
Chapter 7

„Did I understand that right? Your task is to find out if the local lord did something illegal and act accordingly?" (Rishia)

„Mainly, not sure why such a task was given to the adventure guild. I mean it basically removes one of the privileges that a government has, the execution of violence." (Naofumi)

I could see that my companions didn't understand my point. Perhaps it was not that surprising. In this world, everybody has to have access to weapons to defend them self against monsters. Additionally, they summoned random people as heroes to save their world. Sure they didn't have much choice in that put still.

„Before we begin, to make sure you understand the feudal system in Melromarc. First, there is no difference between male and females. The legends say that surprises many heroes, but they don't say why." (Eclair)

„Your society is similar to the medieval ages of our societies. At that time it was normal that woman had no rights and belonged to their fathers or husbands. In our modern society, we have equal rights between all sexes and races." (Naofumi)

Eclair nodded understanding.

„We have a feudal system. The crown manages the heartland around the capital and has sole control over the army and knight orders. Then there are the 106 different counties, each is controlled by a hereditary noble lord title. There are differences in the position of a noble based on the size of his county. If the line of a noble family dies out, has disgraced itself or were demoted the crown selects a new person from the landless nobles to oversees the county.

The crown controls the counties mainly through hostages. I was one such hostage. Most hostages have high positions in the court, church or knight orders. Each lord has to give a tenth of their counties production to the crown and create a local guard that protects their counties from internal threats.

Otherwise, they can do what they want. Meaning that we only can do something against the Noble Lord if he either didn't follow one of the king's decrees, has not protected his county or didn't pay his tenth. Additionally the noble in question is a new one, that means he has no hostage in the capital that could be used to control him." (Eclair)

„Okay, first what the Lord did was to increase the tax to 25% of the income for the normal people for preparation against the wave. Later they were increased to 50%. Also, there are additional taxes for traders. All in all that has reduced the amount of trade done in this city by a third." (Rishia)

„Short-sighted and greedy but not exactly against the law. Especially if it really was used to prepare by increasing the numbers of guards or something similar." (Naofumi)

„Not to my knowledge, but there are more guards in the major cities. The Lord has made known that he wants the important cities more protected. Additionally, we have found out that the soldiers are loyal to him as we couldn't find support there." (Rishia)

„That could be something, if he ignores the villages then he doesn't do his job of protecting the people." (Naofumi)

„As I knew our request, I had made inquiries in a few of the villages. They were asked to create there own village guards from there population. While that simply isn't possible for most villages, it could be used as a defense argument." (Eclair)

„Then it is at most a weak argument. Which is not enough for me." (Naofumi)

„The lord has stopped most of the termination requests, saying that for effective use through the heroes the monster population has to increase. The requests that are available right now, are mostly put up by a group of nobles and merchants." (Rishia)

„Again, an idiotic decision that is easily defendable. Also, a good measure to control the nobles and merchants binding their money in tasks, that are original the tasks of the lord." (Naofumi)

„He has restricted the sale of imported goods to humans only. It has made it more difficult for those that use demi-humans." (Rishia)

„That is his first major mistake. As I use demi-humans, his action can be interpreted as hindering a hero in his task to save the world. Also if there are demi-human among the seven-star heroes that would be an even better case." (Naofumi)

„While it is true, that no one would look kind to hindering a hero, it is not really against the laws." (Eclair)

„Actually it is. It is just that it is a law from the founding of the country that has been forgotten. Sadly, I don't really want to make it known as it makes it extremely difficult to make heroes accountable for anything." (Naofumi)

„How do you know so much about our laws? I thought you are form a different world." (Rishia)

„I have used my time in the castle to study as much as possible in the library." (Naofumi)

That was of course not true. I had to thank Melty for that.

„Anything else?" (Naofumi)

„The lord forces are suppressing a number of shops and nobles in his territory. Mainly anything that stands against him or his supporters and anything that is in support of demi-humans." (Rishia)

„The forces that you talk about, is that a mercenary force or does he uses the guard for this. And who are his supporters?" (Naofumi)

„A few merchants and nobles of the radical fraction. Otherwise mainly the Church of three heroes. To his forces. While they are wearing mercenaries gear and try to hide their faces, multiple were identified as members of the guard." (Rishia)

„Then that is our main point." (Naofumi)

Over the next to days, we managed to find support from a few nobles and merchants. Even the head of the local guild branch supported us. He wasn't a friend of demi-humans or the shield hero, but he saw what damage the lord caused and wanted him removed. We finally managed to find one strong and three weak reasons for his removal.

