
Chapter 9

„The Sky is breaking apart! That's the wave of calamity!" (Raphtalia)

„The other heroes are here." (Eclair)

I looked around towards the three heroes that stormed together with their groups towards the monster hordes. Behind them were two groups of people. One looked quite experienced, I saw the A-rank mage that was once Motoyasus companion leading them towards Ryute village. The other was probably Motoyasus group as they consisted only of females. The group was all over the place, army personnel, adventures, even normal looking people. I had a similar get up, but at least I had only members that could fight and had organized them.

„We are near my hometown Ryute village." (Soldier-san)

„Calm down. Yu'lon go, intercept the monster and give us time to organize the defense. Team Four organize the support group of Motoyasu into something that can actually help us. The rest go to the village. Firo, bring Raphtalia and me to the village. Preferable before the monster reach it." (Naofumi)

Thanks to support spells cast by Kiel, Rishia, Lifana and I, Firo gained an enormous speed boost that she herself supported through her own magic. That way we reached the village before the monsters, even if just before them. While I bound the first enemy to me, Firo destroyed the holding areas of the village monsters, allowing them to flee or fight and Raphtalia organized a defense of the local defense troops. Last time an evacuation was the right choice, as we weren't many we couldn't protect the people. Still, while many escaped around a fourth died while fleeing through scattered monsters. Thanks to the increased numbers this time it would be better to throw the monster out of the village, while the population barricades them self in the innermost houses.

After a few minutes, the support troops of Ren and my own came and established a defense line. When the organized troops of Motoyasu came along, we actually managed to throw the monster out of the village and establish a stable defense line. That was around half an hour after the begin of the wave. All that was only possible thanks to the enormous strength my group possessed. We had at least double the strength of the attacking monsters and large amounts of additional help.

Even if Motoyasu had a group without any organization, he had thirty-six members in that group. That was nearly one-fourth of the village population. They allowed the stronger people of our groups the flexibility that they needed to effectively hunt the monster down, while the weaker ones bound the monsters.

Just around that time, the knights of the castle came. They actually managed to disturb our ranks, only my quick intervention prevented the breakthrough of monsters.

Raphtalia was quite angry about that. Sadly the knights didn't seem to be able to think about their racism. Eclair, Zeff, and Claude tried to reason with them, but without any success. Finally, it showed what influence an A-rank adventurer really had. MiRae, the A-rank mage also known as Lightning Empress, threatened the knights and managed to include them into the defensive formation. Seeing this I actually wanted my own A-rank adventurer, but she was the backbone of her group and the other two a knight called Michael and a Mage called Carina were in Rens employment as well.

As I saw that the defense force was steadily holding the line I left the forefront and took a look around. Right now our fighters prevented the enemy from reaching the village. But if we fought a few hours like last time, it was possible that the monster would gain the overhand. Fatigued we would make errors and that would give the enemy a chance. I looked to the village to inspect the damage. Most of the buildings in the outer circle of the village were damaged, a few destroyed. Thankfully the monster didn't manage to reach deeper into the village. I made my decision.

„Firo, Raphtalia disengage from the battle. We will go and support the other heroes." (Naofumi)

They needed a few minutes, but then we went out of the village and took a circle around the main thrust of the waves forces. We still needed to fight, but focusing on Firos speed we managed to escape most enemies. In this we had luck. As only one village was in the surroundings, all monsters targeted it and didn't spread into the surroundings.

When we reached the battlefield I looked around. There was the rift, enemies still came out of it and turned in the direction of the village. The heroes and their companions fought in the opposite direction against the Chimera and her minions. Each boss had a number minions, that together had around half of the strength of the boss. Most of the times there weren't more than four. Like the Soul Eaters had each one minion in the form of the Skeleton Captain, the Kraken, and the Pirate Ship.

This time there were quite a few. I could see six left standing binding the heroes companions and two already dead. In this wave, we had the Dimensional Bee and the Dimensional Locus, small zombies, as main enemies. Then we had the Dimensional Corpse Eater Demons, huge zombies, as elites.

Here we know had a few more enemies. The two dead were a skeleton and a small but bitch black zombie. The enemies that were still alive were four Dimensional Corpse Eater Demon. All in full plate armor, but with different weaponry. One held a Sword and Shield, I called it a General. One with a two-handed hammer in golden armor, a Paladin. One with a two-handed sword, a warrior, and the last had some sort of claws like Sabretooth, a Barbarian. The last two were two bees, a small one with a skull pattern and a big one.

