

In the aftermath of a devastating explosion, amidst the debris and chaos, a lone figure emerged. Unscathed by the destruction surrounding him, a baby boy lay nestled within the wreckage, his tiny form untouched by the tragedy that had befallen the once bustling streets. Rescuers, combing through the rubble in search of survivors, stumbled upon the child, a beacon of hope amidst the despair. Little did they know, they had unearthed a mystery that would shape the fate of their world. Taken in by a wealthy noble family, the boy is offered a semblance of stability and belonging. Yet, beneath the facade of familial warmth, lies a sinister undercurrent of jealousy and resentment. His new siblings, heirs to the family legacy, view him with disdain, a reminder of their own insecurities and shortcomings. Branded as an outsider, the boy struggles to find his place within the gilded walls of his new home, his lack of innate talent serving as fodder for their cruelty. Mocked and belittled by his adopted siblings, the boy endures their torment in silence, his spirit unbroken despite the constant barrage of insults and taunts. Determined to prove his worth, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, seeking out the truth of his origins and the source of his mysterious resilience. Little does he know, he is destined for far greater things than the petty machinations of his noble kin. For within him lies a power beyond measure, waiting to be unleashed upon the world. Thus begins the tale of the shadow vanguard , a saga of redemption and revenge, of love and loss, and of the eternal struggle between light and darkness.

CRIMSON_R3DX · Fantasy
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15 Chs


Alex Smythe felt an electric anticipation coursing through his veins as he walked into Oakridge High the next day. His transformation from powerless victim to someone with an ability filled him with a sense of purpose, and the wounds delivered to him the previous day had been miraculously healed overnight. As he stood at the school gate, he was ready to test his ability and ensure that he never had his freedom taken from him again. He was ready to test his newfound powers and start his path toward vengeance.

He kept a low profile throughout the day, silently observing Mark, Lisa, and their friends. They were in their usual spots, bullying and tormenting other students, seemingly unaware of the change that had come over Alex. He clenched his fists, shadows flickering around his fingers. Patience, he told himself. Timing was crucial.

After school, he followed Lisa. She often stayed late for cheerleading practice, giving him the perfect opportunity. Alex trailed her, keeping to the shadows, his presence undetectable. As she finished practice and headed toward the parking lot, he made his move. He brought out a mask.

Crafted from dark, polished metal, the mask exuded an aura of malevolence and power. Its surface was smooth yet subtly textured with intricate, sinister patterns that seemed to shift and dance in the dim light. The eyes of the mask were narrow slits, glowing faintly with an eerie, otherworldly light that hinted at the dark power within. The mask's mouth was a snarling grimace, with sharp, jagged teeth bared in a perpetual sneer. Small, twisted horns jutted out from the forehead, adding to its demonic appearance. The edges of the mask were lined with dark, shadowy tendrils that seemed almost alive, writhing and shifting as if eager to lash out at any who dared to oppose the wearer. When Alex donned the mask, it fit perfectly over his face, merging seamlessly with the shadows that clung to him. The mask not only concealed his identity but also amplified his powers, making him a terrifying figure to behold. It was the perfect symbol of his transformation, embodying the darkness and vengeance that now fueled his every action.

After making sure that his face was perfectly covered, he wrapped himself in a black cloak. Stepping out, he called out, "Lisa."

She turned, her eyes narrowed. "Who are you?"

"Not this time," he said, his voice low and steady. He let the shadows around him swell, enveloping them in a shadow dome. Inside the dome, all his stats were enhanced, making him stronger than before.

Lisa's eyes widened in surprise. "What the—?"

Before she could react, Alex was upon her, moving with supernatural speed. He grabbed her wrist, twisting it just enough to make her wince. "You've had this coming for a long time, Lisa."

She tried to use her mind manipulation on him, but Alex's newfound powers provided a shield, blocking her attempts. He could feel her mental probes, but they were like soft whispers against a storm.

"Get out of my head," he snarled, tightening his grip. He channeled the shadows, making them dance around her, disorienting her. With a swift motion, he pushed her to the ground.

Lisa's expression shifted from fear to terror. "How are you doing this?"

"Remember this feeling," Alex said coldly. "Remember what it's like to be powerless."

He left her there, dazed and shaken, and disappeared into the shadows. His heart pounded with a mix of exhilaration and relief. He had proven he could fight back. He wasn't the same Alex anymore.

The next day, Lisa's absence was conspicuous. Whispers spread through the school about her strange encounter. Mark and his friends seemed more cautious, a flicker of unease in their eyes.

Alex met Claire behind the library, their usual spot. Her face was pale, her eyes wide with worry. "Alex, everyone is talking about what happened to Lisa. They say she was attacked by a shadowy figure."

"Hmmm. Are you sure about that? I've only heard it from you," Alex said in a questioning manner.

Claire narrowed her eyes at him and said, "How could you not know about that? The whole school has been talking about it."

Alex shrugged nonchalantly. "I guess I wasn't paying attention."

"Whatever," Claire sighed, clearly torn. "Just promise me you'll be careful."

"I promise," he said, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

After that, Claire left the library and went to focus on her class.

That evening, Alex patrolled the town, blending into the shadows, practicing his new abilities. Some of those abilities were Shadow Dome and Shadow Manipulation. Shadow Dome is a formidable defense ability that had plenty of useful skills such as increasing the strength of the user and concealing them from the outside world. Those inside can see what was happening outside, but those outside can't see in.

Shadow Manipulation is a core ability that allows the user to manipulate shadows to their will, shaping them into whatever he wished for. There were other uses of these skills, but he was too weak to use them, and he also hadn't unlocked any other skills. The only way to do that was by getting stronger.

When he returned home, he found a note from his step mother saying she'd be home late.

He was worried for his step mom and he cared for her because she was the only who who actually treated him as a normal person so he took her as his actual mother

Relieved, he locked himself in his room and replayed the day's events in his mind. The thrill of his power, the fear in Lisa's eyes—it was a heady mix. But Claire's words echoed in his mind, a reminder of the fine line he walked.

As the night deepened, Alex's room darkened with an unnatural shadow. The voice of damian whispered in his mind, "You did well today, Alex. But remember, true power lies not just in strength, but in control."

"I understand," Alex replied, feeling the weight of the spirit's words. "I won't let this consume me."

"Good,"damian said. "For the path you walk is fraught with danger. But if you stay true, you will prevail." And with that, the Shadow Hunter disappeared.

Alex nodded, determination hardening his resolve. He wanted to become someone who turned the tables on his tormentors. And for that, he had to become stronger. He would do it with a clear mind and a focused heart.

As he lay down to sleep, Alex vowed to himself that he would not stop until he had defeated every one of his enemies. The hunter was ready, and his prey would soon learn to fear the darkness.