
The Shinobi of Straw Hats

Jono is just an ordinary guy with ordinary life. But he died young because of pandemic. But when he's about to be judge by GOD, he's got a chance. But of course, just because you're reincarnated with some wishes, doesn't mean it will be a smooth road. __________________________________________ This is my first time writing, and english is not my first language, so please understand if i made many mistakes. __________________________________________ I don't own the characters in this story, even MC's appearance are not mine. ________________________________ I have posted from chapter 222-231 in my patreon page, and i plan to upload there 2 chapters a day. The story on my patreon will be ahead of the one on Webnovel. Chapter 1 to 221 only available on Webnovel. I will still upload in webnovel 1 chapter a day like usual, so don't worry. Well, i will be glad if you decide to support me on patreon, and help me to pay my college fee, which short on $50, yeah i'm being shameless now, and i ask for help. You can pay upfront, and September will be free. I'm already happy that you guys still read my writing till now though. Thank you for your support so far. I will try to be consistent, unlike last week, lol. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PeekACoo

PeekACoo · Anime & Comics
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276 Chs

32. Rainbow Mist

Some days after Strawhats leave the goat island, they got chased by Marines, again. They run away quickly because the Marines are very persistent and there are many ships. But sometime later something strange happen. The Marines actually shot their own ship, maybe an accident so they stop and help their comrades first. So the Strawhats can escape easily.

After some hours, they found an island and dock at a rocky shore. They're pirates so if they can't dock at port normally. They all except Zoro that sleeping got out but then there's someone that seem to be an officer of this island come and tell them to pay tax of docking their ship.

"Why must we pay tax when we dock in this place? It's not port."-Nami

"But you still dock in the island."-Officer A

"How much?"-Jon

"10.000 berri per person"-Officer A


Jon then pay the tax because it's cheap for them now. Even tough it's actually not cheap but they're millioner now, so it's cheap. He choose to pay some money rather than creating unnecessary problems. He know the crew will eventually creating problems so at least he want a peaceful start.

The officer left and the crew go on their own way. Nami bring Sanji and Chopper to help her shopping, Luffy just run to search a restaurant. Jon about to leave for his usual investigation but suddenly there's an old man that call them and ask them about Rainbow Mist.

"Did you guys saw Rainbow Mist when you come here?"-Old man

"Rai-rainbow what?"-Usopp

"Sigh, so you're stupid"-Old man


"Can you tell us in details about Rainbow Mist?"-Robin

They go to a restaurant and meet Luffy there. The old man order a food and tell the shopkeeper that Usopp is the one paying.


"I want to tell a story so of course you must give me food"-Old man

"What's with that logic?"-Usopp

"My name is Henzo, i'm researching about Rainbow Mist"-Old man Henzo

Then he start to tell the story about Rainbow Mist and Robin took out the book about it. Hanzo that only want to be called Professor, immediately take it and read it. But then the shopkeeper tell them to not believe Henzo because he is the Mayor's dog.

Henzo use tax that they got from citizen for his research, so many citizen hate him. The Mayor, Wetton believe that in the Rainbow Mist there's a lot of treasures. So he start to take tax on anything to fund his research about Rainbow Mist, and Henzo is the researcher. That's why citizens call him Mayor's dog.

They just stay silent, but then there's a drum sound from outside and all the citizen quickly finished their food and drink. When the drum sound end, a bunch of officer lead by a middle aged man with reddish hair come in. He start to collect tax from anything that the citizen doing, even someone that only have a bit of his drink left need to pay tax.

Then he saw Luffy eating a big portion of spaghetti and ask him to pay tax too. Luffy simply said that Usopp is the one paying so he got his wallet empty.

"Thank you for the food"-Luffy

"Don't kid me, why should i pay your food?"-Usopp

"Now you understand what i'm saying right? Don't be too closed to Hanzo or you will not have money again."-Shopkeeper

The other customer also nod at this.

"We're not the one that will decide that, our captain will"-Robin

Then Henzo, Luffy, Usopp and Robin left, but Jon stay in the restaurant.

"Sigh, you guys are too simple don't you?"-Jon

"Huh? What do you mean boy?"-Shopkeeper

"From your story it is clear that the Mayor want to enter the Rainbow Mist because of the treasures and money right?"-Jon

"That's true"-Shopkeeper

"Then if there's no Rainbow Mist or he can't come inside there, where do you think he will got his money?"-Jon

The citizen wide their eyes, they understand what Jon want to say.

"He will get it from us"-Shopkeeper

"That's right, no matter if Henzo help him or not, he will milk your pocket dry. Beside, you guys also know that Rainbow Mist is dangerous right? So at least if old man Hanzo can predict where it will appear you guys can avoid the danger. If you don't like to be treat this poorly then why don't you fight back or call for help from Marined or anything? Just waiting will not change anything."-Jon

Jon said that last line while standing up, he open the door and look back and said,

"If you don't like your destiny, don't accept it. Instead, have the courage to change it the way you want it to be! (Uzumaki Naruto)"-Jon

The he left the restaurant, leaving the stunned people behind. He walk after Luffy at the port while thinking.

'Kuuh, finally after many days and weeks i can use one of my quotes list. It's a bit forced but the situation is rather suitable, so it's okay. I hope i meet better situation for another quotes or cool lines. Haaa, i really missed doing this.'-Jon

When Jon arrived at the port, he saw many people have gathered. He look around and saw a galeon ship on the sea. He also saw Henzo use a small paddle boat to the galeon.

