
The Shadows Between Us


Dreamerx30 · Fantasy
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Year 1885.

The kingdom of Valendia was bathed in sunlight as the sun rises. The capital and epicenter of the courageous people was Máville. The Máville Royals maintained peace, tranquility, and prosperity throughout the whole Valendia dynasty. The magnificent and illustrious Máville kingdom of Valendia, also referred to as the "red kingdom" for some unstated motives.

Elder King Donovan has made palace such a simple design to disguise what an effective defence these unobtrusive small slits in the curtain wall or towers can be. Built correctly, they will give the archer inside the castle a wide scope for shooting their arrows, whilst the attacker will only have a tiny slit to aim at.

After the gloomy night, it's another calm, sunny day. Just as the neighbourhood residents began their morning tasks. For the Máville king's palace, the morning was similarly upbeat. The gardeners began watering the lovely flowers and plants in the spacious royal garden, which were especially planted with flowers because the late Queen Elizabeth of Maville loved to water plants and spent much of her time in the garden.

The servants began their chores. Every hour of the day brought more and more activity for everyone. Large windows and the enormous royal entrance gate allowed sunshine to entered the castle.

One female in her late 40s wearing a shirt, corset and an apron on top is giving instructions to the other maids. Her little dark red brooch on her chest is representing that she is the head of the servants of the royal palace. She was looking confident and her eyes had proud and satisfied with her position. She was human like many other maids in the palace.

Some maids were bought by the village so they will work in the palace such lowly creatures were made to work in the palace serving to the highly vampires. In the vampirism realm, the folklore traditions from many thousands of years now. The race was still coming from generation to generation after hiding from humans. The vampires had become powerful amongst them. To put a hold on both creature rights and rules, the royal palace played important role in every city.

In Valendia, there are four cities. The capital is Máville which is 9 miles (14 km) northeast of Álencia, the former interim capital. Álencia, the Kingdom of bravery, near him on the east was Ourediz, The Gloomwood Forest. The fourth smallest city, Cloudhallow, the Segojón Kingdom.

The senior maid was telling the daily duties of the slaves of this kingdom in a calm manner but the command was visible in her tone. The slaves who were abandoned or was in an orphanage was selected to work in the kingdom as maid slave. Staying in the royal kingdom was absolutely much better than staying in the orphanage.

They knew they'd be slaves for the rest of their lives, with their blood fed to the royals. They were pleased that they could do so. The girls bowed to the senior maid and left to carry out the commands.

Mary sighed and looked at the girl who appeared to be a new servant here. The girl has a petite face and black eyes, probably a human. When she noticed Mary staring at her, she bent her head. She was raised in an orphanage and was chosen to serve in the royal palace. She was pleased yet concerned since she didn't want to be an appetiser for them.

But does she have any more choices under her sleeve? She was an orphan with nothing to do but wait for day to break and night to fall. Being chosen for the royals was obviously a special and proud moment for her. She was prepared to complete whatever task assigned to her by this Lady Mary. "My name is Charlotte, Miss Mary. I arrived here last night with Queen Victoria's command."

Mary nodded, knowing that a new maid would be arriving at the castle for work today or the next day. Mary smiled and decided to mentor this young lady, which is also her job.

"Let's keep it brief. I hope you don't let me down and carry out your responsibilities appropriately. You can always come to me for assistance. I don't think I need to teach you proper etiquette. Celline showed her disregard for social etiquette one day by not wearing a bow, which ended in her being embarrassed in front of the king and prince by the queen's hand."

Charlotte's brow furrowed as she imagined herself being scolded by the queen in front of the prince and king. Nonetheless, she makes no attempt to convey her anxiety to her.

"Yes, Miss Mary. I won't disappoint you."

"That would be better." She smiled at her.

Another female maid suddenly approached them. She was a little younger than Mary and dressed properly. She bowed and replied, "Miss Mary, I hope everything is well with you. I just wanted to inquire about our Majesties the king and queen's breakfast. They have awoken." She alerted the chief maid.

"It's ready in the royal dining room." Answered Mary.

The girl smiled and returned to the King's room, striding faster. "Her name is Eden. Personal maid to Queen Victoria and King Donovan After me, she is in charge of their comfort." Mary overhears the girl speak affectionately.

