

Long time ago in a town call Mopha in the city of Gwaram, we're I grow up

there is this young lady within my age bracket whose parent just relocated into my town, her father being a teacher was posted from the city in to my own town were I was born and brought up.

it is true that when ever some one new come to my small town the person is well noticed because we do every thing possible to prove ourself to them

but this time it is deffrent because having seen a young lady my age brackets who knows how to speak a good English and whose parents had lived in the city until work brought her parents to my town this is something admiring and we all want to identify with her

I am the shy type and very reserved but one thing I found out about myself is that I want to identify with Rehema, this made me to always walk pass her neighborhood just to have a distant sight of her, sometime I will have to go through that raught several times in few hours just to be sure I see her from afar, this continued for my days into months and almost to half part of the year, yet I have not made any move towards talking with Rehema

only on few times when she will wave at me and this always made me feel happy

this continued until one day I had the chance to meet her on my way from the market, though still very shy but I stopped to have conversation with her she was kind and when I introduce myself she gave me a friendly smile and we became friends

Going to school became fun and very interesting

Rehema my new friend is brilliant and smart and this time I had some one who is intelligent and will definitely improve myself.

My school name is Arome Grammer school

I have always been the best student until Rehema comes to join us, this had made me to improve myself and become more serious with my academics.

Soon I become the closes person to Rehema and that summer we changed class to grade 4 (four) when the result was out my name was mention as top in the class and Rehema was second we are now very close and we started having emotional attachment which result to her becoming my first love, I will go out with Rehema to the stream and will also accompany her to the market until ln this faithful day when Ogonna came to join our school

Ogonna was an athlete who knows how to do vitualy everything and has made him to get alot of likes and soon he has gain a wide spreed popularity among pupils from my school and the community

ogonna became the choicest and most celebrated young man in the town and even from neighboring villages his name is well known since every one wants to identifywith him and make friends with him

one day I saw him from a distance talking to Rehema this did not go down well with me and it truly made me uncomfortable I couldn't walk to them so I stayed afar off to watch whats happening, this continued for quite some time until I surmorn courage to ask her of the new attitude I noticed and her new found friend

this is one of the most difficult moment of my life knowing that I have a task ahead and a Rehema to lose, after we took time and talk Rehema was very straight forward to me as she told me how this new champion guy has been admiring her and making advances towards her

on hearing this I was able to convince her that I have a good intention towards her and knowing so well that the very new ogonna was a celebrity I double my effort to have good grades in school and this has helped me to make such deffrence in my study life and pursuit

After a shot while in my final grade I became the best student in the entire state and this brought so much honour to my life and family as I was given scholarship to study the cause of my choice abroad, the news went round and I soon became the number one eye of my community and every attention was now on me knowing my future is bright

on the day of our national speech day as I was to address my school Dad was so proud to see his son looking well dressed while reading my speech Rehama was surprise to hear me mention her name as one of my motivation, because of her I was challenged to double my effort and this is the result of that effort.

my story with Rahema started well and after study abroad I return home to contribute my own part in My society and with the encouragement of Rahema as my motivation I was able to build school, borehole and also build a mini market for my community

this open a new chapter in my life as I became more engage in several projects and many awards kept coming into hands and several recognitions.

I am now an adult whose life was built from the scratch through hard work commitments and dedication to the right path

I have inspire alot of people as they could now see in me that the desire future is possible if only they can believe in themselves work hard towards that believe, I now have a center in deffrent states of my nation were I help the young people this center is called DESTINY CLINIC and alot of the young men has been built today and several walking on the key principles of success that I have learnt and taught them it is my joy to see many growing to become a true light bearer in there family communities and even the nation at large

this has brought alot of fulfillment to me and it is my dream to give back to my society all they have helped to become

as it is today Rehema is my wife and we have two beautiful kids.