"What happened Usopp? Why's there a galeon there?"-Jon

"I don't know, old man Henzo suddenly go there after seeing it."-Usopp

"Hey, let's go there!"-Luffy

Then Luffy, Jon, Usopp and Robin take Going Merry and approach the galeon while Zoro is still sleeping on the deck. They got inside and found nothing. They finally meet Henzo and ask him about the ship.

"There's no mistake, this is the ship back then. The ship from 50 years ago, and it didn't change one bit at all."-Henzo

Then Henzo's machine make a strange noise and he go out, followed by the crew. They saw a Rainbow Mist at far place and Henzo want to go there, but the galeon's steer controller is broke. So he take Going Merry and use it without the crew permission.

"I'll use this ship then."-Henzo

"WHAATTT"-Luffy and Usopp

Jon have a tickmark, he flickered and appear behind Henzo.

"Damn you ungrateful old man, how dare you steal our ship"-Jon

He hit Henzo's head and make him fall comically with a bump. Then Luffy, Usopp and Robin arrived so Henzo explain that the galeon controller is broken, so he use Merry. Luffy just let it be because he want to go inside the Mist too.

They got inside the mist and saw many broken ship. Luffy got very excited about the adventure, while Usopp got really scare about ghost. Luffy and Usopp then got inside a ship and they found a box full of jewelry. Jon is excited seeing this, he want to find all the treasures here. Money is never enough afterall, he has start to become money oriented like Nami.

Jon make shadow clones to his limit now, 20 clones, because his chakra hasn't grow that much. 20 clones is his max number that can still be used for combat, but they're not that strong. He and the clones spread to get every treasures in every ship, be it floating or drowned.

"Hehe, maybe i can use these jewelry and money when i propose Vivi. She's a Princess afterall, so it will need more money than normal people. We also need money for our children afteral, hehehe"-Jon have a perverted expression.

"Nonono, stop it, stop it! We're just start dating, so it's still far away. Beside i'm just 17 now even tough i'm 22 before, and Vivi is still 16 so it will be more than 4 years before we can think of marriage. But planning is never wrong. Here i come, pretty and shiny things."-Jon

Jon and his clones start plunderring every ship they found. Jon buy many storage scrolls for the clones to use while he save his finding in inventory. The ones in scroll will be for the crew while the ones in inventory are his own. So the crew get much more than him because all treasures that the clones find is for the crew.

Well, he also take something that he like or plan to give it to Vivi but it's meager compared to everything he got. At least Nami will be satisfied with so many treasures and not annoy him later. She always be the one that want to have all the money or treasures even when he's the one that found it, and it lead to some scuffle between them. He continue his plundering because there's still a lot of ships.

Jon move around with his clones, they go inside every ship they found. Some clones even dive underwater and they find more treasures. It's really a big haul, he feel like winning a lottery, no, winning many lottery at once. Jon and his clones keep moving around, they also found many documents, diary, or chart but most if it are broken already.

"There are documents but it's from decades or even century ago. They're mostly useless now. Hmm, what is this? Rokushiki? A training manuals of Marines secret technique. Ooh, this is good."-Jon

Jon find a Rokushiki manual book, it's Marines secret technique. He open the book but it suddenly crumble and falling apart.

"Damn it, the papers is too old and it's very humid here. The papers can't survive in a high humidity afterall. So that's why there's no money here huh? It's made from paper, unlike the jewels. Sigh, just when i thought of getting new technique. Well, at least i know the Marines have unique technique. I can search for it later, but first, many treasures still need to be found."-Jon

Jon continue to plunder the ships. He even find a lot of skeleton, most likely pirates and marines based on their ship and pieces of clothes that left on their body. He saw some skeleton wear rings or necklace so of course he take them all. Dead people didn't need those afterall, but he need. Jon had find every treasure there, well maybe most of it. He decide to go back to the ship, so he dispell the clones.

When he arrived, he see an unknown man holding an unknown kid while pointing a knife to the kid's throat. He also see Nami got a knife pointed to her throat by another unknown kid. He don't know what happen but most likely the man is the problem source. His face look like a bad guy afterall, and he smirk evilly.

Jon flickered and appear behind the man. He take the knife from him, then he pointed the knife back at the man's throat. He even pressed it so the man can feel the blade.

"FBI! Put the kid down you pedophile! Then raise your hands up! Don't try anything funny!"-Jon

The man surprised and scared feeling a knife blade on his throat. He put the kid down obediently then raise both his hands up. Jon then tie the man tightly and put him aside.

"What are you looking at?"-Jon

Jon raise his eyebrow at his crewmates, Henzo ans the kids that stare at him since he arrived.

"Where did you go Jon? And don't appear so suddenly and yelling like that!"-Nami

"Sigh, while you play hostage with this pedophile here Nami, i was treasure hunting."-Jon


"What did you get?"-Zoro

Jon smirk then take a scroll out and open it. He make some handsign and take out the stored item. Some boxes come out and Jon open it. Every boxes filled with jewelry until it's full and there are some of them altough the size are different. They all widened their eyes and Nami literally just turn into Berri and melt on the treasure boxes.

"If that have already make you guys speechless then look at this!"-Jon

Jon take out 6 more scrolls and Nami immediately faint with a smile while her eyes have Berri sign. The other also can't say anything, this guy have been busy searching treasures while they try to find a way out. And now when they know how to get out this guy just come back at the right time. It's like he has sixth sense.

"By the way, where's Luffy?"-Jon

"Ah, that's-"-Usopp

Suddenly, a something big appear and there's Wetton's soldiers get out from there. Then there are two guys wearing a strange suit come out from there too.