
The Sickness That Swallowed The World

As a global war comes to its end brought on by the use of viral weapons something worse comes on as the consequence. The world is swallowed by a fog that is filled with a deadly virus bringing many of the world's countries to their knees. Only one man and his army are able to march through the fog without being hindered. Follow along as the death toll rises and a new war brings itself across the world.

CalebWalker · Sci-fi
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51 Chs


Greta looked out over the two new additions to the farm with a smile on her face. It made her feel a childish sense of joy to see the new homes. It had felt lonely until now as her mission continues to move forward. She was one step closer to claiming her throne next to Death to rule over the new world. She pulled a nearby chair to her and let out a sigh of relief as she sat down. The world around her felt brighter as she continued to look out as a group of people emerged over the crest of a distant hill.

"We have some newcomers." She said to herself as she made her way inside.

Outside she could hear the newcomers being directed to her home where they are met at the door by Greta. After being greeted and invited inside she fed them before telling them about her plans of building a sanctuary for everyone to live in peace again. This seemed to have brought a sense of happiness to the newcomers before they had been assigned rooms temporarily. She wanted them to feel welcome or in a way like they are her family.

Time passed everyone in the growing village quickly as houses began to rise around Greta. After five months had passed the people of the village began building a wall around their homes. Greta found herself standing in silence as she got lost in thought. Her mind started to wander into daydreams about how the world will change as her village approaches its completion. She was shaken from her daydream as a knock came to the door.

"Hello?" Her voice had a hint of confusion to it as she spoke.

"Ma'am it's Phoson. He wanted to ask you some questions." The voice was raspy and weak as it came through the door.

She opened the door slowly in fear of something being on the other side with intent to harm her. When the door was fully opened Phoson was there standing over her. She gestured him inside and offered him something to drink as they took seats across from each other in the dining area. With a sigh she sat back making eye contact with Phoson.

"How can I help you?" She asked with a smile on her face.

"Well, I was wondering if we planned for more people to join us?" Phoson asked with a smile.

"I think we are not going to be taking in anyone else. Let's finish the gate as fast as possible." She gave him a smile and waved Phoson off.

He exited her home without another word and without looking back. Greta cleaned their drinking glasses before heading to her workshop outside. She had almost forgotten about the radio with her never checking it in the time that had passed since rebuilding it. She placed a hand on it and took a deep breath before turning the power switch off. This marked a new era for the people that lived around her. The future to come would hold many ups and downs as Greta began to form more trust with those that lived within her small community.

Much time will be put into what she will come to call the new church state. She wants it to come to cover the world as she and her new friend had planned for it to while she slept. Every night her dreams got flooded by voices and blueprints of what to build with each step she needed to take. It was all planned with care that seemed to go beyond her mind. In the basement of her home she worked day and night on masks for her followers as everything seemed to come together.

It all seemed to be coming together for her. A village of people who supported her and saw her as their savior. They all lived with a sense of safety in numbers and with the dome that surrounded their home no one had to where a mask inside their walls. With a laugh she walked off to bed laying the last mask on a nearby pile of them.

"Now to sleep before I finish my destiny." With these final words she laid down to sleep.

Sorry for this chapter taking so long. Many things have come up in my life and I will be coming back to writing this story. It will not be in the same frequency as it had been before. I am looking at a chapter or two chapters every two weeks to every three weeks.

CalebWalkercreators' thoughts