Aaron Ryan..i live in a poor Family who already lost both of their parent in a war, After the passing of both of Them my older brother Fell ill, And i have one little sister who is 16 years old and still in school, Then because of that i became the Family head at the age of 16..so its been two years since both the parent death...that means my brother is now 20'.

'wait brother !?!? but i don't have brother...no im not him..then who am i? And These memories it seems like they're half complete and im not this person, Did..i transmigrated??

but i don't have memories of my previous life'

i frown as i try to remember my previous life.

Then another shout ring out as it break my train of thought, With that i completely discard my Analysis and slowly walked to the door of my room thats in very poor condition where there just a single bed in the corner, with a desk at the side of the bed, while in the middle of the wall is a single window, thats big enough to see around the town,and as i got close i Saw thats Theres a mirror beside the door.

'i think the one who keeps calling me is probably this guy sister, huh? who is that?' i walk closer to the mirror.

'this..this is..me?..?' the boy in the mirror looked at me in confusion written in His face, He has fair complexion, and He have pale white porcelain skin, with a white eyes? and blood like red hair 'this..this is not me..so i really transmigrated?, but how would i know? i don't even have memories of my last life?', i frown in a confusion.