
The Shared Mate

Karabo_Jannet · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 4

Matilda's POV

"The password is Luna Matilda Marilyn José."

I kind of knew he was my mate and I hate commitment so I just nodded my head and acted like I didn't know what he meant. I can't have two mates that are not from the same mothers. Can I? The white wolf said he was my mate yesterday and almost kidnapped me.

"Thank you," I said and he nodded and went to sit on the corner at the far end. I sat down and put the password. It got accepted and I went to Google. I was gonna search Goddess Diana and God Mani. Alphas have Internet so why not.

Turns out Diana hunted dogs. That's a low blow if you asked me. Why would she hunt those cute little things? Heartless. I saw her pictures and she was not as cute as she was on the mirror yesterday but she was still beautiful.

I also searched Mani. He is the god of the moon and his sister is the Goddess of Sun. How... nice. One thing got my attention though, he had supernatural strength. I wonder if I have that. I would make the most powerful Alpha ever seen. All the other gods had their own calender. I don't not wish to be saying the things written here al...

"What are you doing?" Andrew asked getting me out of my trail of thoughts and also causing me to shut close the laptop.

"Nothing you should know of. Why are you asking?" I asked trying to look cool but failed miserably.

"I had been asking you if you wanted anything to eat," he stated and I nodded then closed my eyes and took deep breaths in and out.

"Yeah sure," I said and he nodded before he left. I quickly opened the laptop and removed my history search and turned the laptop off before running downstairs.

"My sister is gonna drive you mad before you even have the chance to say ahh," I heard George say. I stopped moving and leaned on the wall. Yep, eavesdropping.

"No dude. I think she will make a great Luna," Justin said and I smiled before running inside the kitchen.

"Hello boys," I greeted and they smiled at me as I sat next to Justin.

"Heard you were doing a research on how to be a perfect Alpha," he joked and I looked at Andrew with a smirk.

"Nope. Not at all," I said when Andrew placed a plate in front of me.

"Then what were you doing?" He asked and crossed his arms over his chest. I can't just tell them about Mani and Diana right. They'll ask way too many questions.

"Porn," all of our eyes went wide. Why would I say Porn? Gosh Matilda, you're only fifteen.

"Porn?" They all asked in unison. I looked at them with a wide mouth.

"Not porno as in pornography of course I'm not supposed to be watching that why would you want me to watch Porn when I'm only fifteen of course mom wouldn't want me to be watching tha..." I was cut off by George yelling at me.

"Matilda!" He yelled and I looked at him with raised eyebrows and my mouth partly open.

"I'm sorry but I wasn't watching the exclusive por..." I was cut off by Andrew this time, he wasn't yelling unlike my brother.

"We believe you," he said and held my hand. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding and he chuckled.

"What were you doing?" Liam asked and I looked at George. He was looking at his phone. I swear this boy is addicted.

"I uh... Pornassio," what. What the heck is that? Oh right.

"Pornassio?" Liam asked and I nodded. I hope I still remember Geography.

"Care to elaborate?" George asked with his eyes glued on the phone.

"It's a city in Italy," at least it's what I think. I'm not entirely sure.

"Oh yeah. I have heard about that. Remember when Mrs. West told us about cities found in Italy?" Jason asked and they all nodded. I let out the breath and they looked at me causing me to suck in as much breath. They got back to whatever they were doing and I sighed before eating my food.

"Alpha! There has been caught rouge," a man came in out of breath causing the boys to stand protectively around me.

"What happened?" Andrew asked and I stood up going to stand next to Justin and Hank.

"A rouge was found in our territory," he said and I looked at Andrew. He was clenching his jaw.

"Throw them in a cell," he said and my eyes went wide. He can't throw innocent lives in cells.

"Take me to the person," I said and the man looked at me before looking at Andrew.

"What?" Andrew asked and I nodded my head. George seemed to be mindlinking one of the boys.

"No," George said and I crossed my hands over my chest.

"I'm alpha and what I say goes," I said and they looked at Andrew.

"Even Justin is against that," George said and I looked at Justin. He looked at me and sighed.

"Rouges are dangerous. Especially towards humans," he said and I nodded my head.

"So you agree with them?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yes," I feel betrayed. I shook my head and walked to the door. I opened it and started walking. I don't know where I'm going but I also don't care.

"Matilda!" Liam yelled behind me and I turned to look at him. The other guys were there too.

"What!" I asked with a loud voice than I had intended that I wanted to crawl up in a hole and die.

"You have to understand that..." Andrew started but I cut him off.

