
The Shinobi of Straw Hats

Jono is just an ordinary guy with ordinary life. But he died young because of pandemic. But when he's about to be judge by GOD, he's got a chance. But of course, just because you're reincarnated with some wishes, doesn't mean it will be a smooth road. __________________________________________ This is my first time writing, and english is not my first language, so please understand if i made many mistakes. __________________________________________ I don't own the characters in this story, even MC's appearance are not mine. ________________________________ I have posted from chapter 222-231 in my patreon page, and i plan to upload there 2 chapters a day. The story on my patreon will be ahead of the one on Webnovel. Chapter 1 to 221 only available on Webnovel. I will still upload in webnovel 1 chapter a day like usual, so don't worry. Well, i will be glad if you decide to support me on patreon, and help me to pay my college fee, which short on $50, yeah i'm being shameless now, and i ask for help. You can pay upfront, and September will be free. I'm already happy that you guys still read my writing till now though. Thank you for your support so far. I will try to be consistent, unlike last week, lol. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PeekACoo

PeekACoo · Anime & Comics
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277 Chs

196. Search and Rescue

Jon have left Wano at the night after execution. He teleported and now arrived on the island where he met Alabasta's group. This island is in Paradise, so it's closer to Kamabakka than Wano.

Jon immediately create perfect susanoo and fly off. He follow Dragon's vivre card and fly on high altitude, above the cloud. He can't risk someone seeing his giant susanoo and trace him to Kamabakka.

It take half a day for Jon to reach Kamabakka, and he land on the sea with style again. His landing alert many people, and they all point their weapons at his susanoo. Jon dispell it and land on the water.

"Sigh, come on, it's me. Haven't you guys saw my susanoo many times?"-Jon

"Oh, Jon, it's you. Man, you're surprising us."-Lindbergh

"*mumble mumble mumble*"-Karasu

"...Turn your speaker on!"-Jon

"!? ...Ah, i forgot."-Karasu turn his speaker on

"Sigh, where's the old man?"-Jon

"He's in the palace with Iva, Betty, & Koala."-Karasu

"Alright, let's go meet him, we all need to discuss something."-Jon walk

"Wait, Jon!"-Lindbergh

"What?"-Jon stop

"This is Kamabakka you know, so prepare your heart!"-Lindbergh

"Sigh, i've saw them in Impel Down, so don't worry."-Jon continue his walk

On his way to the palace, Jon meet many RA guys are running around with fear on their face. Then he see some of them are being chased by Okamas, so now Jon understand why they run and look very scared.

Jon put his hand on his chest for condolence, but he still keep going. He won't stay here and become another prey for these transverties. He need to leave while other people distracting them from him.

Jon arrive at the palace and enter it with Lindbergh & Karasu. Inside, they see the RA officers are busy with their jobs. Dragon is on his desk with Iva on the side, while Koala & Betty busy commanding the officers.

"You've come, let's talk outside, this place is too noisy."-Dragon


Jon take a look at Koala who seem to lack sleep, and note to force her to sleep later. They all go outside, and Lindbergh call Morley. They sit on the chair around a Round Table and soon afterwards, Lindbergh & Morley come.

"Everyone's here, so let's hear what you want to talk about kid."-Dragon

"Before continuing, give me the most updated news!"-Jon

"Alabasta's royal family haven't been found, but no evidence of their death was found too, so there's no action regarding Alabasta Kingdom's internal work from WG. The one who take over the temporary command in Alabasta are the ministers. But if this keep going for some weeks, WG will take action."-Koala

"Why'd they wait for a few more weeks?"-Jon

"If they take over a Kingdom too fast, the other Kingdoms & Countries will be wary of them. Also, the citizens won't accept their rule and might even be suspicious of them."-Betty

"Hmm, make sense, but this is good, at least Alabasta is still safe. What about Sabo?"-Jon

"Just like we've predicted, he is in Impel Down, level 6. Impel Down's security have been raised a lot to avoid the same incident as 2 years ago. They stationed 3 Vice Admirals & 9 Rear Admirals on there. An Admiral also always need to be ready to go there if trouble arise."-Koala

"An Admiral that can go there immediately huh? There's only one person, Kizaru. Who are the Vice Admirals?"-Jon

"Momonga, Dobberman, and Yamakaji. There are 3 more Vice Admirals stationed on Marineford to assist at any time. They're Garp, Momousagi, and Tokikake."-Koala

"Hoo, they put the stronger ones on Marineford instead of Impel Down immediately."-Jon

"Well, Garp is Dragon's father, and those 2 are close with him, so maybe Akainu didn't want to take a risk by placing them on Impel Down. But they're too valuable to not be sent, as they can be said to be Admiral level powers."-Lindbergh

"The announcement for Sabo's public execution have been released just now. They will do it in a week from now, so we only have some days to prepare."-Koala

"So, what's your plan, ninja-boy?"-Iva

"Well, i'll infiltrate Impel Down and rescue Sabo undetected. But we'll still have a direct war like what they want."-Jon


"Yeah, it's easy."-Jon

Jon's presence suddenly disappear, even though he is still there and everyone can see him. They try to use their observation haki, but they can't feel Jon's presence at all. Jon has perfected his stealth skill to erase his presence. It will make him undetected even with Observation haki.

Jon merge with the ground, and now no one can find him. Not even Dragon can find where he is, means that he really perfected it. Jon then come out from the ground and continue his talk.

