
chapter 1 The Shadow

one day lucifer was walking home from school. he was wearing black jeans with a blue shirt with the words "loner"

that day the weather was good clear skies the sun shining, with the wind blowing. lucifer took out his phone and headphones and started to listen to music. the wind blew in his face as if it was telling him "hi". he looked up and gave a quick smile to it and continued walking.

as he turned around the corner he saw a huge mess on the ground Lucifer didn't like messes he was the type to clean them if he saw one so he bent down and started to pick up the trash. as he was doing it he said to himself "people really need to keep clean" after his hands were full he went to the trash can to throw away the trash but he saw something behind the trash can so he bent over to look but to his surprise, there was nothing there. he was sure had seen something so he looked away and quickly looked back but there was still nothing there "maybe I'm just imagining things" he thought so he went back to pick up the rest. but in reality, there was something there! dark blue eyes looking at him! then the eyes dissolved into the darkness.

after he finished cleaning lucifer started to walk home. but the blue eyes appeared again! the eyes looked at lucifer and then his backpack a zipper was open on one of the pockets the blue eyes darted to the open zipper as it left darkness you could see its body. except for its dark blue eyes, the rest of the body was pitch black as the night sky. the eyes were able to make it to the backpack but Lucifer didn't feel anything.

when he made it to his house he reached out for his backpack to get the house key. His mom had texted him saying she would come home late but she had ordered pizza in case he got hungry. Lucifer put his backpack on the counter and went to wash his hands when he left the shadow peeked out again but lucifer came back to the room then the shadow popped out of the backpack lucifer backed up and screamed he knew that there was no one in the house but he hoped that someone outside heard him and would call 911! the shadow turned around and looked at lucifer

then started to transform then a beautiful girl appeared where the shadow was. the girl looked to be around the same age as lucifer. the girl had fair white skin dark blue eyes that looked like the ocean long purple and blue hair she was wearing a black dress and black shoes with silver chains going around the dress then she said " hi my name is Olivia and I am 15 years old" lucifer was nodding but in reality, he was thinking, "lucifer think what did you eat or drink did you take something which medicine think!!!" he was scared out of his mind wouldn't you be scared if a shadow turned into a girl in front of you

"h_hi," said lucifer "you don't have to be scared I'm not going to hurt you," said Olivia "umm ok," said lucifer Olivia asked, "what is your name?" "my name is lucifer," said lucifer "you look 15 you are 15, "asked Olivia "yes why," asked lucifer "I was just wondering" replied Olivia let me introduce my self I am Olivia and am 15 years old I am a shadow that can turn into a human and this is how I look like in my human form said Olivia turning so lucifer could see. "ok I defiantly ate something this can't be real" thought lucifer then the doorbell rang lucifer yelled "coming," he told Olivia to get down from the counter and she did and started to follow him to the door lucifer didn't stop her cuz she looked cute while she was doing that he opened the door and it was the pizza guy "hello," said the pizza guy hey said lucifer so how much for the pizza said lucifer 15 said the pizza guy "ok lemme get it," said lucifer the pizza guy said ok Olivia appeared in front of the door she waved and said "hi," the pizza guy said "hey" Lucifer came and took the pizza and gave him the money and said "thanks"

this is my friend's first story since he was too shy to publish it I'm doing it for him be kind with comments and please tell me if there is anything I can improve at all even the tiniest thing will be very appreciated

thank you for whoever reads this story

daoistofwindcreators' thoughts