„Firo, Raphtalia you two will attack one of the minions of the boss together and defeat it. Afterwards attack the other minions one after the other. I will help the heroes." (Naofumi)

The main reason that the boss was still alive, was that the heroes had to concentrate on not being attacked. I inspected the pattern of the Chimaera and ran forward when the tail came up again for a new attack. All heads had some sort of magic attack next to there normal ones. The dragon head could breath fire and the snakehead could throw a lightning bolt. The attacks from the lion and goat head hadn't happened yet. I stepped in front of Ren and readied my shield.

[Reflect Shield] (Naofumi)

The lightning slammed into my shield and as I already strengthened it, it was reflected back onto the Chimeras body.

„Naofumi?" (Ren)

„What are you doing here?" (Motoyasu)

„Why are you so late?" (Itsuki)

„I'm here to help you and I'm late because I had to make sure that the Ryute village wasn't overrun by monsters. By the way Motoyasu, why didn't you make sure that your support group had a proper organisation. You did even include non-combat personal that we had to bring to safety." (Naofumi)

„I ... I didn't thought about that." (Motoyasu)

A look to Motoyasu showed that he had a red tined of embarrassment on his cheeks. That surprised me, but the next second I had to concentrate on the Chimera again and had to block an attack from the lions head.

„What are the special abilities of the lion and the goat head?" (Naofumi)

„Hmpf." (Itsuki)

„The lion has some sort of fire-based bite attack." (Ren)

„The goat has an armor piercing effect." (Motoyasu)

„Does one of you have any magic to increase fire resistance?" (Naofumi)

„Didn't learn it yet." (Ren)

„Mein does." (Motoyasu)

„Motoyasu-sama, you can't expect me to cast my magic on that rapists." (Bitch)

„No thanks, and if you call me a rapists once again that will have consequences." (Naofumi)

While saying that I had the darkest and most threatening expression on my face that I could make.

„I will use a skill to imprison it for thirty seconds. Use your buffs, in that time. Afterwards I will tank it and you can concentrate on damage. After I use my Dogbite skill it will be weakened, use your strongest attacks then." (Naofumi)

„Who made you the leader." (Itsuki)

[Shield Prison] (Naofumi)

[I, the hero of the shield, Draw out the power of water to do my bidding. Dragon Pulse, cloak me into water to protect me from my enemies.] [Saint Resist Fire]

[I, the hero of the spear, who command the origin of power. I have read and deciphered a law of nature. May fire cloak my spear and enhance my attack.] [First Magic Enchant Fire]

[I, the hero of the sword, who command the origin of power. I have read and deciphered a law of nature. May water enhance my attack.] [First Magic Enchant Water]

[I, the hero of justice, who command the origin of power. I have read and deciphered a law of nature. May blow the wind in my advantage.] [First Magic Enchant Wind]

[I, the hero of the shield, who has understand the origin of power command. I have read and deciphered a law of nature. Increase the defense of my allies.] [Zweit All Protect]

„What the hell, how come you already can do a Zweit. Where did you find a zweit level magic sphere." (Motoyasu)

„And what is Saint Magic. I thought there were only First, Second and Third." (Ren)

„First, Second and Third are Ritual Magic. There are also different kinds of magic, like Covenant Magic. Saint is such a type. It has the advantage to allow to use spells from elements that are normally not yours. Still, uses up quite a bit of mana. I won't really be using any more magic in this fight." (Naofumi)

Before the Shield Prison vanished I took a look around. Firo and Raphtalia had already killed the big bee and were now on there way to the small one. Perhaps five more minutes until we can all could concentrate on the Chimera. Seeing a new attack of one of the claws as a chance I changed to the Cerberus Shield to blocked the attack. Followed by a quick shield change right after the successful counter.

[Dog Bite] [Shield Bash] (Naofumi)

I rammed my shield into the goat head.

„Now." (Naofumi)

[Meteor Bow] (Itsuki)

[Drill Spear] (Motoyasu)

[Hide Sword] [Assassin Sword] (Ren)

Suddenly the Dragon Head inhaled and then breathed out fire

[Meteor Shield] (Naofumi)

I blocked the flames while the other heroes took a step back. Giving the Chimera a change to pound me. The Lion head fangs glowed bright and I needed to block it with my shield. I gained damage, but it was an acceptable amount, still higher than expected. The head also took my sight so that I saw the goat only in the last moment.