When we went to him together with two merchants, a female nobel that would take over from the lord and the guild master of the adventure guild, we managed to gain entrance before announcing what we came for. The reaction was quite predictable. The Lord ordered his guards to remove us, not realizing that I was a hero. After we fought a path through a part of his guard and reached the lord, he was killed in the process of his resistance against our arrest attempt. He had tortured Lifana and Raphtalia before and I wouldn't let that go. Sadly that brought us into this situation. Before dying he managed to unseal some kind of huge demon beast. It looked like a tyrannosaurus rex.

The Tyrannosaurus smashed his huge tail in my direction. It first hit my meteor wall, smashing it to pieces, then doing the same thing to my shield prison and my fast guard spell. That gave me enough time though to strengthen my air shield making it capable of withstanding the weakened attack with a crack in its structure.

Afterwards, I used the short time I had to cast two more attract spells on it. As the shield hero one of my powers, supported by a few shields, was to be a more attractive target for monsters. The attract spells that I had cast via dragon pulse increased that attraction.

Meanwhile, Lifana and Yu'lon were casting their respective healing spells on me to bring me up to maximum health after the last attack that managed to break my defenses.

„Okay, the next attack that I can block completely will be in one minute. Until then you have to hold up my health as best as you can. It should now ignore most of your attacks if you don't attack it from the front." (Naofumi)

Our strategy for this fight was easy. I would stay on defense and use everything to block the attacks and stay alive. Meanwhile, Yu'lon, Wyndia, and Lifana would use their magic to heal me. Raphtalia, Firo in her bird form, Kiel and Eclair would be attacking the Tyrannosaurus from the sides and Rishia would switch between attack, support, and healing magic.

Rishia knew a number of spells from highly different elements, but she didn't have any strategy while learning them. She new a fire and wind attack magic, a healing spell and an earth support skill for endurance. But all quite random. The same was her fighting style. She simply didn't have the experience needed to fit into our well-trained formation. As such, she was nearly inconsequential in this fight.

The good news for us was that we had managed to prevent the Tyrannosaurus from rushing into the city. But after the fight, there wouldn't be anything left from the castle.

[Illusion Sword] (Raphtalia)

[High Quick] (Firo)

[Triple Stirke] (Kiel)

[Thunder Strike] (Eclair)

„Prepare your healing magic, it attacks again. Shield Prison." (Naofumi)

The attack slammed into my strengthened shield prison which withstood for a second before breaking and slammed into my body moving me by nearly two meters and injuring my right arm.

[First Heartbeat Healing] (Lifana)

[Second Aquaheal] (Yu'lon)

[First Fast Heal] (Rishia)

[Saint Heal] (Wyndia)

„How much mana do you still have left?" (Naofumi)

„Still six Firsts." (Lifana)

„Three seconds and five firsts." (Yu'lon)

„I can use dragon pulse still a few times, put healing magic will become difficult after four more spells." (Wyndia)

„I have still half of my mana left." (Rishia)

„Together with my own mana that means roughly three to four minutes. How I wish Shiro would be here right now. Okay, attack team you have three minutes to defeat that beast." (Naofumi)

While fighting it I moved nearer towards the cliff on that the castle stood. Thankfully the direct surrounding was fewer populated as the main city. My plan was, if possible to fight the Tyrannus Dragon Rex in the castle, otherwise, I would try to make him fall off the cliff and kill him that way. Without my use of the different strengthening methods, I would already be defeated.

I still had the wrath shield in reserve and it seems it was time to use it. I had begun to train with the wrath shield. My goal was the complete control about the wrath and with it the unlocking of the true wrath shield. The Shield of Compassion had one major weakness, it lacked the counter component that the wrath shield had.

„I will use a dangerous shield. If the beast attacks the next time, stay away from it and me. Prepare Healing magic everyone." (Naofumi)

With what I planned next, I could be happy that neither of my companions would be entering a berserk status anymore.

„Put all your offensive support spells on me." (Naofumi)

While my companions complied I waited for the next attack. When it came I used Air Strike Shield, Fast Guard, and Meteor Wall and then let the weakened attack slam into my shield. While enduring it.

„Cerberus Shield" (Naofumi)

[Dog Bite] (Naofumi)

I had added a confuse effect to my Cerberus Shield via Fusion. Using that moment I charged forward.

„Bee Needle Shield" (Naofumi)

[Shield Bash]

Every protection enchantment removed the Needle Shield slammed into the dragon, producing damage and activating the two effects on the shield. Bee Poison and Provocation, inciting a new attack from the target. As it was a spontaneous attack it was much weaker as the normal attacks. Allowing me to take it without further protection skills.

