
The Shinobi of Straw Hats

Jono is just an ordinary guy with ordinary life. But he died young because of pandemic. But when he's about to be judge by GOD, he's got a chance. But of course, just because you're reincarnated with some wishes, doesn't mean it will be a smooth road. __________________________________________ This is my first time writing, and english is not my first language, so please understand if i made many mistakes. __________________________________________ I don't own the characters in this story, even MC's appearance are not mine. ________________________________ I have posted from chapter 222-231 in my patreon page, and i plan to upload there 2 chapters a day. The story on my patreon will be ahead of the one on Webnovel. Chapter 1 to 221 only available on Webnovel. I will still upload in webnovel 1 chapter a day like usual, so don't worry. Well, i will be glad if you decide to support me on patreon, and help me to pay my college fee, which short on $50, yeah i'm being shameless now, and i ask for help. You can pay upfront, and September will be free. I'm already happy that you guys still read my writing till now though. Thank you for your support so far. I will try to be consistent, unlike last week, lol. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PeekACoo

PeekACoo · Anime & Comics
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25. Time to Leave

It's almost noon, so Jon & Vivi plan to go to a restaurant. They walk around again and find a good looking restaurant. They decide to eat there and they ordered some desert of their speciality. They talk to each other there, they seem to have a lot of topic to talk. Mainly Vivi is the one that start talking.

She always talk about sea and mysteries that lies there. Jon know Vivi feel happy when she's sailing. But he won't ask her to go with him. He know that she want to help her father more than she want to sail on the sea, for now. They talk until they finished their meal. Sometime later Jon heard something,


Upgrade complete

System 2.0 has been installed successfully]

He heard notification but ignore it, he's in a date damn it, and the system decide to annoy him. They walk around but sometime later they're a little tired. So they just sit on a bench at the road side. When Jon see Vivi, he got an idea. He took a small wood block and carve a small statue of Vivi and himself sitting on a bench just like the earlier scene.

Vivi saw this and watch Jon carving a wood. She had saw it before but seeing Jon skillfully carving a wood is really mesmerizing. Even some people that passed by them also look at him. In just a couple of minute he finished and give it to Vivi. Vivi like it very much and kiss him on the cheek, she's really bold. Then she realize there're some people watching them so she become red and take Jon away.

Sometime later they arrived in the earlier park and sit there again.

"Aqua, you're really bold earlier, there's a lot of people there, hahaha"-Jon

"Shut up, i don't realize there's many people watching us"-Vivi

Vivi then put the statue inside her bag and ask Jon something.

"Jet, can you make a statue of us dancing? I mean, the 'real' us?"-Vivi

"Sure, but i will make it tonight, some people might watching again if i make it here."-Jon

"Alright, that's a promise. Now i remember something, we haven't had some photos together. Let's go and get a camera den-den mushi so we can take photos."-Vivi

"Why not ask a photographer to take it?"-Jon

"No, we can't take photos while walking if we ask someone to take it, and we can't take our real photos later."-Vivi

"Hmm, you're right."-Jon

They go to den-den mushi shop and there're a lot of den-den mushi there. Jon know that these snails are like phone, but seeing the real thing is still unbelievable. These snails are just like smartphone apps. There's phone, camera for potos and videos, monitors, etc.

'Did these guys use radio signal? How fast their data transfer? 3G, 4G, 5G, or even faster? They can even connect to a printer, did they use usb port? hahaha, how mysterious'-Jon

"Jet, that one is good, let's buy it. Ah, also let's buy two phone denden mushi so we can call each other everyday."-Vivi

"Hmm, that's a good idea. Maybe i'll buy some, there's no den-den mushi in the ship. Maybe i'll buy for the other too."-Jon

"Oh, that's right."-Vivi

"Customers, are you a couple? We have a kind of denden mushi that can only call for one number, so couple usually use it. You just need to push the button and it will call the registered number. It can only used to call one number that being registered first until it die. So you can call your lover easily and your lover will know that it's you."-Seller

"Jet, let's buy it!"-Vivi

"Alright, alright, no need to rush, sigh."-Jon

They buy a lot of denden mushi with different kind. They buy the phone denden mushi for couple use and the crew, image denden mushi and Jon want a monitor denden mushi but they didn't sell it. Jon also buy the printer and fax so he can print and send pictures. Sadly Jon can't store them in inventory as it can't store living beings.

