
The Shared Mate

Karabo_Jannet · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 11

Matilda's POV

"Do you think she like me?"

"What?" I asked dumbstruck and his hand rubbed the back of his neck before it travelled to his hair and he gripped it.

"She is my mate," he said and I stopped breathing for a second before looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"What?" I asked but it came out as a whisper. I looked back at her and found her laughing with Andrew.

"I think she know this but she is ignoring it," he said and I gasped before looking at her again. Andrew was playfully strangling her.

"What?" I asked again and George sighed before holding both my hands. He kissed my forehead before kissing my left cheek, then the right cheek.

"Ask her?" He asked and I sighed before leaning on the wall. He gave me pleading eyes and I nodded before walking towards Andrew.

"Hey guys," I said lowly. They turned to me and Andrew pulled me towards him by my waist. I felt tired. I feel really tired.

"Can I talk to you for a bit?" I asked Alessia and I saw her blush while looking at George.

"Yeah sure," she said and I sighed looking at George. He smiled and I rolled my eyes before looking at Alessia.

"Do you think..." George interrupted me and I bit my tongue to stop myself from saying some annoying shit at my brother.

"Alessia! Can we talk?" He asked out and I looked at him with a raised eyebrow before looking at Alessia. I nodded my head and they walked off.

"What's up with them?" Andrew asked shaking his head with a faint smile playing on his lips.

"I think they are mates," I said lowly and grabbed his hand. He smiled and we walked together towards the bedroom.

"Are we going to school tomorrow?" He asked me and I turned to him.

"Yep," I said and jumped on the bed. I started jumping and singing a song I didn't know that I knew. He chuckled before joining me. We started jumping together.

"Where did you learn that song?" He asked as we laid on the back with out backs, I shook my head before grabbing his hand.

"I never learned the song. It just came into my head," I said and he nodded before kissing my cheek.

"You taste nice," he said before licking my cheek. Now I miss Alex. I wonder if...

"How about I try some thing out," I said and climbed on top of him. His hands travelled to my waist. I smiled before leaning in. I licked his jaw and heard him suck in a lot of breath.

"You taste like... Wow," I said before licking it again. He chuckled before pushing me away with my shoulders.

"I taste like wow?" He asked and I shook my head then licked his hand. He pulled it back and placed them back on my waist.

"You are an amazing mate," he said and I chuckled before getting off him and walking to the bathroom. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, combed my hair and put on my undergarments. I walked to the bedroom and found Andrew talking to someone on the door. I sighed and walked to his closet. I took his boxer briefs and his shirt.

"Hey," he said behind me as his hands went around my waist. I wonder if this is appropriate for a fifteen year old girl.

"Promise me something," I said and he made me turn around.

"What is it?" He asked and I brought his hand to my lips.

"Promise me that once I die, you will take care of my mom. Take care of granny and accept George to join your pack," I said and he tightened his hold on my hand.

"What make you think you are gonna die?" He asked before pulling me impossibly closer to him. I sighed before throwing one leg of mine around his waist.

"I got rejected. We both know I don't have long to live," I said and he scoffed before playing with my hand.

"And?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. He is like that. Everytime I feel like not saying anything, its like he knows that I'm not telling the entire truth.

"And I have to go back home," I said and he scoffed before kissing the top of my head.

"Aren't you home though?" He asked and I sighed. I know what kind of home he was referring to.

"I am. I do feel like I'm home when I am with you," I said and felt him nod. His hand went to my hair while his other one was used to support his head.

"But?" He asked again. See what I was talking about?

"Serene made a mistake by mating me to any of the wolves. Selene is planning to take me back home," I said and he sighed shaking his head a little.

"Am I a mistake to you?" He asked and I raised my head to look at him with wide eyes. His look was serious.

"No. To everyone, I am a mistake," I said and he sighed before kissing the top of my head again.

"To me you are a blessing," I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows and he smiled, making me giggle.

"I doubt Selene would listen to me when I tell her that I want to stay," I said sadly and he nodded his head again.

"Its fine," he said in a whisper and I shut my eyes closed.

"Promise me," I begged before opening my eyes and looking at him. His eyes were closed with his jaw clenched.

"I promise," he said and one tear of mine fell on his chest. "Don't cry," he said pulling me closer to him.

"I'm not crying," I said wiping them off with his shirt. He chuckled and kissed the top of my head. What is with this guy and kissing.

"I love you till death do us part," he said making me laugh.

"You are crazy," I laughed and he followed. This is what I call love. Me and him laughing at our problems. Partly. Laying on the bed together as one. Mostly.

"And so are you," he said and I rolled my eyes.

"Mark me," I whispered and he stiffened under me and I sighed thinking of what the answers would be.

