
The Shinobi of Straw Hats

Jono is just an ordinary guy with ordinary life. But he died young because of pandemic. But when he's about to be judge by GOD, he's got a chance. But of course, just because you're reincarnated with some wishes, doesn't mean it will be a smooth road. __________________________________________ This is my first time writing, and english is not my first language, so please understand if i made many mistakes. __________________________________________ I don't own the characters in this story, even MC's appearance are not mine. ________________________________ I have posted from chapter 222-231 in my patreon page, and i plan to upload there 2 chapters a day. The story on my patreon will be ahead of the one on Webnovel. Chapter 1 to 221 only available on Webnovel. I will still upload in webnovel 1 chapter a day like usual, so don't worry. Well, i will be glad if you decide to support me on patreon, and help me to pay my college fee, which short on $50, yeah i'm being shameless now, and i ask for help. You can pay upfront, and September will be free. I'm already happy that you guys still read my writing till now though. Thank you for your support so far. I will try to be consistent, unlike last week, lol. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PeekACoo

PeekACoo · Anime & Comics
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276 Chs

23. A Fairy Tale

They move toward a rocky formation outside Rainbase. After they arrived there, he put Vivi down and she look a little disaapointed.

"Come here Vivi"-Jon

Vivi walk toward Jon, he stood in front of a big rock. Then he use earth chakra transformation to help him moving the rock away. After the rock move away he dig the sand beneath and then they found a chest there.

"What is this chest?"-Vivi

"You'll know when we open it."-Jon

Jon then take the chest out and he open a lot of key that installed on the chest. When he open the chest, Vivi's eyes widened. There're a lot of jewelry inside the chest, the chest is about 1 m3, and the jewelry is almost full inside.

"W-where did you find them? No, w-what are you doing to get them?"-Vivi

"I simply wipe out Crocodile's base and take these beauties there. I also take it from some gambler in casino tough. It's most likely Croc's funding for his plan. But don't be happy yet, there's more to come"-Jon


Jon then do the same thing as before to another rock. Then he take out some big sack and move it beside the chest. He open it and said,

"950 million berries, robbed from Crocodile's own pockets and the gamblers in Rainbase. There should be more from those rich bastards, but i don't have much time and prioritize their jewelry as it's smaller size than the money their price. There's a lot of those gamblers and they have millions in their pocket. Damn, if i have time maybe i'll get billions after cleaning their pockets."-Jon

Vivi's eyes are really wide now and her mouth are opened. She's speechless, she didn't know that Jon had amassed fortune in this war.


"I send my clones with them, remember? I told it to search information and take everything in Croc's base before the Marines take them all. You can take it, it's your kingdom's money afterall."-Jon

"Nonono, you get it yourself, just take it all. The crew need money afterall."-Vivi

"Well that's right, but it's also incorrect. It's not the crew that need it but Nami."-Jon

"Pfft, hahahaha"-Jon&Vivi

"Anyway you must take some at least. The kingdom need funds to repair all of the damage and this will help. Hmm, i need some money for myself too, so i will take some first then the rest can be split between the crew and Kingdom. Maybe it's not much for a Kingdom but at least it will help a bit."-Jon

"Alright then, thank you Jon. This war has caused a lot of money gone and we need every berries, so this really help."-Vivi

Vivi have tears in her eyes, her Kingdom is suffering from war and they need money to build it again. Altough the money that Jon get will not cover everything but it will cover most of the fund for recovering the kingdom. Now the Kingdom will not fall in poverty, altough they can ask WG for compensation as this incident is because of Sichibukai. But it will only covering the damage they suffer and they still need time to recover their economy. With this money the economy will move faster and they can strengthen their Kingdom to avoid the same disaster.

Vivi then cry hard when she think about all of this, her kingdom, the war, her father, citizen and herself. Jon seeing Vivi cry become flustered and don't know what to do as he never encounter in situation like this. But seeing her cry make his heart pained so much, and he reflexively hug her. He just want to make her feel safe and didn't feel that she is alone. Vivi surprised but didn't let go, she feel comfortable and calm so she burried her head in his chest. She let out her suppressed emotions and cry.

"Huuuaaa, it's scary Jon. Infiltrating a criminal organisation. *sniff* I know i can die but i need to do it, but even then i'm still afraid of dying. *sniff sniff* Putting up a strong front is tiring. If Igaram is not there, i don't know what i should do. *sniff sniff* Fighting those pirates are scary, only you guys are nice, the others are bad guys. *sniff* I also don't want to hurt that whale, it's pitiful, but i will blow my cover if i don't do it. *sniff* Why should they do it? Why should they make us suffer? Why should they kill citizens? Why should there Sichibukai? Why should....Why should we go through this?*sniff* Huaaa...huaa.."-Vivi

Jon just hug her, gently pat her head and listen to her. He wait until she calmed down and stop her cry. Vivi hold his clothes and cry for a long time. She held up her emotions because she need to be strong for her Kingdom and it's survival. She put her life on the line, ready to die for her kingdom as she is the princess. But despite all of that, she's just a teenage girl that want to have a happy life with her family and friends. Sometime later Vivi finally start to calm down.

"It's okay Vivi, it's okay to cry. It's over now, no need to put your life on the line anymore. You don't need to do anything you don't want to. It's over. The disaster is over. Everyone is safe now. You can't change the past, but the future still await. You can live the life as you want from now on. If you have difficulty, tell us, we will help you, you're not alone anymore. You'll never walk alone."-Jon

Vivi cry again and sometime later she's tired and fall asleep in Jon's hug. He lay her down for a moment and store every money and jewelries to the inventory. He's relief knowing he still can access inventory when the system is upgrading. After he store everything, he carry Vivi in princess carry like before and run as gently as possible to not wake her up.

