
The Sickness That Swallowed The World

As a global war comes to its end brought on by the use of viral weapons something worse comes on as the consequence. The world is swallowed by a fog that is filled with a deadly virus bringing many of the world's countries to their knees. Only one man and his army are able to march through the fog without being hindered. Follow along as the death toll rises and a new war brings itself across the world.

CalebWalker · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
51 Chs

The Change

"Jason you can't yell at people like that." His commanding officer's face had a grim expression.

"You called me in here for that?" Jason could hear how annoyed his words sounded and regretted speaking at all.

"No I called you in here to tell you that we lost the war. In fact, we all lost the war. All of the countries are under this heavy fog and reports said people that are not inside air right homes are getting sick.

We got lucky to be in here. It appears that mutual destruction happened even without nuclear weapons being used. None of us have the cure for the virus that is in this fog. Do you understand what I am saying?" The commander sounds as if his soul was lost with his words.

"Yes, sir I fully understand your words. Do you have any words on our allies?" Jason felt he overstepped his pay grade with his question but asked anyway.

"No, we do not have any words yet. Go back to your bunk area and keep that girl safe please." He gave Jason a fake smile.

Jason left the office the image of people falling from sickness as the fog fell heavy over their heads filled his head. In his mind, everyone looked up curious as their loved ones fell over sick. He didn't know what the virus did to people and that was scary to him. How long will it be before they could leave? What would happen to them if they could leave?

————meanwhile in Italy ———————————

As the fog began to cover the city an armada of landing crafts covered the southern coast of Sicily. Each one of the ships standing at a count of seven carried twenty soldiers. They marched out of their ships clad in gas masks and uniform black trench coats. Their march off of the beach had no bumps in the path as they stepped over dead bodies and executed the ones who couldn't fight back.

"Do not stop until we have taken this island from Italy and send the message to the world that we are here!" The commanding voice echoed through the silent buildings that lined the beach.

"Sir yes sir!" They called back in unison.

When the invasion party hit their first city they found their first resistance. Gunfire rang out of buildings that were being held by the Italian military that wore outdated but usable masks. They fought hard but I'm the end their older masks failed to protect them in a long fight.

"For the future of United Africa!" The soldiers yelled as they stormed into buildings.

They went door to door pulling civilians out into the virus-filled fog. If they couldn't walk into the fog they got executed in their homes while a figure covered in all black watched on emotionless. The screams of men, women, and children filled the streets as terror was forced upon Italy and its people.

"Who are you to kill us like this?" A civilian demanded through their coughs.

"Me? Well, I am the man who has killed your whole family and will kill Italy under my goddamn boot. My name is Mahek Abdula and don't forget it." Even with the mask on a savage smile could be felt behind it.

Mahek drew a pistol that looks battered and placed it to the civilian's head. Holding it to his head Mahek got down to eye level. No words passed between them as it felt like the world fell away leaving only the two of them. Mahek got close to the civilian's ear close enough they could hear each other breathing.

"Say hello to your god for me." Mahek whispered barely audible through his gas mask before pulling away and pulling the trigger. "Set the charges on the buildings and let's move forward!"

"Yes sir!" The soldiers around him called as they entered each building with large bags.

————————-Jason's bunk——————————

A news broadcast came across the T.V. calling the attention of everyone around the bunker. Out of curiosity, everyone began to gather around. No one said it but they all wanted to know about the outside world. Soon after everyone had gathered around a clean-cut man appeared on the screen his head held heavy.

"We are here with breaking news. As you all know countries around the world are covered in a fog that when inhaled causes sickness right away. We have found out that gas masks will allow you to travel freely for a time. The issue comes with getting the gas masks to people without sacrificing men and women needlessly. If you are still alive block any places in your house where air can freely move.

The military is working with the CDC and many other government entities to help you. We have more breaking news coming from Europe. It seems that Sicily is now burning to the ground after landing crafts of military grade appeared on the coasts. The landing crafts hold no flags that tie with any nations. We can only assume it is a new militia out of Africa who went dark shortly after selling the bioweapons to all the countries ten years ago.

No one has any information besides what appears to be a live drown feed showing a flag being raised atop a tower. From what we can see it bears the initials U.A.C. Below it stands several soldiers dressed in all black with gas masks which seem to have no filters. We will update everyone as more information is shared with us, but please stay safe and stay inside.

God rest our souls."

The screen went black as he finished speaking. All around the room everyone wore expressions of shock and sorrow. In silence, everyone went to lay on their bunks trying to solve the puzzle of information given to them. The world was already in chaos but now the world knows that Africa sold weapons to both sides of the petty war they waged with each other. That's made worse by this new player of unknown origin and unknown motivation.