"What?" That's not what I was expecting. I looked at him with a small smile on my lips.

"Mark me," I said raising one eyebrow. He threw his head back before his chest rumbled. He was laughing at me.

"You want me to mark you? As in like, mating?" He asked and I sighed shaking my head.

"Not fully the mating process. You just have to mark me," I said and he shook his head.

"No," he said and I pouted while he closed his eyes. Think Matilda think. Manipulation.

"It will help us in some way," I said and his eyes opened as I gave him puppy eyes.

"How?" He asked and I kissed his chin.

"When I'm in trouble, you will feel it and get to me quicker," I said and he seemed to think about it before looking back at me. The hand that was under him came to my neck. He pushed my hair to my back to expose my neck. I pushed his hand away and sat straight. He sighed before sitting up too. He pulled me towards him before kissing me. The kiss was amazingly magical. He pushed my hair to my back and craned my head to the side. He pulled my head closer to his lips as his canines started growing. I closed my eyes waiting for the pain. I felt his breath fanning my neck and I squealed. He pulled me to the point I was straddling him. He sank his teeth deep into my flesh and I let out a scream as my nails digged deep into his flesh. Once he pulled away, my vision was blurred and I tried to wipe my eyes thinking it was tears but my eyes didn't get better.

"Are you okay?" Andrew asked and I shook my head. I was getting sleepy. I feel sleepy. I laid my head on what felt like shoulder and decided to close my eyes.

I must've falled asleep cause when I woke up, it was light outside. I looked to my side to find Andrew leaning on the wall with his eyes closed. I rolled my eyes and got out of bed. I opened the curtains and he fell to the floor with a hump.

"Damn!" He groaned and I chuckled. He turned to me and I went serious.

"Sorry," I said and he scoffed rolling his eyes. He got uo and walked towards me. He kissed the top of my head and I smiled. I looked at him and he looked down at me. Pretty shitty but who cares. He kissed my forehead and he chuckled when I groaned. I nibbled his chin and he laughed before pushing my face away. I walked to the bathroom and took a shower. I got out and brushed my teeth. I combed my hair looking at the mirror. I expected to see Diana but she didn't appear. There was a small rose tattoo on my neck. I touched it and it kind of glowed blue. I sighed and put on my undergarments. I walked back to the bedroom to find Andrew on the phone with whoever. I went to the drawer and put on my grey jogger pants and a white sleeved shirt. I grabbed my bag and walked out of the room leaving Andrew on the phone. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. As always, mom and the chef were making breakfast. I waved before walking out of the kitchen and to the living room.

"Morning!" Someone yelled before I was thrown to the air and I screamed as I went back down. Damn I hate gravity. Someone catched me before I was pulled to a hard chest. I looked up and it was Andrew.

"Who are you!?" He growled at the person and I didn't hear the person reply. I pulled away from Andrew and grabbed his hands trying to calm him down.

"Nyxie!" I heard Achlys yell before I was thrown to the ground with a heavy body on top of me.

"Like I said, I need to breathe," I whispered and she chuckled before getting off me. I sighed as she helped me up.

"Izzie!" Someone else yelled before I was back on the ground. I heard a low growl behind us but chose to ignore it. The person got off me and helped my up. It was Selene.

"Nyx," Serene said before pulling me for a hug. She squeezed me and I sighed trying to push her away.

"Air," I choked out and she giggled and let go of me. I sighed and looked at everyone. They were all here.

"Baby!" Mani yelled before hugging me and spinning with me on the air. He out me down and I saw Diana chatting with granny.

"Who are you all and why are you all here!?" Andrew growled out and I turned to everyone. Diana was ready for war and so was Mani.

"Drew," I walked towards him and held his hands. "These are the gods and goddesses," I whispered and his eyes went wide looking around at everyone.

"Is he the one who hurt my daughter!?" Diana asked before starting to circle Andrew.

"No no. This is Andrew, my mate," I said holding a hand to stop her from attacking.

"He is the first mate. The old one," Serene said and we all turned to her. What does she mean the old one.

"How old is he?" I asked and she chuckled before looking at Andrew.

"He is three hundred and seventy eight years old," Selene said with a giggle and I nodded before sending pleading eyes to Andrew. He nodded.

"Why are you guys here?" I asked and they looked at me before looking at Selene and a lady who looked like Mani. She was kind of cute with her hair in two ponytails. Her eyed were grey.

"Let's talk," Diana said before pulling me outside. The others followed closely behind.

"Chang'e discovered something huge with George. Serene wouldn't see it because witches had covered their tracks very well and now that we see it, its not good." Selene said and I turned to her.

"Plus, you are very behind on your lessons," Achlys said and I turned to her with raised eyebrows.

"I'm behind with?" I asked and she sighed before answering me.