"And I don't care. It's your pack after all and I'm just a helpless earth..." i cut myself off knowing I'll regret what was about to come out of my mouth minutes later.

"Earth?" George asked and I laughed but they didn't so I got all serious.

"Helpless earth human," I said and turned around before leaving. I loved being in control for two weeks. The idea itself was amazing. Having to rule over bunch of werewolves. Bunking school for two weeks was adding more to my happiness.

"Mattie!" I ignored all of them and walked out of their territory to the place I'd hate to be at. There were two guards on the white line and I sighed before approaching.

"Hello," I greeted and they turned to me with their swords ready for war.

"Who are you?" One of them asked and I looked at the other one. I don't even know the name of the white Wolf.

"Please call your alpha," I said and saw his eyes turning white so I'm guessing it's one of the powers they are gifted with.

"He will be here in two minutes," the bulky man said and I nodded. I was leaning on the tree when I felt him nearing us.

"Who demand me!?" He growled out and I wondered if coming here was the wrong choice or the right one.

"I'm sorry Alpha but this woman demanded us to call you," I stood straight and looked at him.

"You came back," was all that left his mouth and I knew that I was welcome. I walked to him and hugged him. He didn't hug back so I pulled away.

"I'm sorry. I just needed a hug," I said and looked at his eyes. It was like he was reading me. Tears fell from my eyes when the thought that he would reject me came into my mind.

"Why did you run away?" He asked steadying his voice so that he does not sound weak in front of his guards.

"Please invite me in," I begged and he looked at the guards before pulling me with him. We walked to his packhouse and now that I see it, it's amazing outside. Flowers are covering almost the entire garden and some of the walls. It looks like a lovely home. He led me inside and I looked at the floor once everyone turned to me. He continued to pull me two flights of the stairs up. He closed the door behind him and locked us in what looked like a bedroom. I turned to him and I remembered that he was waiting for explanation.

"I already found my mate then," I said and he chuckled darkly.

"Then why are you here now?" He asked and I felt like he was pushing his Wolf down.

"Because... I don't know," I said and walked to the window. I looked outside and let the tears flow down my cheeks. A sob left my lips and I used my hand to cover my mouth as they all came out. I cried on my hand before sinking on the floor. I felt strong arms pick me up. I leaned into his touch as more tears came.

"I thought... I thought... my..." i couldn't form a sentence. It felt like my heart was being torn into pieces.

"Shh. Talk to me," he said stroking my hair. I sobbed before hugging him more closer.

"I thought my... pre... presence would... make you... a little... happy," I said between hiccups and he chuckled. His chuckle was kind of sexy but I don't think I should be saying this thing when I'm only fifteen.

"It does. Who is your other mate?" He asked and I sniffed before gripping his shirt.

"Andrew something," I said and his hold on me tightened.

"But you are my mate," he said and I nodded.

"I still don't understand how I have two mates that are different alphas and hate each other's guts," I whispered and he laid on his back bringing me with him.

"Did you come here to reject me?" He asked and I raised my head to look into his eyes.

"And risk losing you forever? Nope," I said and he chuckled. His heartbeat was fast.

"What are you gonna do?" He asked and I tried to get off of him but he held me down.

"Nothing. I'm gonna rule by your side," I said and he raised an eyebrow. He didn't believe me.

"Your other mate is my enemy. Do you think he would allow that?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Once I turn eighteen then I will be free from anyone and I'll be living with my own rules," I said and his hands started playing with my hair.

"How will I meet you in the meantime?" He asked and I looked up at him.

"Attend school," I said and he laughed like I had made the best joke in all time.

"Me and school don't get along," he said and I rolled my eyes.

"For me?" I asked and he sighed before kissing the top of my head.

"Fine," he said and I... giggled. Okay. I got up and sat next to him.

"It will be fun. We will eat together at lunch," I said and he smiled still stroking my hair. I felt like my chest was suffocating. I couldn't breath.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I tried to say something but nothing got out of my mouth. My vision started blurring and tears flowed from my eyes and streamed down my face. I heard him yell something but I didn't hear it. My eyes started closing. I fought to keep them open but they won. How? I don't know.

"Nyx! Nyx!" Diana's voice came by and I tried to open my eyes.

"Diana?" I asked and she chuckled.

"Wake up baby," she said and I succeeded in opening my eyes. She was standing over the bed with Mani.

"What happened?" I asked and they sighed. I had a headache even though I didn't drink nor did I hit my head. I went to touch my head but my hands were cuffed to the bed.

