
The Shopkeeper of Konoha

Pushed into the dangerous world of the anime Naruto out of a random wish, the protagonist who didn't have any training was forced to carve his way out in this godforsaken world. He could only follow the footsteps of previous owner and hope he could survive. Follow Aoto as he stamps his own influence in the world slowly and brings changes the known world. Join the discord server at discord.gg/ankAtNwyaz

thelightedghost · Anime & Comics
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237 Chs

You should have told me this

"If you are stronger than me, then why didn't you escape?" Hiashi was irritated, seeing how haughty this woman was and how she was ridiculing him, even though he guessed she too, like him, was a prisoner.

"You really are ignorant," Chomei said.


"Do you even know what this place is and what the books are? Read them. And then you will know how little you know of the world, the universe, and of course the multiverse," Chomei explained.

"Universe? Multiverse? What the hell are you talking about?" Hiashi was completely confused. Chomei didn't bother to explain and just called up a book which floated towards Hiashi. He had been seeing the floating books for quite some time, so for the first time, he used his byakugan to see how the chakra was used to make the books float.

When he saw no chakra lines or the presence of chakra, he was taken aback. The book floated near him and out of curiosity, he started reading it. Of course, he didn't believe a single word being written in the book.

Unlike others, he hadn't seen the magic for himself, so he found it ridiculous. Chomei could see his disbelief, so she didn't care and walked away before telling him that he could read the books around the library since the 'library' had allowed him to do so. Hiashi wanted to talk more about escaping, but she didn't want to listen to him at all.

Meanwhile, Hinata, after coming out of the room, roamed around and read some books. Of course, like her father at first, she didn't want to believe, but then she remembered how Naruto was able to save him and also use those round and square lights to protect her.

She wanted to know more, but she found herself feeling sleepy. It was Aoto who came and told her that she should leave and could come back tomorrow if she wanted to meet her father. Hinata, being a good girl, nodded, and after leaving the library, she saw her uncle sitting with a blank look on his face.

Seeing Hinata, he bowed down again and asked for forgiveness. She, of course, said she understood what was going on and that if he hadn't done what he had done, her brother Neji would have lost his father.

"Uncle, you should speak to Neji-nisan about it," Hinata said as they made their way home.

"No. He is working hard in mourning for my death. Let him suffer a bit, for a year or so, and then I will tell him," Hizashi said. Hinata felt bad for her brother, but she didn't want to say more.

"Did you meet your father?" Hizashi asked.

"Yes, Father is doing fine," Hinata said.

"Good... Good," Hizashi said as he sighed in relief. He had been living with guilt, thinking his brother was suffering. Knowing from his own daughter that his brother was fine made his burden a little lighter.

Hinata wanted to talk about the library, but somehow, the moment that thought came to her mind, something in her forbade her to do so. She felt like it was some kind of seal. But then again, she had been warned of this.

With many thoughts in her mind she went home and because it was a tiring day, it didn't take long for her to fall asleep. 


The next day after class, she came straight to Aoto's place and asked if she could meet her father. 

"Of course, go in." Aoto said and sent her to the library. Naruto had already returned and was practicing himself. Hinata at first went to meet with her father who was looking at Naruto practicing with the woman he had met before. 

And the more he saw, the more he was confused. He could see that these two had chakra. Though the chakra lines in Chomei was quite obscure, he could see a bit of it, but Naruto definitely had massive amount of chakra and also a foreign one, which was probably Kyuubi. But why the hell was he able to do the techniques he was using while fighting the woman. 

The woman seemed to be toying with Naruto. 

"Chomei-san, you are way too good." Naruto said while the whip in his hand slowly vanished away. 

"I am older and more powerful than you. Of course I am better than you." Chomei replied. Naruto just laughed and then saw Hinata was here. 

"Ah, Hinata. Are you here to study with us?" Naruto said. 

"Yes.. Yes... Naruto-kun." Hinata finding hard to hide his shyness said. Her face cheeks were red as she replied. Hiashi noticed it but didn't say anything. He was more mesmerized by what he saw. Chomei and Naruto did something, which he only read but refused to admit the truth. 

But now seeing in reality made him doubt everything. Though he was curious he wanted to spend more time with Hinata and walked around the library. Both of them couldn't stop each other and thus started reading books that came up and the more they read, the more they were surprised and also horrified. 



Lords of Dimensions. 



The library just opened a new world for them and they had just taken a peek at it. 


Two weeks had gone by since Hinata had started showing up regularly. Unlike Eldritch magic, Hinata showed an acute talent for celestial magic. Yes, celestial magic. The magic that had evaded everyone present. 

"System what is going on?" 


Hinata Hyuga has a pretty good talent when it comes to celestial magic.


"Is that it? None of us has the talent for celestial magic?" 


Host and Naruto Uzumaki has the talent for celestial magic.


"What? Me and Naruto? How come we don't know." 


Host, any evolvable talent belong to the highest category of talent which is celestial magic. Naruto Uzumaki hasn't shown such talent as of yet because his talent is master level so he is good in Eldtrich too. And another reason him being an idiot.


"Fuck. What exactly is celestial magic." 


Celestial magic encompasses everything. Like chaos magic, it can also create anything out of nothing but it has it's limitations as someone who has deeply learnt chaos magic tends to go crazy. Celestial Magic doesn't have those drawback.


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