"You only learnt firebending and a little of waterbending. What about the others?" She asked and I nodded my head still looking at her.

"George does not have long to live," a lady around the same age as Diana said and my eyes went wide.

"What do you mean?" I asked looking at the door. George can't be hurt. It shall not be because of me. Or anyone. Never. Ever.

"He found his mate. Yes?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yes. He did, her name is Alessia," I said and Serene nodded her head.

"I didn't want him to be alone when Nyx comes back with us," she said and I looked at her with a thankful smile.

"There is more. There is a fake mate, she will have a stronger scent than the mate herself. She is a witch and will cause your brother to reject his mate and accept her instead and that'll..." I cut Selene off.

"Can't we prevent it?" I asked and she shook her head.

"If we change it then they'll suspect something. Unless," she said. It didn't finish he sentence but stared at me.

"Unless what?" I asked and she sighed still looking at me.

"You are the only one who can prevent all of it from happening. Once you can apply the energy bending, you will be able to manipulate people's energy. You will be able to kill... stop the events even before they happen," Chang'e said and I sighed nodding my head.

"What if I die before I stop all of it?" I asked and she shook her head.

"You won't die," she said confidently and I scoffed holding my left hand up.

"I got rejected," I stated and she nodded looking at Serene.

"You still have Andrew," Selene said and I shook my head. These people don't understand.

"I still got..." Serene cut me off and I sighed.

"Darling, you guys sliced your left hand and not your right. The left hand is not that strong. That means, you and Alex are still mates," Serene said and I nodded.

"The reason he rejected you was because Goddess Heme... Ex goddess Hemara and her witch aunt that we never knew she had placed a spell on Alex. He rejected you because of the spell. The spell is stronger than Serene and Selene combined," Diana said and my eyed went wide.

"Who is Nyx between that girl and Mary?" Andrew asked and I turned to him. He was standing there with George. Mom, granny and Alessia came to stand next to Andrew and George. I looked at mom and saw her giving Diana that look your neighbor get from your mother when she is playing with your little sister.

"Introductions. Guys this is George, my brother. This is Elizabeth, my mom. Mariah, my granny. Alessia, my new friend. Andrew is my mate." I introduced them and I saw mom smile before getting serious. I turned to the goddesses and gods while standing in front of Andrew. "This is Diana and Mani, my biological parents. Selene and Serene are the twins, my aunts from my mom's side. This is Achlys, my aunt from my dad's side. Chang'e, I don't know which side she is from but she is my aunt. Heracles is my friend." I said and they smiled at each other.

"We need to go," George said and I sighed and tried to walk past Diana. Keyword, tried. She grabbed my elbow pulling my back.

"You need to practice Nyx," she said and I looked at George and Andrew. Andrew had his eyes set on my elbow while George had his eyes on Heracles.

"I will practice after school," I promised and she shook her head. "Please," I begged and she sighed but nodded anyways.

"So my conditions are accepted then?" She asked and I nodded.

"Of course," I promised before hugging her. I hugged Mani too before hugging Serene and Selene. I shook Heracles' hand before running towards Achlys and jumping on her. Me and her fell on the ground together. We laughed as I was being helped up by Andrew before helping Achlys up. I walked with Andrew to his car.

"Nice family," he said lowly and I nodded.

"I don't like that boy," George said looking at Heracles. I chuckled before grabbing his shoulder and kissing his cheek. I heard a growl in the car but hgnored it.

"Heal baby heal," I said mocking his voice. He once said that to me after buying me strawberry ice cream when I wanted combination of vanilla and chocolate. I climbed in the car next to Andrew.

"My Nyx," he whispered kissing the mark and I chuckled.

"My Drew. No! My Alpha Drew," I said and he chuckled before playing with my hair. The car stopped in front of the school and I groaned before walking out with Andrew.

"What do you have first?" I asked and he took his phone out.

"Gym. And you?" He asked and I handed him my schedule.

"Dance," I said with a groan and he chuckled but kissed my forehead before leaving.

I walked to my locker and placed my bag before heading to class. I was late and Alex was there. His'sister' was there too.

"Matilda!" He yelled out and I turned around. Hemera smirked looking at me.

"Sir?" I asked and he scoffed before walking towards me.

"You're late," he stated and I raised an eyebrow. He had bags under his eyes.

"I noticed that," I said and he huffed looking at my lips.

"Dance for us," he said and I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. He smirked and I shrugged and stood in front. There is this trending dance I saw, WAP. Its what I'm dancing nigga. I hit the music before taking a deep breath. I started dancing and twerking.

Once I was done, my hair was all over my face as some was sticking on my forehead. I pulled it to the top of my head and tied it into a ponytail. He walked towards me and his hand went to my neck. I did not know what he was doing until he touched my mark.
