
The Shining Star Player

Reina a girl who went back to her hometown after 10 years of staying at California met her childhood best friend Cohen, who happens to be a Pilot now. With the span of years they spent far away from each other will they be able to restore their closeness, will it step - up on another level or they'll just remain as "bystander."

Eirene · Teen
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2 Chs

Welcome Home

It's been 10 years since I felt this hot air sticking to my skin.

As I went out the car I scanned the vicinity of our manor as I heard noises from the backyard.

"Madam Reina!" a petite girl wearing a maid uniform welcomed me. I took off my sunglasses and smiled to her, for some politeness.

I don't even know her.

"Madam, good morning! Come in, come in." she said.

I hesitantly look at her as she opened the main door widely and gives instructions to other maids to grab my luggage at compartment of the car.

"Where are they?" I asked the petite girl as I entered and scanned our living room, no one's in there.

"Reina, oh my granddaughter!" I surely know that voice, my grandmother.

"Nana!" I said as I hurriedly went to her and give her a hug.

Her smiled make my heart at ease, I laugh as I point out her white hair waving at me, she still looks sophisticated though.

"Reina, my daughter!" it was my mom who came from the backyard also, she gave me a long hug.

My other family member who's surprisingly present also greeted me.

"Come, let's go to the backyard, there's a little gathering for you." it was my Nana who dragged me, forcely, on the backyard.

Shock with some familiar faces I still made sure that I didn't forget to greet and smile at them.

I look around again, hoping to see my brother, who doesn't greet me yet.

The disrespect!

"It's been 10 years, Reina. How are you?" I was shocked on a manly figure that covered my sight, the familiar voice and familiar scent.


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