He run and look at Vivi's face that smiling, she feel a lot of her worries have gone and she became free from burden. He smile too seeing this, he's happy seeing her have the carefree smile that she have sometime when she's with the crew, forgetting her worries. But now she will have this smile forever, and he want to make sure of it.

"I guess i actually fall in love with you huh? Just seeing your carefree smile, already make me this happy. I don't know since when, but i don't care. I know we can't be together as you're princess and i'm a pirate, a criminal. At least let me say this while you're asleep."-Jon

Jon paused for a while as he stood on top of Alubarna's wall, looking at the castle, then look at Vivi's face.

"I love you my princess. You're the first woman that i love except my family. I don't know if this is those suspension effect or not. But what i know is i love you now. If only we're from the same background, i will take your hand and ask you from your parents. But fate is cruell as we can't be together. If only we're not that different, maybe i can bring you to a date that i never did with anyone else."-Jon

Jon have some tears flow from his eyes as he look at the sky.

"I love you, Vivi. So sleep well and be happy, don't worry about anything again. Just know that i will always help you and be happy for you no matter what you do in the future. Sleep tight, and forget your worry my princess. I love you."-Jon closed his eyes.

"I love you too"-Vivi

Jon wide open his eyes and look at Vivi.

"W-w-w-what? W-w-when d-did you w-wake up?"-Jon

Jon stutter and he became dizzy. His face also become red and steam start to got out from his head. He didn't see that Vivi also has the same effect on her head. She put her finger together like hinata while looking at it.

"S-since y-you gues you fall in l-l-love with me"-Vivi

"S-since the beginning?"-Jon

Jon now feel really dizzy and he plopped down, and fall on his butt. He's really become a hot tomato now. Vivi also feel embarassed so she closed her face with her palms, but she has a smile in her mouth. She's really happy hearing what Jon says. Altough she knew that what he say is true that they can't be together, but it's also not entirely true. She can just stop being a princess, but not now, she need to help her father first, and she will talk with her father later.

"D-did you really mean it?"-Vivi

Jon stop being embarassed hearing this and put serious face. It's his only chance to say his feeling and he doesn't want any regret.

"Yes, i mean it. I love you Vivi, i don't know when i feel this, but i know that now, i really love you. Just being together and talking to you make me happy, seeing your smile is my happiness, seeing you cry make my heart break. Maybe it's a shallow reason, but love come with time, and my time with you make me very happy."-Jon

Vivi smile hearing this, she's really happy. She often look at Jon, he's a smart and responsible man, but he's childish and carefree, even so, he know what he need to do and what his friends need. Knowing that she is his first love make her really happy, as he too is her first love. She have many male friends, Luffy and Koza are people she admire, but Jon is different.

She have different feeling toward him. Their interaction on ship is not that special, but they talk often. They're together since they stop the rebels and she start to depend on him. Unknown to them, their simple interactions have made them grow feeling for each other. There's no need to have a big reason to make someone fall in love with you, sometime just by being there and make them happy is the reason they love you.

"I love you too Jon, i don't know when too, but before i realise it, i depends on you. I can even cry in front of you when usually it's only my father or Igaram. Even i didn't call you without honorific, unlike the others, hihi."-Vivi

They smile a little and then they got silent.

"That's good, i'm happy knowing my feeling is not one way. But we need to forget it later, you're a princess and i'm a pirate. The Marines had saw me, and i won't betray Luffy's trust so i won't stop being pirate. And i have a dream to pursue."-Jon

"It's okay Jon, we don't need to forget, the status is unimportant. As long as we still have the same feeling in the future, we can be together. I have a way but i need to prepare it. So will you wait for me and keep your love for me?"-Vivi

"What? You have a way? What is it? I will help you."-Jon

"I can't say it now Jon. Just know that we can be together in the future. So will you wait?"-Vivi

"Of course. I will wait, so you need to tell me that plan later. But we need to be fast, i don't want to wage war with some kingdom because their prince have their eyes on you."-Jon

"I will start my plan soon, and i will tell you what is it when it's ready. So you better behave if there're girls that come to you and seduce you."-Vivi

"Why would girls seduce me? There's no way girls will seduce a pirate right? We're considered as criminals y'know."-Jon

'He doesn't even realize that with his handsome face, he will be a target of many girls. Even i must be aware that Nami will be attracted too.'-Vivi sweatdrop at his thought.

"Just promise me that okay?"-Vivi


They talk a little, and then they go to the castle, as it's midnight already. Everyone will panic knowing the princess is gone. They didn't tell anyone of their little trip afterall. They directly go to Vivi's room and come inside. It just happen that the guards start knocking her room. They just start getting suspicious and want to check her room. So Jon leave quickly and Vivi answer the guards and open the door.

"What happen? Why are you knocking my room at midnight?"-Vivi

"Vivi-sama, where have you been? We can't find you anywhere and you don't answer our call before. His Majesty is very worried and ask us to check your room if needed."-Guard A

"Ah, i'm sorry. I must be very tired that i didn't hear your knock earlier. I'm just sleeping."-Vivi

"Eh? But your clothes.."-Guard B

"Oh, look at me. I'm very tired that i sleep with my dress, i will change into pajamas then. Please tell father that i'm fine."-Vivi

"Yes, understood Vivi-sama"-Guards

Vivi closed the door then after changing clothes she lay on her bed. Jon & Vivi feel very happy and can only smiling and giggling on their bed. Tonight is really a good night, they feel like being in a Fairy Tale, and they're the main characters.

The Forbidden Love of A Princess and A Pirate.

Well, i like vivi

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