„Wrath Shield III" (Naofumi)

[Dark Burning Curse] (Naofumi)

The Dragon was engulfed by flames producing massive damage and eating away on his health. Thanks to my warning my companion stayed out of reach of the flames. I concentrated on controlling all the anger that I felt right now. The difference between the projection on an enemy and the control was that not only I needed to shield my companions from the anger but also myself. The first part I had managed by now, the second part was much more difficult. I concentrated on my task and proceeded.

[Shield Prision] (Naofumi)

[Change Shield (Bee Needle Shield)] (Naofumi)

[Foolish Sinner, I Hereby Grant You A Punishment. Piercing Your Whole Body With A Virgin's Embrace. Suffer In Pain. Your Cries Muffled. Iron Maiden] (Naofumi)

The gigantic iron maiden closed around the dragon, it was still a bit bigger than it but not by much. If this didn't help, I would probably have to use Blutopfer and that was something that I would like to prevent.

As the iron maiden opened again the Tyranus Dragon Rex, fell to the ground, pierced over all his body but still alive. It was hit by multiple attacks from my companions just a second later.

[I, a child of a dragon, Draw out the power of the Earth and Darkness to do my bidding. Dragon Pulse, strike my enemy with the flame of darkness.] [Saint Dark Firebolt]

[I, a knight of the country, who command the origin of power. I have read and deciphered a law of nature. Lightning in the clouds please cloud my blade into thunder.] [Hengen Musou: Crumbled Thunder Strike]

[I, a guardian of the shield, who command the origin of power. I have read and deciphered a law of nature. Please release my full power for a leap of faith.] [First Sonic Leap] [High-speed Frontal Lotus] (Kiel)

[I, a daughter of merchants, who command the origin of power. I have read and deciphered a law of nature. Wind stand me by and strike my enemy.] [First Wind Bullet] (Rishia)

[I, Firo, who commands the origin of power. I have read and deciphered a law of nature. Please wind guide my way] [First Wind] [Spiral Strike] (Firo)

[I, a follower of the shield, who has understand the origin of power command. I have read and deciphered a law of nature. May my blade be scorched by the heavens light.] [Zweit Scorching Blade] (Raphtalia)

[Roar of the Skydragon] (Yu'lon)

[Crippling Shot] (Lifana)

Seeing the barrage of attacks I acted quickly. As expected the combined might of my companions was finally enough to strike down the Tyranus Dragon Rex. I sank down to the ground having used up my SP and MP completely.

[I, a servant of nature, who commands the origin of power. I have read and deciphered a law of nature. Powers of nature please help my companions.] [First Heartbeat Healing] (Lifana)

„Master are you alright?" (Raphtalia)

I had still problems with my breathing, so I needed time to answer her.

„What was that ability?" (Eclair)

„It is called Iron Maiden. An attack skill of high power, it uses up all my SP. I only have one stronger skill, and that weakens me for nearly one month afterward." (Naofumi)

„What happened when you used that dragon-flame shield? Master was so dark." (Raphtalia)

„It's called the Shield of Wrath, it's what allows Iron Maiden. I don't like to use it as it is not only dangerous for my enemies, but also for myself and my companions. I try to learn to control it right now. That's the reason I never used it where you could see it." (Naofumi)

Afterwards, we spent the rest of the day salvaging the dragon corpse. We got a high amount of top quality materials. Good shields and a few additional dragon cores.

There were problems with the local merchants wanting some parts of the corpse, but as the damage was only minor, except the castle, the female noble managed to solve that problem. The next day we left. Our goal was the village with the monster plant. While I didn't believe that there would be a famine this time, it was better to make sure nothing happened.

Through the fight against the huge dragon and the continued fighting on the way to the village, I and my companions reached level 36 to 38. The exceptions were Wyndia and Rishia, which were only at level 32 and 20 respectively. Thanks to my quick reaction before the final defeat of the tyrant dragon, Rishia already had the first round of growth correction. The boss fight put her right up again from level 1 to 15.

When we finally came to the tree village I was slightly surprised. As I came that much sooner I had expected to either not find the magical tree at all or that it was still in its harmless state. When we came to the village we found panicked villagers that tried to escape from the city. I ordered Firo to park the wagon at a safe distance and we began to help evacuate the villagers. This time the infestation was actually much more severe then last time. We couldn't simply run to the tree, we had to do a coordinated approach and for that the presence of the villagers was disruptive.