"Oh you're awake," A lady asked as she appeared from the darkness. She had the same eyes as Diana.

"Who are you and why am I cuffed to the bed?" I asked pulling my hands, trying to pull my hands out of the cuffs.

"You disobeyed me," she said and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Dude, I don't even know you," I said and she chuckled before her face turned cold as stone.

"Silence!" She yelled and I felt like something was around my neck.

"What's going on?" I asked again and I saw Diana and Mani leave the room.

"You will not disobey me!" She yelled and I struggled against the thing around my neck. She chuckled before walking close to the bed.

"You have two mates. You will bring them together as one," she said and I nodded. I couldn't move nor could I answer her. The things around my neck were removed and the cuffs also fell on the bed. I crawled away from her and hugged my knees.

"You're weak, Nyx." the lady  said and I wiped my tears. I am not feeling weak. I feel like I should just sleep.

"Who is Nyx? And how do I bring two enemies together?" I asked weakly and she chuckled before she walked close to me. She placed her hand on my forehead and my head hit the pillow as I drifted into nothingness.

I woke up as my back arched off the bed. I looked around and I was in a familiar room. I was alone.

"You're awake?" A male familiar voice said and I looked around. I tried to move my hands to see if they are in cuffs and I was able to move them so that means I'm not cuffed.

"Where am I?" I asked and got up from the bed.

"You can't go away. I'll mindlink the alpha," he said and I put on my shoes. I walked out of the room with the doctor following me closely behind.

"Hey. What's wrong?" The white wolf's voice came by and I took a step back. He also took one back and I sighed.

"What is your name?" I asked and he smiled before taking a step closer to me.

"Alexandre," he said and I nodded before hugging him. I pulled away and he smiled before kissing my forehead.

"What?" I asked but he just shook his head.

"I have to talk to the doctor," he said and held my hand. He looked at the doctor and they seemed to be mindlinking. I had an itch around my neck. I started scratching there. There was one felt on my wrist. I scratched there again. There were red marks all over.

"I am going to the bathroom," I said and headed there. I looked at the mirror and looked at my neck. I had a round thing like around my neck. I touched it and flinched. It hurt like hell. I opened the tap and tried washing it away. It was still there. I looked at my eyes and saw her again. Diana. I rolled my eyes and washed my hands staring at her.

"Nyx..." i cut her off.

"It's Matilda!" I yelled and went to walk away. The door wouldn't open. I pulled harder but it still didn't open. It was locked.

"I am your mother," she said and I chuckled and trust me it was not nice.

"You aren't my mother! You don't know anything about being a mother," I hissed and she chuckled before getting closer to the glass.

"I'll lock you in here Nyx. What has gotten into you?" She asked and I rolled my eyes before running towards the door.

"Alex!" I yelled banging on the door. I heard Diana chuckled behind me and I turned around. The door was opened and I ran out leaving whoever was there to be the one who deals with my demons.

"Hey!" I turned around and it was Alex. He ran towards me and I hugged him and inhaled his scent. He smelt earthy and woodsy. I don't know if I'm sane to combine the two but right now I don't care.

"My name is Matilda," I repeated and he nodded before holding me close to his chest.

"What happened?" He asked and I shook my head before looking around. I saw her. I saw Diana and Mani looking at me with hurt in their eyes.

"She will kill me," I whispered and he sighed before holding me close.

"I won't let her," he whispered before pulling me close to him. We started walking towards his pack house and I remembered that I left my brother and his friends looking for me. I sighed knowing that granny would kill them if she knew that they lost me. Poor them.

"I have to go back home," I said and he looked at me with so much pain that it hurt me to look into his eyes.

"Will you come back? I mean, will I see you again?" He asked with a weak voice and I chuckled before holding his hand.

"Yes and yes. If you remember what I asked you then you will see me tomorrow," I smiled and he did too.

"What is your full name?" He asked and I chuckled before moving closer to him.

"Matilda Marilyn José," I said and he nodded.

"Mine is, Alexandre Xander..." i cut him off with a hug.

"Will you walk me home?" I asked and he nodded. He held me by my waist and we started walking. His people were bowing as we passed.

"So I will see you tomorrow?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yep," I said and placed my head under his shoulder. He kissed the top of my head and I giggled.

"You like that, huh?" He asked and I nodded. My hand was so small in his.

"A lot," we stopped near Andrew's border line and I looked up at Alex. He was looking at my eyes while I was looking at his lips. I wonder how they would feel on mine. I stood on my tippy toes as our lips touched and our tongues danced in sync. Magic!