[Air Strike Shield] (Naofumi)

„The lions bite attack isn't fire based, probably a non-elemental attack buff." (Naofumi)

My attention was on the goat attack, it's attack had a similar structure like the armor piercing technique of the Hengen Musou Style. I would to need to prevent as many attacks as possible with Air Strike Shield. I wasn't used enough to Hengen Musou to actually use it in battle yet.

Over the next minutes of the battle, the fight around us came to a stop and we finally could concentrate all on the Chimera. I had to use a heal or two on me, but after additional fifteen minutes, we finally had killed the boss. Closing the rift.

We needed ten more minutes to finish all the normal trash mobs in the surroundings. It could have been faster, but the heroes made sure that none of the others had a chance to be near the corpses of the boss and his minions for too long.

„The Boss was an easy win, this time." (Ren)

„Well, that's to be expected." (Motoyasu)

„If this is how it is, the next wave will be a snap." (Itsuki)

„Probably not. I mean this is the equivalent to an apocalypse event in any kind of manga or anime. Do you know any anime, where the heroes start at level one, are much stronger than the enemies and stay that way until the end?" (Naofumi)

„... He isn't completely wrong with that. I mean most of those animes and mangas end quite often in a major disaster for the heroes." (Itsuki)

„Even if we manage to fight in a similar way at the next wave, that is the boss battle that is easy. What about the villages. We had a support group of sixty-one people. With that, we could defend one village to the point of driving the monster back.

All of Ren support group could fight against one or two of the enemies alone. My forces were a mixture, but they could close the gap through teamwork. Itsuki you didn't bring anyone and Motoyasu at least four of your people were ballast and only two could fight confidently against the trash mobs. They had no strategy, no teamwork, some didn't even have complete sets of equipment.

The next time the enemies will be stronger, what if we have more than one village to protect. What if two, okay that we will manage with thirty people per village. What if three that will be twenty per village. We had twenty-five plus my complete team this time in the beginning. That were our elites and we only managed to stop their assault, because the mages could use widespread destruction magic. What if they were already deeper in the village and we had to fight between the civilians?" (Naofumi)

„Well, well heroes! You have fought well!" (Knight Commander)

„And what about you. Twelve Knights and eight mages? Really. Why is your army that weak, why couldn't the village guards fight one-on-one with the monsters that came from the wave?

My companions all can do that most of them were level one a month ago. Or to formulate it differently, why are there still laws against overhunting. Why is the class up still restricted. The waves are a global event, do you think there won't come a time when no hero is available to fight a wave?

Do you not think it possible that the growth of the normal monsters will be influenced by the wave? What if the average monster level increases? How will you protect your population in that case?

You needed four heroes to fight this wave and Ryute village isn't destroyed only because Ren and I prepared accordingly. Motoyasu just recruited any beautiful female that came his way. Itsuki probably declined all inquiries.

Under normal circumstances, you would only have one hero right now. Would have one hero be enough for the wave? And because of your stupid decision, you couldn't even request help right now." (Naofumi)

„What you, devil." (Knight Commander)

„What do you mean they only would have one hero right now?" (Ren)

„In that case, we still would have the hero of the Projectile." (Bitch)

„That would result in overhunting and a destruction of our economy." (A-rank Warrior)

That was surprising to me, I had thought that the king still had the cane, but it wouldn't be the first change.

„Okay, let's address that. First I think while the economy is a valid argument, you still underestimate the danger of the wave. If you are all dead, then you don't have anything of a functioning economy. Also, that would solve the famine that you will have soon. All those food that will be destroyed by the waves, has to be replaced somehow. There are many monster species that can be eaten.

Last but not least, it is possible to prevent the destruction of the different monster races when that is a problem. Catch a minimum viable population an put them under slave crest to later repopulate the species. Additionally, most monster species produce eggs, as such you can collect the eggs when hunting monsters and put them under stasis. Monster eggs are robust to survive that.

Finally, if you don't have an MVP. There are only a handful really genetically pure monster types, like Philorial. All other species are mixed races that resulted from children of dragons and other monster species, that means they can be breed." (Naofumi)

„Next, to the heroes. There are eleven hero weapons known. Four legendary weapons: Shield, Sword, Spear, and Bow. The rest are the weapons of the seven-star heroes, but I'm not sure which those are." (Naofumi)

I looked at a priest in Rens group that had the emblem of the star hero church.