We needed one day to evacuate all villagers, doing multiple small insurgencies. All the while we had to fight horrible plant monsters and collected materials. I wanted to have the venom and spores to create antidotes for us. Last time Raphtalia had inhaled some spores while fighting and I wanted to be properly prepared. After negotiating about an adventure guild contract for the defeating of the monsters and liberating of the city I prepared our attack.

I had managed to get an extraordinary good reward for our mission, as it included the modification of the plant towards a normal fruit tree. I would have done that anyway, but why not let them pay for it. After interacting more with the systems of the adventure guild, I found out that it was better for me to do an official mission rather than a private mission like I did it last time.

This way the rewards were bigger. Our attack was difficult, though more because of the large number of monsters, not their individual strength. They didn't even come close to monsters like the Tyranno Dragon or the Cerberus, but it was the number of monsters that were the problem.

It was the first time we fought against a similar number of monsters, as in the coming waves. We only had the option to reduce their numbers over time, as they didn't reproduce as fast as we killed them. My price for the whole action were the seeds that I could later use to create the homes of my village.

After we left the village we made a detour towards the ruin were Motoyasu found the seed. I wanted, no needed, the crystals that could be found in it and there were a few interesting creatures living there. When we left I had unlocked the Chimera Viper Shield again, and also one that I didn't have last time, as I hadn't absorbed enough bats. My new bat sound shield had the nice effect to produce hallucinations.

The last time I had used the gained crystals in the ruins to create a special needle to produce magic cloth for Firo's dress. While what the Magic Shop owner gave me was fitting for Firo, I always had my problems with it. It was comfortable clothing, but it lacked any helpful magical enchantments.

As the cloth was made from magic itself, it could not gain effects from enchanting it. That was no problem in itself, but as the Magic Shop owner made it from her own magic it was a weak construct. Even at that time my own magic would have had produced a much better equipment.

In the time that Firo had traveled with me and Raphtalia in our god forms, there were times were Firo simply didn't have the necessary protection that were needed. At that time I had learned to create clothing and equipment myself to give her what she needed. I was no professional mainly relying on the supreme quality of my magic. As I was no god anymore, my equipment would be weaker, but still better than any civilian clothing that we had.

Over the next days of travel, I produced a few pieces of equipment for Firo and my companions. I even experimented a bit with cloth from the magic of my companion. Sadly with low success, the only exception was Raphtalia. Her magic held a residue, for a moment I thought that it was because she would become a god in the future, but it wasn't that.

I now understood what Sadina meant when she said that Raphtalias heritage was special. At one point in time, a god was here in this world, and Raphtalia was one of that god's progeny. That was probably a few hundreds of generations ago, but it still showed. From her magic, I produced a cloak for her that would increase her abilities to cast illusions on herself slightly.

Otherwise, the clothing that we all wore under our armors had now a weak [defense up] effect. The most time went into the production of Firo's dress and I managed to get more out of it than any other piece of clothing that I had created. It had [Defense UP(small)], [Magic Resistance UP (small)] and [Autonomous Repair].

It was in a similar style like her old dress but had an additional obi as an overcoat. Just without the wide sleeves to not hinder any movement. Most of my time went into this piece of clothing. It wouldn't do anything to prevent injuries, but if Firo took a hit that would have her death as the result, the obi would prevent that damage destroying itself in the process. Sadly I couldn't produce this enchantment endlessly, as it was quite rare and difficult to produce.

After we had left the ruins we were level 39. We had still a bit more than a week left until the wave. I had planned to use the last week for training and unlocking of shields, as such, we hadn't any more quests. Inspecting our maps I looked for areas that we could use to level up, while traveling in the direction of the capital. We were at the eastern border right now. For the most effective leveling, we would need to travel north to a number of dungeons.

In the south were a few local monster nests, but it was a risk to travel there, as it was possible that an adventure group or one of the other heroes already had been there. Still, I made the decision to travel in that direction. Three days later we reached a small border town at the south-east border.

We left the wagon there and travel towards a cave complex a bit beyond the Melromarc border. Over the three days, we had concentrated to level up Wyndia and Rishia, closing the level gap between my companions. Still other than Yu'lon, they were all level 40 now.

After reaching the cave we entered it and followed a complex path into the earth. Without my knowledge, we probably wouldn't have managed to reach my target within half a day. The monster in the cave were not the best ones. They neither gave a good amount of exp, good materials nor good shields. The reason why I came here was the object before us.