"I will take Sabo out from there without anyone knowing, but after that, we'll still have a war that they want."-Jon

"If you can save Sabo easily, we don't need to have a war with them. At least not now when they've prepared many things."-Koala

"You want a war that give you advantage? Don't be stupid! We are always in disadvantage against their massive body. If we wait longer, they'll just getting bigger, and we might lose our chance."-Jon

"Hmm, you're not wrong, but isn't it better to have a surprise attack? The war will be in their homeground, so they'll prepare many things to defeat us."-Lindbergh

"They're also very crafty, so they'll prepare many plans just to defeat us completely. This is different from Summit War, they will try to annihilate us completely, unlike White Beard Pirates."-Betty

"Also, we're sure that they will not use 100% of their power. Even if they just send Marine in the war, it will be enough to make us tired. Then they'll send reinforcement from Cipher Pol to defeat us."-Iva

"That's if you assume that only you guys that will fight them right? Add an Emperor level crew to your equation! They have 11 members and more than 8000 friends that are willing to help."-Jon smirk

They all widen their eyes and realize who is this crew. Of course it's none other than Straw Hats, duh.

"Hahahaha, defeating 2 Emperors obviously make you Emperor too. Let's hear your plan, kid!"-Dragon

Jon start to tell them his plan and they all are surprised.


"Calm down, Koala! Let's hear him first."-Betty

"I will not die, and i won't use a plan that i can't handle."-Jon

"Kid, if you're confident, then it's fine, but don't be overconfident! You might've defeated Kaido, but this is different. Even Kaido might not be able to do what you want to do."-Dragon

"Don't worry, i've think this through, and i'm sure this will work. I've prepared many things for this plan, and i will not fail."-Jon

"If you're so confident with your plan, then let's go with it."-Dragon


"Don't be stupid! This is very risky & dangerous."-Iva

"We always take risk, and we won't gain anything without risking it. Just like he said, we can't wait anymore. The world's balance is toppling, and if we wait for too long, it will not do any good."-Dragon

The others think about it and can't disagree with it. But they're still not sure with the plan, however they don't have any better ideas too. Finally, they can only accept Jon's plan and decide to go with it.

Jon is satisfied and decide to start his plan tonight. But now, he need to rest as he haven't sleep last night to come here. He remember something and approach Koala, then when Koala look at him, Jon put her under genjutsu and make her sleep.

"Betty, take her to her room, she need some rest."-Jon

"Tch, can't you ask properly? You even put her to sleep forcely, that's not how you treat woman. But thanks for making her sleep, she really need some rest."-Betty

"You're welcome."-Jon

Jon ask Iva for a room to sleep, then he sleep for some hours. Jon wake up for dinner and then he immediately leave again. It's such a busy days for him, but he's used to it.

Jon now fly following Sabo's vivre card which is obviously point to Impel Down. He will start the rescue plan right away to not waste time. Beside, Sabo must have injured on his battle, so he'll need to be treated before the war.

Jon reach Impel Down after some hours, and it still dark. He dispell his susanoo and land on the Tarai Current to hide detection. Jon then go to the Gate of Justice and stick on it while looking at the situation.

"This remind me of the past, but this looks a lot easier than before."-Jon

Jon erase his presence and dive into the water. He didn't need to use seastones to hide his presence from the Seakings anymore. Even if some Seakings detect him, he can just scare them away now. Well, they won't be able to sense him with his current skills.

Jon reach the island soon and he immediately merge with the ground. He only let his nose out from the ground to take a breath. Then Jon move in the ground to the lowest level easily, without anyone detecting him.

Jon arrive in level 6 and try to find Sabo and he find it. Jon didn't immediately meet Sabo, but he scan the security system first. There are some denden mushis around here, more than 2 years ago. They're very careful now.

Jon put the denden mushis on genjutsu, and they all start to look away from Sabo's cell. He didn't turn them off because it will be very suspicious. Jon then come out from the ground in front of Sabo and close Sabo's mouth.

"!? Mph!?"-Sabo

"Ssstt! Don't make a noise!"-Jon

Sabo nod & Jon release his hand, then he make a small space barrier around them.

"How can you come here?"-Sabo

"Oioioi, don't underestimate me! I could enter this place once, what make you think i can't do it again?"-Jon

"Sigh, it's a stupid question isn't it? So you want to get me out of here and prevent the war? That's good, let's get out from here & go back."-Sabo

Jon feel something is strange with how Sabo talk. Sabo is not like his usual self, and sound like different person. They know each other for 2 years, it's easy to know that something is wrong with Sabo. However, he is not fake, because the vivre card pointing at him.

"Oi Sabo, i forgot about this, but what is our match score now?"-Jon

"...Why'd you ask about it? Just get me out of here."-Sabo

"Just answer!"-Jon

".....43-21, my win."-Sabo

"No, it's 67-36, yout win. You are not Sabo even though your body is Sabo aren't you?"-Jon

"D-don't be stupid! There's no way that can happen."-Sabo

"Anything can happen with devil fruit, now, let's see who you are."-Jon

Jon put 'Sabo' in genjutsu and enter his mind to see who he is. In Sabo's mind, Jon see a guy which is certainly not Sabo being stabbed on a log because of his genjutsu. The guy is not someone he know, so maybe he is a secret agent.

"Must be someone from CP-0 right? Now tell me where is Sabo!"-Jon

The guy just stay silent & smirk, like saying that he doesn't fear any torture. Jon just sigh and do what the guy want him to do.

Outside with their real body, Jon is now looking at the unconscious Sabo. Then he summon a Zetsu out from the seal and ask him to be Sabo. After the Zetsu turn into Sabo, he change place with Sabo to be the prisoner.

Jon take Sabo to underground and leave the cell. Soon, the guards will realize the error on denden mushi, so he need to leave soon. Jon bring Sabo to level 5,5 where Iva & the Okamas reside in the past. It should be empty now, so he can use the place.

"Ara~, welcome cute boy."-Unknown Okama