„Wand, Scythe, Gauntlet, Whip, Projectile, Katana and Axt."(Priest)

That was a surprise, the weapons were quite a bit shuffled.

„The seven-star heroes are normal people from this world, while the four legendary heroes are summoned. The problem is now that Melromarc didn't had the permission to summon four heroes. They perhaps could have summoned one hero and have no problems, but even then they only should have summoned their hero as the third.

To summon all four they had to use some sort of conduct. Similar to like how Saber was summoned in the Grail Wars, if you know that anime. If it would have been normal, the sword or the bow would probably be summoned in Faubley as they are rumored to be the most powerful and the sword is the perfect weapon in the eyes of the nobles.

I'm not sure who is the second one that would have summoned one, but if it is either Shieldfrieden or Silt Welt then I probably would have landed there. Melromarc would have summoned as the third and since the projectile is here, if Itsuki were still available he would have likely landed here." (Naofumi)

„Last but not least. I understand why the king isn't present on the battlefield, as his presence in the country is the only thing that prevents a war with Shieldfrieden right now. Well that and the diplomatic actions of the queen, but it would have been a good opportunity to show that he is still the legendary general that he once was. From my perspective and what I have heard he isn't that anymore." (Naofumi)

„You will pay for that, shield demon." (Bitch)

„No, I won't. What do you want to do? Kill me? What will happen then? It's quite simple, Shieldfrieden and Silt Welt will invade. You won't be able to request support from any other country. If the other heroes fight for you, you may be victorious, but not for long. All other countries will fear you afterwards, and you can't win against them all.

To prevent that, the queen has only one option. She will sacrifice all people that are involved in my death. At that point, she will have to even sacrifice all people that are rumored to be involved. You princess, the king and members of the church of three heroes would be quiet high on that list. Do you think your mother would sacrifice the country for you?

The only situation in that I die and that wouldn't result in your death in one way or another would perhaps be my death in a wave through a monster." (Naofumi)

„That may as it is. The castle is currently preparing a banquet! You will also be compensated for your deeds, so please do attend! Let us celebrate the safe removal of the wave!" (Knight Commander)

„Yeah, let us." (Motoyasu)

While saying that he went into the direction of the corpse of the chimera.

„What are you doing?" (Ren)

„Well, I was the greatest factor in the destruction of the boss so I get the first pick. I think I will take the lions head." (Motoyasu)

„What, I did the most damage, I should get the first pick." (Itsuki)

„There are three heads so each of us will get one. I propose that we use Ching, Chang, Chong to determine who gets what." (Ren)

„Did you forget me?" (Naofumi)

„Why should you get one? You are the shield." (Itsuki & Motoyasu)

„Sorry." (Ren)

I nodded to Ren and sighed.

„You all played online multiplayer games right? Just because the tank didn't do much damage, isn't a reason to not include him in the loot gain. Thankfully we don't need to split." (Naofumi)

I looked to my companions that came into the clearing while we talked.

„How is the distribution of the monster corpses settled?" (Naofumi)

„The village major has decided on the standard adventurer rules for such an emergency case. Twenty percent is split between all involved parties, in this case, the support groups of the Shield, Sword and Spear, our group, the knights, village guard and the village itself.

The last part will be sold to gain funds for the reestablishment of what was destroyed. The rest will be split based on contribution. Our group got twenty-five percent, our support group fifteen percent, Rens Support group seventeen percent, the village guard eight percent, the knights five percent and Motoyasus group ten percent. From the parts of our support group we will gain three additional percent, Rens group has a standard contract so around four percent and I don't think Motoyasu will gain anything from his, quite a few didn't look happy to be in this battle, at least not like it happened.

The monster here are out of the influence of the village. As such, it is land of the kingdom. That means twenty percent goes to the country, ten percent to the different guilds and the rest is split between the involved parties. How, that is the decision of the heroes." (Eclair)

„Do you think all the trash mobs are that thirty percent?" (Naofumi)

„You are heroes, so yeah, should be enough." (Eclair)

„Okay then please gather four of each type of monster here. Take it from the part of the village, tell them I will pay them later, top prices of course." (Naofumi)

„As you heard, from this wave most of us get the boss monster and his minions and that was it. If you want more the next time you should organize support groups as you will get twenty percent from their share." (Naofumi)

„Why the heck do you get that much stuff? I mean you have like three companions." (Motoyasu)

„Actually I have eight. As we all should get as much unlocked weapons as possible I will donate three collections of monster corpses." (Naofumi)