„Is that a dragon hourglass?" (Eclair)

„Correct." (Naofumi)

„Why is one here?" (Rishia)

„Didn't I told you that a high number of dragon hour glasses exists in areas not claimed by the civilized nations?" (Naofumi)

„That was before Rishia and Wyndia joined us, Naofumi-sama." (Lifana)

„Right. The hourglasses that are in the wild are mainly protected by the Philorial and a few other intelligent monsters." (Naofumi)

„Are we here to class up?" (Eclair)

„Yes. Like explained last time my Growth Elevation, can also work after we did a class up. That is important as one of the other techniques I know to promote the strength of my companion is called Class Branching. Eclair you were a knight of the kingdom, did you already had a class up?" (Naofumi)

„Yes, all knights that reach level 40 gain access to the hourglass." (Eclair)

„What class did choose?" (Kiel)

„There are multiple classes for different kinds of fighting styles. As a knight, we are trained to fight in a formation and groups with other knights. Therefore we chose one of six different classes. They all increase our abilities to fight better together with others of the same set. Their overall performance if fighting alone is smaller to most other class ups, but that isn't a fighting style that is preferred by Melromarcs knights." (Eclair)

„That is good to know, then I can give a demonstration. Please stand in front of the hourglass." (Naofumi)

[I, the Shield Hero, servant of this world pleads to you. Oh, Dragon Pulse, grant me your power and give me access to the wisdom of the sages. Release the restrictions of my companion and allow her to branch out.] [Class Up]

„Ehh?" (Eclair)

As Eclairs class up tree came up in front of me, I looked it over, then I used my shield to highlight a few choices and then allowed her to choose for her self.

„Like Eclair can see right now, this spell allows the selection of an additional class when doing a class up. The maximum of classes a person can have is different for each individual. Three is the average and there is a different cap for first and second class advancement as well.

Also, you need to know the following. What class up options are available is based on a few factors: race, overall experiences, and abilities, formerly chosen classes, and luck. 30% are identical for every race and are the ones all can choose. 20% is based on race and previously selected classes each. Abilities, experiences, and Luck each have 10%. 1% of the classes that you can gain for each category can change after a class up is done as well.

When you look at your class upgrade screen you can see red, green and blue marks. Red are classes that you shouldn't use, as they have disadvantages. Your team combat classes are some of them. They have uses, but in reality, their effects don't accumulate. They are quite good for six-man teams with each class being chosen by one member, but not for more. There are better, but rarer alternatives. Like team classes with higher stats or effects that include all members of the group, army or surrounding.

The green classes are classes that are stronger than other classes. The blue stands for rare classes, each has unique abilities, they are not necessarily better than other classes though. Often they have special situations in which they shine or highly valuable skills that make them valuable even with lower overall stats. That you can choose other classes to compensate, makes them much more valuable as well.

As you had a traditional reset, you now can choose two classes, though each class can only be chosen once. Using Growth Elevation to reduce your levels, will not reset your class up selection, that only happens with traditional resets. Of course, that means you also won't lose the benefits of the class up.

I will let you choose for yourself. One last point, there are a few rare items that can modify class up. I know of three that are especially effective. The blessing of the skydragon, the blessing of the earth dragon and the blessing of the Philorial Queen.

Yu'lon can give the first one if you want it, it increases magical abilities and overall attack power. With a minor bonus to agility. It is also the reason why she is still outside the room. I have a shield that can give the blessing of the earth dragon which focuses on attack power and physical defense. The Philorial Queens blessing I don't have access to right now, it focuses on attack power and agility. With the Queen of the Philorial I don't mean Philorial that are like Firo, but the queen of all Philorial. If you want one of the blessings, then you have to know, that you can't have more than one." (Naofumi)

Yu'lon and Rishia both gained the Sky-Dragon blessing. Lifana was also tempted by it but choose a more plant related rare class the `Druid` for her first advancement and wanted to use the blessing next time. Firo gained her wish this time and gained the ability to shoot poison. She also could coat her claws with it. Her feathers gained a few purple streaks and her eye color changed to a deep purple. Since I still worked on her clothing, I managed to adjust the colors of them accordingly.

Eclair took the Earth-Dragon blessing and a different team oriented class that she had access to thanks to her choosing a similar class originally called the `Guardian Knight`. Kiel chose a fast close combat specialist class, which focused on pure physical strength through the use of KI, the `Combat Specialist`. Raphtalia went for a magical high-speed close combat class the `Magical Swordwoman`. Wyndia decided to become the rare `Beastmaster` class. As soon as that was finished I reset our levels, this time for 100 levels and a 200% growth increase.

The next few days we spent traveling back to the capital and reached it 2 days before the wave. Through training, we had reached level 20 again.