After buying a bunch of denden mushi, Jon & Vivi walk around again while taking pictures. Now Jon feel like he's back on earth, where people take selfie everywhere. He only done it with his family and friends before, but now he has a girlfriend, and man, it feels different. Their photos are funny as Jon bring a lot of snails in a box so it didn't look like a date at all. But they're still happy as maybe it will be a long time before they meet again.

They walk around until the aky become orange. They forgot about time and walk around until it's this late. They walk to castle as it will be dark soon, so they need to go back. But then the clones in castle dispell and Jon receive their memories.

"It seems Luffy has woken up, let's go back."-Jon

"Alright, let's go!"-Vivi

Jon carry Vivi and run fast to the castle and slip inside. They changed back to their normal appearance and go to the crew's room. They saw Luffy is there with a despaired expression.

"Why's he like that?"-Vivi

"He realised he didn't eat for 3 days and become like that. He even count how many meals he missed."-Nami

"Eh? He can count it?"-Jon

"Yeah, it's 15."-Usopp


"So he count 5 meals a day huh? Hahaha"-Jon

"That aside, where're you guys this whole day?"-Nami raised an eyebrow

"T-that,..."-Vivi flustered

"We're in library, just ask the old librarian. Anyway, i have something to tel you guys."-Jon

"What is-"-Nami


"I heard the captain is awake."-???

All the crew look at the door that being opened, there they see Igaram dressed like a woman. In these three days they already met Igaram, the guy didn't die apparently. Everyone except Luffy know this. But now he dresses like a woman, oh my god.


"Oh, Chikuwa old man, you're alive"-Luffy

"You...You're into this stuff?"-Zoro shocked

"No everyone, this is Teracotta-san, Igaram's wife. She is the head chef."-Vivi

"You're kidding...How can they look like each other?"-Zoro

"Aunty, i'm hungry"-Luffy

"I know, i heard from Vivi-sama that you have a big appetite. Can you eat these fruits while waiting the dinner for 30 minutes?"-Teracotta

Then, a big cart filled with fruits come inside the room and stop beside Luffy. He instantly devour everything in a second.


"You guys are actually close right?"-Jon


They realises what Jon mean and brawl again.

"What do you want to talk before?"-Nami

"Let's talk about it later, we need to eat dinner first."-Jon

"Hmm, alright."-Nami

After 30 minutes they go to the dining room and there's a lot of food being put there. They don't even wait for the King to speak and start eating.

Luffy eat like there's no tomorrow, and he even steal some food from the others. Zoro can't even bite the food he took with his pork. Usopp can't eat a single food from beginning as they all got stolen. Chopper try to eat his noodles fast, so Jon & Vivi tell him to eat slowly. Chopper sit between Jon & Vivi so his food will be safe, as Jon has made 2 clones to protect their food.

Usopp take a big rice ball and put a spicy sauce on it. Luffy take it and his mouth burnt, Usopp laugh but there's a camel that laugh with him. It's a camel they found when they go to Rainbase. Strangely the Camel eat meat, aren't they herbivore? Sanji ask the servant about the food, as he didn't know them. Chopper choked and Jon get some water for him. Nami just eat quietly as Luffy didn't dare to take her food even tough she is beside him. All in all, this is a party now.

The guards seem to have a hard time seeing these guys eat with no manners at all. They didn't understand how Vivi can eat calmly between this mess. But sometime later they start to laugh too, as the crew doing their usual messing around in a party. No one can hold the urge to laugh happily when the crew start partying.