„You said that we don't need to split, I can't see that, we only have a few corpses so we have to split. Or do you want to waive your split?" (Itsuki)

„No, what I have seen so far, is that you three always swallow whole monster corpses. Is that correct?" (Naofumi)

„Yeah sure. What else should I do to unlock new spears?" (Motoyasu)

„Do you mean you found a different method?" (Ren)

„Afterwards they are nothing worth anymore." (Itsuki)

„Why don't you absorb monsters to gain additional energy?" (Ren)

„First, if you led the corpse of a monster lie around for too long, it is possible that they devolve into a zombie. Second, you can sell monster materials or make equipment from it. Third, absorbing monsters to gain energy is probably a strengthening method that Itsuki doesn't know about. And last, yes I found a different way." (Naofumi)

„While skinning monsters to gain materials, I tried out to feed my weapon single parts like bones, meat or the skin. I gained separate shields for most of the materials. This is, for example, the series that I gained for the Pill Rabbit. I shuffled through the different shields in fast order.

I also experimented with how much material is needed, as I didn't want to waste material from a prime. As the boss and his minions are quite big, I should be able to split them in a way that we can all unlock each weapon. The normal monster corpse are meant to show you, that I don't tell lies." (Naofumi)

Motoyasu and Itsuki looked skeptical, but Ren was willing to try it.

„Okay, I am willing to try, but what are primes?" (Ren)

„That was something that was explained after I first defeated one. Did you ever absorb a monster and gained a huge number of weapons? In my case it was a balloon, I original only gained single colors but suddenly gained them all at the same time. Well, at least all the normal ones, not the meat, bones and skin shields. But Ballons don't have those anyway." (Naofumi)

„Yeah, I had such an event, I killed an unusual needle bee to gain a huge amount of bee bows. But I didn't gain an explanation." (Itsuki)

„Perhaps you need also a connection to a monster. Like I have with Firo and Yu'lon. Whatever, that was a prime. Primes are leaders of a monster species, they are stronger than normal. Firo is probably a prime. Not sure about Yu'lon. However, at each time there is only a small amount of primes, one per area at best, often fewer and if the species is powerful enough there exist a major prime, a king or queen of a whole species. Firo is a Philorial Queen, but she is not THE Philorial Queen.

I only know of four other major primes: Spirit Turtle, Houou, Kirin, and Ouryuu. What is important is that equipment made of materials from primes is of a better quality as most normal equipment. Another property is that the star weapons can always copy a weapon that is made from prime materials." (Naofumi)

In the time we spoke, my companions had prepared the corpses. I went and skinned one of the normal zombies. Then I took one of the bones and inserted into my shield. Changing it in the new shield.

„This is the Dimensional Locus Bone Shield. It gives a bonus on defense of three." (Naofumi)

Afterwards, I absorbed a whole body of a Locust and changed my shield again.

„And this is the Dimensional Locust Shield, it has a defense bonus of six. Itsuki please absorb that Locust body." (Naofumi)

Itsuki did as called and gained the Dimensional Locust Bow with an increase in attack of six.

„Ren know absorb this bone." (Naofumi)

Ren got the Dimensional Locust Bone Sword with an increase in defense of two and an endurance increase of one. I then calculated how much of the meat an unlock would need and then split the meat into four heaps. Two enough and two not enough.

„Motoyasu and Itsuki, you will see that those heaps won't unlock a weapon, but Ren and I will unlock our new weapons." (Naofumi)

I then preceded to unlock the Dimensional Locust Meat Shield gaining a small stamina increase. Ren followed and believed me enough to also unlock his sword. Motoyasu and Itsuki didn't gain anything, but when I gave them the necessary meat they also unlocked their weapons. The demonstrations had given them the necessary belief.

„As you can see I can predict how much of a material is needed. Are you three agreeable that I split the other corpses up to give each the necessary amount? We probably won't regain any materials, but it should be enough to unlock all the weapons. If it isn't enough, we can put it aside for now and split it up later." (Naofumi)

Afterwards, I split up the bodies and each absorbed a part. There were only a few problems, the small bee, the eyes of the zombies, the heart of the big bee and the snake head of the Chimera. After a heated debate, we managed to split that also up. The problem parts were cut up as economical as possible and if we had a rest, I would gain that. For example, the eyes were such a case, each of use gained one pair of eyes and the rest went together with most of the heart of the big bee towards Itsuki. I didn't gain anything from the rest of the heart, but thanks to the fact that I had gained one part of each eye, after absorbing eyes from the Dimensional Locust and the Dimensional Corpse Eater Demon I gained a Dimensional Eye Shield, that had eyes of all types of zombies and gave a great bonus of perception and defense. It also had an active skill that induced fear into enemies that looked onto the shield.

