
The Side Character Omega

Adrien suddenly had a strange dream. He dreamed that his senior brother Darius, who he's had a crush on since he was a child was the Male Lead of a novel. Unfortunately, he was just a character that nearly didn't even appear for 3 lines! --------------------------

Dragonbreath246 · Urban
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Chapter 8

The trio snacked happily on some macarons for a while when Nanny Wei suddenly came in.

"Oh!" Nanny Wei said," The young master has already eaten!"

Darius said," Yes, he should be tired now, he's been playing with his uncles all day."

Lucas didn't respond.

"Of course!" Nanny Wei exclaimed, excited that she could finally be alone with the brat," I'll send him up to take a nap right away!"

As Nanny Wei took Lucas up the stair, Darius gave him a thumbs up and a comforting look. Adrien could only watch anxiously.

Once they disappeared from sight Adrien grabbed Darius's sleeve," Shouldn't we follow them?"

"We'll follow them after 3 minutes. She'll check if anyone is around."

Adrien nodded anxiously.

As they were waiting in the living room, Jamie suddenly came in.

"Oh hello, Master Darius... and... young master Adrien."

Adrien nodded curtly, was it just him, or did Jamie always seem less enthusiastic towards him?

Either way, he was still anxious and decided not to pay the omega any mind. He tapped the floor restlessly.

"Are you done with work? Darius asked politely.

Darius rested his hand on Adrien's legs trying to comfort him," If you're done, you can leave for the day."

Adrien watched Jamie's gaze stray towards his knees which his senior was holding down.

"I-I don't have much to do today so would you like me to cook lunch?" Jamie said hurriedly looking away," I don't think it's right to let the guest cook every day..."

Suddenly Darius's phone went off. Adrien leaped up and dashed towards the stairs and ran up to the 2nd floor with Darius right behind him after he turned off the alarm.

Jamie was left all alone in the living room confused.


Adrien flung open the door and looked at the scene with blazing eyes.

Nanny Wei was grabbing Lucas roughly by the arm, her other hand held a long, thin metal needle and it was poised so that it would pierce the baby's precious skin.

"What are you doing!" he yelled in distress and quickly pushed her away and grabbed Lucas. He analyzed Lucas from head to toe to make sure that he wasn't hurt anywhere and hugged him tightly.

"Young- young master, you misunderstood!" Nanny Wei tried to explain.

"What? That you were abusing my nephew!?" Darius exclaimed angrily from the door.

Nanny Wei paled," No! No, you both misunderstood! It's not what it looks like!"

"There's no reason to deny it!" Darius thundered, the alpha thundered releasing angry and ruthless suppressing pheromones in the air," I installed cameras and voice recorders, don't think you can get away with it!"

"I already caught you pinching him near my office!"

Adrien frowned as he hid Lucas and got out of the room quickly so as not to be affected by the pheromone, after all, he was an omega, a dominant one at that.

Adrien called some of the bodyguards and told them to come to the room.

Adrien patted Lucas's back comfortingly," You did such a good job baby. I'm so proud of you."

Lucas nodded excitedly, he watched as the guards dragged Nanny Wei away to the living room and held her there as Darius called the police.

Jamie watched the whole scenario dumbstruck.

Mr. and Mrs. Woodchester came down in a hurry after hearing all the noise and Adrien filled them in.

"What!?" Mrs. Woodchester exclaimed holding her chest.

Mr. Woodchester's face was ugly," Why didn't you kids tell us what was happening?"

"Don't nag Adrien," Darius said walking over," it was my idea to do this."

"Adrien told me this morning that Lucas said nanny Wei was hurting him so I set up this whole scenario, of course, Lucas helped," he said smiling and pinching Lucas's cheek.

Lucas giggled," Will she be going to jail now uncle?"

"That's a right sweety," Darius said, patting his head.

Darius watched as his parents endlessly made sure Lucas was alright, even if this would be it for Nanny Wei, Darius wasn't about to let the person behind all this go. His eyes shone with a sharp light.