After the banquet, the King invite them to the hoy bath. The bath is really warm and comfortable. Just when they have a nice bath, Sanji ask something to Igaram that make the other pick their ears.

"Hey old man, where is the woman bathroom?"-Sanji

"LIKE I'LL TELL YOU THAT, VIVI-SAMA IS THERE."-Igaram said but the King,

"The woman bathroom is behind this wall"-King Cobra


"Really? Woohoo"-Sanji

Jon also want to peek, he want to see a sexy Vivi too. But when he saw the other start to climb he became unwilling. Everyone except Zoro that stay in water and Igaram that tried to stop them start to climb the wall.

'Like i'll let you guys see my Vivi, only i can see her. And damn you fucKING, she's your daughter you damn old man.'-Jon

He make some handsigns and,

'Hiding in Mist Jutsu'-Jon

A thick mist covered the man and woman bathroom near the guys. The guys that has reach the top can't see the other side because of the mist. They tried to see but to no avail. Jon then controm the mist and their hand start to become wet, so they slip and fall. Vivi & Nami became confuse, as they see a thick mist behind them. Just then, a scroll fall near them so they pick and open it. Jon write everything so Nami could kill the guys later.

"Rest in Peace you Mans of Culture."-Jon

Jon clapped his hand and pray. Zoro know this is Jon doing but he kept silent and smirk when he saw Jon throw the scroll. He know Jon's intention as Nami will kill them, or charge them money. The guys keep falling and finally give up so they continue bathing. Jon finally release the technique and sit in the water.

Just then he remember that one of chakra control training is standing on a hot spring. This can be a substitute, so he try and it's easy. Maybe the water isn't hot enough, so he stop and enjoy the warm bath. It's rare for him to have a warm bath, as he only have a shower in his past life. Sometime later they go back to the room and Nami start to berate and charge the ones that try to peek her. After they finished talking and having big debt, Jon call the crew.

"I have something to show you guys, but don't be too surprised."-Jon

They became curious as to what will make them surprised. Then Jon take some bags filled with money in front of them. Their mouth opened wide and they became speechless.

"750 million berries, stolen from Crocodile in Rainbase. My clone take it when we search for Crocodile."-Jon

He didn't tell about the rest, he take 100 million for his pocket money, the rest of 150 million and all the jewels had been given to Vivi, and she will give them to his father only after the crew left. The crew still shocked and didn't move one bit.

"Uuh, guys? You okay"-Jon

They seem to be awake and they hug Jon happily, especially Nami. But she feel a little complicated. She had been stealing for years to get 100 million, and Jon just steal once to get this much.

'Sigh, a Sichibukai is really rich huh? Why don't i thought of steal from him?'-Nami

"Wait, i also buy a lot of denden mushi for each of us so we can call each other when we explore an island."-Jon

They laugh happily and ask Jon various things.

"It's not all isn't it Jon?"-Nami

"Hmm, of course. I give some to Vivi as her country suffer a lot. They can ask World Goverment as a compensation of a Sichibukai's crime but they will need more. Even tough it's not much but it will help. For our small crew, this much is enough to live luxurious for sometime."-Jon

The others nod, and Nami also nod. Even tough she want more but this is plenty already, and Vivi is her friend so she will help her.

"Yosh, let's sail tomorrow morning you guys."-Luffy


When the other fall asleep, Jon slip out and go to the rooftop. He take a small wood and carve Vivi and himself dancing. He lost in his carving and start to make a lot of statue. All of him and Vivi doing something together. Dancing, cooking, walking, hugging, kissing, ride a camel, a titanic pose, etc.

He lost his tratck of time until his clone popped. It seem their 'friend', Mr.2, Bon Clay call them that Marines want to take their ship and he have hide it somewhere and ask them to come soon. It's hard to believe an enemy but they believe eventually. So it's time to leave Alabasta now.

I will not make harem, i'm a faithful man afterall. No R-18 for you guys, lol, and i will not write R-18, i can't, just use your own imagination later, ciao

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