Dimensional Corpse Eater Demon Soldier Shield

True Power sealed ...

Equipment bonus: Armor Use skill +1

Dimensional Corpse Eater Demon Berserker Shield

True Power sealed ...

Equipment bonus: 1% Damage Reduction from the Dimensional System

Dimensional Corpse Eater Demon Warrior Shield

True Power sealed ...

Equipment bonus: Two-handed Weapon Use skill +1

Dimensional Corpse Eater Demon General Shield

True Power sealed ...

Equipment bonus: Shield Use Skill +1

Dimensional Corpse Eater Demon Assassin Shield

True Power sealed ...

Equipment bonus: Hide skill +1

Dimensional Skeleton Mage Shield

True Power sealed ...

Equipment bonus: Magic Use skill +1

Dimensional Corpse Eater Demon Lords Eyes Shield

True Power sealed ...

Equipment bonus: Perception skill +2, Defense +6

Special Effect: Fear Aura

Additionally, I gained the Dimensional Assassin Bee unlocking the next shield of the Bee Needle Shield series.

Dimensional Assassin Bee Shield

True Power sealed ...

Equipment bonus: Poison Use skill +1, Hide skill +1

Dimensional Giant Bee Shield

True Power sealed ...

Equipment bonus: Agility +8

Bee Needle Shield III

True Power sealed ...

Equipment bonus: Attack +1

Special Effect: Shield of Spikes (small), Bee Poison (Deadly Poison)

As I only needed a small amount of the snakehead, I also managed to gain a complete set of Chimera Head Shields. Having them together also unlocked a powerful new Shield, the Chimera Four Head Shield. After absorbing all other parts of the chimera I gained a bonus for unlocking the complete Dimensional Chimera Boss Series. It evolved the Four Head Shield and all four heads shields. The Chimera Viper Shield II gained a counter ability similar to my Rage Shield, just weaker in strength and based on Electricity. The Lion Shield II had a Roar skill that prevented fear skills and increased the resistance against mind attack and mind control skill. Additionally, it had a buff skill called Lions Fang that could increase the attack power of the next attack. It could be cast on one target within six meters. The Goat Shield had a similar skill to the Snake's Fang from the Chimera Viper Shield it was a bit stronger and had an armor piercing ability, but a smaller range. It also had a Buff skill for one target, this one increased the resistance against armor piercing. The Dragon Shield had the ability Dragon's Leap that allowed for one re-jump in the air. Additionally, it could reproduce the fire breath of the Chimera. The Chimera Four Heads Shield had a powerful equipment bonus, Double Counter added a second counter effect to each counter, doubling the strength of my Rage and Viper Shield. It also had a counter with an attack of the four Chimera heads. The skill it gained through evolving Four Guardians detached the Four Heads and made them float around me. They would then automatically block and counter the next four hits.

Chimera Viper Shield II

True Power sealed ...

Equipment bonus: Change Shield, Compounding +2, Poison Resistance (High)

Special Effect: Snake's Fang (High) Long Hook, Electrize Shield (Counter)

Chimera Lion Shield II

True Power sealed ...

Equipment bonus: Change Shield, Skinning +2, Defense Debuff Resistance (High)

Special Effect: Lion's Motivational Roar (High), Lions Fang (High)

Chimera Goat Shield II

True Power sealed ...

Equipment bonus: Change Shield, Jumping +2, Defense Penetration Resistance (High)

Special Effect: Goat's Piercing Headbutt (High), Piercing Resistance Increase

Chimera Dragon Shield II

True Power sealed ...

Equipment bonus: Change Shield, Craft +2, Fire Resistance (High)

Special Effect: Dragon's Fire Breath (High), Dragon's Leap

Chimera Four Head Shield II

True Power sealed ...

Equipment bonus: Double Counter, Attack +1, Perception +1

Special Effect: Four-Head Counter, Four Guardians (High)

Having resolved that problem and collected a huge number of new and powerful shields I made my way towards the village to collect all my comrades. Tonight would be the party, I hoped it would be better than last time. Perhaps I had made Motoyasu thoughtful enough.