"King Donovan is very kind and generous. People love him very much, May God bless him. After what happened years ago, which are now stories for us. I can just imagine that time of humans and vampires war."

"Yes, he is extremely humble and soft to be our king, but his heart illness has been troubling for the last year, but he is now fine owing to treatment."

"What about Queen Victoria?" Charlotte suddenly asks, to which Mary seriously answered.

"She is a demanding Queen. Because she is hard to please, you should avoid making blunders in front of her." Mary cautions the girl that if any maid makes a mistake, the senior maid is held accountable, and she does not wish to respond or defend the human maids from the Queen's wrath. She can be rather cruel at times. She overhears Charlotte say,

"I hope I will serve her well."


There was another jaw-dropping and splendid palace of the Álencia Kingdom far away from the Máville Kingdom. Álencia was the primary centre and previous capital of Valendia's governing monarchy. It was a kingdom of high trade and power, with some of the most educated and artistic individuals in the world at the time.

Where the sun has just risen. The castle exudes a profound calm.

It's breakfast time, and the window in the room is open, allowing a pleasant breeze to enter and keep the air fresh around each corner. The room was large, with a large bed in the centre and long curtains descending on all four sides.

Three to four attendants were assisting the young princess in getting ready. One of the girls was brushing the princess's half wet hair. Her black hair was long and sleek, reaching all the way to her waist. With a smile, the maid carefully brushed them while sniffing the comforting fragrance of the princess's hair.

One maid was delicately arranging the layers of the gorgeous red gown with the tiny waist of a princess, one bow at a time. Red made her ten times more alluring. Another maid is sitting on the floor, lacing the straps of the princess's comfortable yet elegant sandals. She was adoring the clothing as much as she can, because the slave maids have never had a dress like that, and some maids are easily envious of the princess's distinctive dresses and her chamber.

Appreciating the beauty she oozed from every pore, and paying special attention to her unusually purple eyes. Although no one in Valendia had purple eyes like the princess had, both humans and vampires believed she was a dark witch even though she had brown eyes as a child and only acquired purple eyes the day after her mother passed away.

She is not a black witch, but she did inherit certain witchcraft powers from her mother. Her father became ill when her mother died because he had formed a soul bond with her. Her father was a vampire, and her mother was a witch. She was also the princess of her realm, which was destroyed by the Álencia. After King had completed his mission of completely killing everyone present. He notices a little girl seven years younger than him hiding somewhere.

He didn't kill her at first because he assumed he'd take some of her powers or a particular stone that her mother had to keep safe somewhere else. He fell in love with a witch after sheltering her in his palace. That's how they met and married each other.

The first maid placed the hairbrush on the dressing table and brushed the princess's long hair from her neck to her face. The other maid reached into a jewellery box and pulled out a necklace, but the princess gracefully shrugged it off. The maid then looked again and pulled out another necklace with a dark green stone and white pearls.

In search of the princess's approval, she looks. Princess gives the necklace a long, thoughtful look before nodding. The same maid gently draped the necklace around her stunning white neck as she leaned. The princess's neckline is so lovely and angular that it appears to be the perfect statue in the show. The princess looks into her deep purple eyes as she clasps the necklace with her right hand, feeling its texture and grinning as she does so.

Her hand delicately touches the stone on her necklace before moving to her bare collarbone. The princess is now all prepared for breakfast. The maids move away from her and pause to admire her beauty and her enthralled by her magnificence. Her appearance is extremely beautiful in the big mirror. She gets up and puts her golden crown on her head after taking it from the table. Her flamboyant clothing still contained a scent of mint fresh from the meadow and cinnamon.

"It looks beautiful on you, Princess Violet." Ede precise the Princess as she bows in respect. Ede is a personal maid of Princess Violet as she is close to the princess, her only companion who she like to talk.

"Thank you, Ede. She should be with us today, I hope." After wearing a green stone necklace that belonged to her mother, Violet expressed how much she missed both her mother and her father and wished they were both here with her.

Every maid lines up on the side to welcome the king into Princess Violet's room as they herald the king's presence by announcing it from outside the door.

"Our Majesty, King of Álencia, Elmer is coming."