
Chapter 1


A voice full of admiration brought me back to my senses. As I settled down, what filled my view was a bunch of men wearing robes, looking in my direction with dumbfounded expressions.


Following the robed men's line of sight, I found three others who also seemed to have trouble grasping the situation. I inclined my head as I thought: What on earth happened?

A while ago I was ... I couldn't remember, I know that Raphtalia and I were fighting against goddesses and gods for quite some time but I can't remember most of my memories.

It's still there, at least most of it, but it's as there is a mist between them and me. And now I have been summoned to Melromarc again, the world I saved first, with the same three other heroes from that time. Sadly they are not the versions of the heroes I knew at the end, but the ones when we first met. On my arm was the shield again, that I had at the beginning of my adventure. I would have to check my status shortly, but that could wait until we were sent to our chamber for the night. I refocused on the conversation that happened while I thought about my situation.

„Aren't you people guilty over summoning us without our consent?" (Ren)

„For instance, we won't just fight for world peace and then return to our old world empty handed, right?" (Itsuki)

„You guys don't seem to take much consideration into our own plans, do you? Depending on what you have to offer, we might end up becoming this world's enemy instead, got it?" (Motoyasu)

I remembered this. They demand tributes for there fight, while they are eager to begin there journey. Not surprising they think them invincible after all. I focused on the guy who talked to us. The hack, it's the High Priest of the Three Heroes Church. Was he also here last time?

„Well first, I'd like you all to have an audience with the king. We can discuss your reward then." (High Priest)

The representative of the robed men opened the heavy looking door to guide us through.

„...Guess it can't be helped." (Ren)

„Right." (Itsuki)

„Duh, the guy we'll be meeting changes, but I bet the story's still the same." (Motoyasu)

We left the dark room and passed through a corridor made out of stone. My first priority is to escape the charge of rape. How to do that? The easiest way is to decline Bitch companionships and then leave the town and go to the next city. But how to explain those actions to the other heroes? I need an explanation, if I simply decline and left they will find that suspicious. When the accusation happens, I will become the prime suspect for them.

Let's create a bit of tension between trash and the heroes. I read a book the first time before coming here. They all had major series of games, so they will expect something similar and books are focused on story and setting, while games on mechanics. I can use that for my advantage. What to do if I can't get Bitch away from me? Perhaps I should make a few rumours.

„I am the king of this country, Aultcray. The thirty-second ruler of Melromarc. Brave ones, please raise your heads."

I tried my hardest to not look angry at Trash, it was difficult, but I couldn't show my dislike for him just yet.

„Now then, let us explain our situation. This country, and moreover, this whole world is facing its demise." (Trash)

I turned the king out, while making more plans what to do tomorrow.

„I understand your dilemma. But who gave you the right to summon us into doing manual labor for free?" (Ren)

„That is one hell of a convenient story." (Itsuki)

„... Even if that is the case, and this isn't me being selfish or anything, but if this world is going into ruin then let it be destroyed. This matter doesn't even concern us." (Motoyasu)

This time I din't say anything.

„Of course, we planned on rewarding the Brave Ones fully for their efforts." (Trash)

The Heroes tried to suppress there triumph, though they weren't very successful. I found it interesting, last time Trash had slightly different reactions. I also found it unusual that I remembered the last time in that much details.

„I had already made arrangements to aid your cause with money. And surely, since the Brave Heroes will be protecting our world, housing is necessary. For that purpose I have already prepared a fitting place for you Brave Ones to rest." (Trash)

„Eh~ ... Those are all well and good promises then." (Ren)

„Don't think that we can be tamed with only this much though. You'll have to continue giving your cooperation if you don't want us to turn rogue." (Motoyasu)

„... That's right." (Itsuki)

„Well then, Heroes. Let us hear each of your names." (Trash)

„My name is Amaki Ren. Age 16, a high schooler." (Ren)

Hero of the Sword, Amaki Ren. The best of the bunch. Act's cool but has a good heart and can think for himself. Sadly he is easy to influence by what others say and is not overly good with other people. I should try to help him if I can.

„Okay, next up will be yours truly. My name's Kitamura Motoyasu. 21 this year, a university student." (Motoyasu)

Hero of the Spear, Kitamura Motoyasu. A grater waste does not exists. Well except for Bitch and right now Trash. An lady's men and altogether incredibly annoying. He has no hope. A word of the most despicable female would still have a higher weight than any men's.

„It's my turn next. My name is Kawasumi Itsuki. 17 right now, another high school student." (Itsuki)

Hero of the Bow, Kawasumi Itsuki. Has probably a Messiah and inferiority complex. Who is against him is always the villain. Thinks he can't do anything wrong. The most troublesome of the bunch.

„And lastly, I'm Iwatani Naofumi. Age 20, university student." (Naofumi)

The king casually looked past me. Well I'm the Shield Demon after all.

„Fumu. Ren, Motoyasu, and Itsuki, huh?" (Trash)

„Now then, everyone please confirm your own status. As a matter of fact, I would like you all to visually check for yourselves." (Trash)

„Etto, how do I go about seeing this?" (Itsuki)

„The hell, man. You guys didn't even notice that much after coming to this world? Well whatever, do you see that icon in the corner of your vision? Focus your mind on it and you'll see." (Motoyasu)

I also focused my mind to open the status menu.

Iwatani Naofumi

Occupation: Hero of the Shield Level 1 / XXX (Sealed)

Equipment: Small Shield (Legendary Armament), Parallel World's Clothes

Skill: Sealed

Magic: Sealed

My abilities were sealed it seems, similar to my memories. Ability wise I was the same as I was at the beginning of my adventure. Perhaps I can unseal a few of my abilities, that would be something for later. At least I had to be careful for know, as I was not stronger than the other three. At least I had that minimal attack power again that I had before becoming a god. While it had increased my defense significant, in the situation I was right know it would be better to have at least a bit of attack power.

„Level 1 huh... this doesn't look very reassuring." (Ren)

„Right, I don't even know if it's possible to fight like this." (Itsuki)

„That's exactly what I meant." (Ren)

„Tools like these don't exist in the Brave Ones' world? This Status magic can be used by everyone in this world, helping to improve ourselves." (Trash)

„Is that so?" (Itsuki)

„So then, what should we do now? Our current values seem rather troubling." (Ren)

„Fumu. From now on, you Brave Heroes will need to venture forth so that you may hone and strengthen both yourselves as well as your legendary armaments." (Trash)

„Strengthen? Does that mean that our starting equipment isn't strong enough?" (Itsuki)

„Yes, the legendary weapon of each summoned Hero has their own special method of enhancement. By doing so they can become very powerful." (Trash)

I smiled inwardly more like eight different for me.

„Legend this, legend that. It's fine not to change weapons as long as it can function properly as a weapon, no?" (Motoyasu)

„That doesn't matter right now, so we can leave it for later. More importantly, what we need is to improve our own abilities, right?" (Ren)

„So are we going to form a party with the four of us?" (Ren)

„Brave Heroes, please hold for a moment." (Trash)

„Huh?" (Motoyasu)

„Each of you Brave Heroes will need to recruit your own companions and begin your adventures separately." (Trash)

That was another point that was sad in retrospective. We simply believed him and never tried that out. Well after the betrayal I wouldn't have been willing for that anyway. I later found out that it was true, but we still should have tried it out at least. Also it doesn't influence the Vassal Heroes. It is possible to team up with up to two Vassals. The only problem there is that requirements for the strengthening methods overlap. Which means for heroes it is faster to travel alone.

„And the reason for that is?" (Ren)

„Yes. According to legend, it's said that the legendary armaments will reject one another should you Brave Heroes band together, interfering with the growth of both the owners and the weapons." (Trash)

„I don't really get it, but if we act together, we can't increase our power?" (Itsuki)

Everyone shared a glance with one another. Original I thought at that point that we all thought that we couldn't work together. Now I new better. While Itsuki had a single player game and therefore only one holy weapon in his group, it was a different case for Ren and Motoyasu. I visited there worlds at a later time to relax and played there games. Both had player groups, most with multiple times the same weapon. Even Itsuki should have known, because in his game it was possible to recruit NPC which had the Vassal weapons. The true reasons we didn't bound together was because they were greedy and wanted to have the best loot for them self.

„That really does seem to be the case..." (Itsuki)

„Improving ourselves and recruiting comrades. Which should be done first, I wonder?" (Motoyasu)

„Please allow me the honor of preparing your comrades. At any rate, the sun is already beginning to set. Brave Ones, please take your time and rest for the day. You may depart for your journey tomorrow. During that time I shall make arrangements and scout for talented individuals who can accompany you on your destiny." (Trash)

„I have a question. If we find a person who is willing to become our companion, can we recruit them?." (Naofumi)

Trash grimaced, but it was so short that you didn't see it if you didn't expect it to be there.

„Of course, but I assure you that I will present the best that you could find." (Trash)

„Even if the person is has not the most impeccable call? I mean sometimes there are abilities needed that the normal citizens doesn't know." I looked to the other heroes. „Like the dungeoneering skills of a thief." (Naofumi)

„He is right. Those abilities could be invaluable at times. (Ren)

Motoyasu and Itsuki also sounded their approval of my idea. The King didn't look happy to have to agree with my suggestion.

„Of course, no task is more important than the elimination of the wave." (Trash)

„Could you please made that known, so that we won't have any problems?" (Naofumi)

Trash simply nodded to a guard who promptly left the throne room.

„Thank you very much." (Naofumi)

„Thank you." (Ren)

We each expressed our thanks and were brought to the prepared guest rooms.