

In the aftermath of a devastating explosion, amidst the debris and chaos, a lone figure emerged. Unscathed by the destruction surrounding him, a baby boy lay nestled within the wreckage, his tiny form untouched by the tragedy that had befallen the once bustling streets. Rescuers, combing through the rubble in search of survivors, stumbled upon the child, a beacon of hope amidst the despair. Little did they know, they had unearthed a mystery that would shape the fate of their world. Taken in by a wealthy noble family, the boy is offered a semblance of stability and belonging. Yet, beneath the facade of familial warmth, lies a sinister undercurrent of jealousy and resentment. His new siblings, heirs to the family legacy, view him with disdain, a reminder of their own insecurities and shortcomings. Branded as an outsider, the boy struggles to find his place within the gilded walls of his new home, his lack of innate talent serving as fodder for their cruelty. Mocked and belittled by his adopted siblings, the boy endures their torment in silence, his spirit unbroken despite the constant barrage of insults and taunts. Determined to prove his worth, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, seeking out the truth of his origins and the source of his mysterious resilience. Little does he know, he is destined for far greater things than the petty machinations of his noble kin. For within him lies a power beyond measure, waiting to be unleashed upon the world. Thus begins the tale of the shadow vanguard , a saga of redemption and revenge, of love and loss, and of the eternal struggle between light and darkness.

CRIMSON_R3DX · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


The day passed without anything else going on. Except from the few stares Alex got front and back, everything else went normal.

Alex decided to branch at the park on his way back home and while going there, he noticed a group of kids bullying a boy of no less than 6 yrs old. The boy was crying and begging for help from the passerbys but no one spared a single glance at him. They just coldly ignored him.

Alex wanted to go and stop them but was stopped by one of the passerbys. He was a Middle aged man who seemed to be about In his late 30 thirties. " I wouldn't mess with them if I were you" he said

Alex couldn't help but narrow his eyes " and what if I do"

"Then what comes after that is of your own doing"

"Some of us had actually wanted to stop them before, but after getting a glimpse at the kid at the center"

"All traces of that thought left our heads"

The middle aged man said and left immediately. Not giving any chance for Alex to ask any questions.

So Alex decided to go see for himself.

Alex then approached the group of kids, his heart pounding in his chest. As he got closer, he saw that the boy being bullied was even younger than he thought, no more than five years old. The boy's eyes were red and puffy from crying, and his tiny fists were shaking with fear.

Alex felt a surge of anger and determination. He wasn't going to stand by and watch this happen. He took a deep breath and stepped forward, his eyes locked on the group of kids.

"Hey, leave him alone," Alex said, his voice firm but calm.

The kids turned to face him, sneers on their faces. "Mind your own business," one of them sneered.

Alex stood his ground. "I'm making it my own Business,"

"Leave him alone, or face the consequences," Alex continued

"Consequences of what exactly?," said a boy who looked and talked as if he was the leader of the group

Alex took a look at him and revealed a face full of shock.

The boy that he was currently looking at was the son of the city lord in the city he was staying in and his dad was one of his chairman, if his dad heard about this, he would be done for.

, but he didn't back down. "Consequences of me having to take action," Alex said, his voice firm.

The boy sneered. "You think you can take me on?,"

"I'm the son of the governor you fool"

Regnel Winchester said

He was the city lord's pride. Regnel awakened his talent at the age of 5 and it was a wind which was two urs ago.

Because of that the governor immediately started combat training for him. But regnel ignored it and skipped all combat classes.

Still, the city lord didn't punish him and instead encouraged him giving him free leverage to do whatever he wanted.

Alex's eyes narrowed. "I don't care who your father is," he said, his voice firm. "You're still a bully, and you're still picking on someone who can't defend himself."

Regnel's sneer faltered for a moment, but then he regained his composure. "You're just a nobody," he sneered. "You think you can take on me? I've got the entire city's elite at my beck and call."

Alex smiled grimly. "I don't need anyone's help to take you down," he said. "I can do it myself."

Regnel snorted. "I'm sure your one of those talentless brats who think that they can take on those who have awakened," he said. "You think you can take on someone like me?"

Alex's eyes flashed with anger, but he kept his cool. "I may not have a talent," he said, "but I've got something you don't: a conscience."

Regnel raged. His face showing that he had reached his limits

"Take him down" regnel told his friends

Regnel's friends moved forward, their eyes gleaming with excitement.

Alex stood his ground, his heart racing with anticipation. He knew he was outnumbered but he didn't fear.

After all, the only person that was actually a threat was regnel but in the end, regnel was still just a kid.

Alex faced off against Regnel and his friends, his eyes locked on the group. Regnel sneered at him, his eyes gleaming with confidence.

"You think you can take us on, talentless brat?" Regnel taunted, his voice dripping with disdain. "I'll show you what real power is,"

With a flick of his wrist, Regnel summoned a powerful gust of wind, sending Alex stumbling backward. But Alex didn't falter. He immediately activated his skill dash and charged forward, his feet pounding the ground in a blur of motion.

Regnel's friends moved to intercept him, their fists flying in wild arcs. But Alex dodged and weaved with ease, his agility allowing him to avoid their clumsy attacks.

Meanwhile, Regnel continued to unleash his wind ability, sending debris flying towards Alex. But Alex simply dashed to the side, avoiding the attacks with ease.

As the fight continued, it became clear that Regnel's friends were no match for Alex's speed and agility. They stumbled and staggered, their blows falling short as Alex dodged and weaved around them.

Regnel, on the other hand, was a different story. His wind ability made him a formidable opponent, and Alex found himself struggling to get past the boy's defenses.

But Alex refused to give up. He continued to dash forward, his feet pounding the ground in a blur of motion. Regnel's wind ability howled around him, but Alex used his agility to avoid the worst of it.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Alex saw his chance. Regnel's guard was down for just a moment, and Alex seized the opportunity. He dashed forward, his fist flying in a swift arc.

Regnel's eyes widened in shock as Alex's fist connected with his jaw, sending him crashing to the ground. His friends stared at him in disbelief, their eyes wide with fear.

Alex stood over Regnel, his chest heaving with exertion. "You should have used your brain instead of your brawn," he said, his voice firm.

And with that, the fight was over. Regnel was knocked unconscious and his friends were left without any will to fight.

"Scram, or I'll make sure to pummel u guys" Alex exclaimed. Immediately regnel and his friends carried regnel and ran off.

Not without saying how much he would regret ever messing with them

Alex watched them go, his eyes narrowed in satisfaction. He had proven that even without a talent, he was still a force to be reckoned with.

As he turned to leave, he noticed the boy who had been bullied earlier staring at him in awe. "T-thank you," the boy stammered.

Alex smiled and ruffled his hair. "Don't mention it, kiddo," he said. "Just be careful next time, okay?"

The boy nodded, his eyes shining with gratitude. Alex smiled and turned to leave, feeling a sense of pride and satisfaction wash over him.

But as he walked away, he couldn't help but get worried about what he had done as he knew that regnel would immediately report to his father immediately he regained consciousness

He quickened his pace, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew that he had to be prepared for whatever came next.

Far away from Alex's position. On top of an old abandoned building. The middle aged man that once tried to stop Alex looked up with a smile on his face.

Another person landed on the roof and stood beside him. She had long, flowing hair and piercing green eyes. "He's got potential doesn't he?," she said, her voice low and mysterious. "

The middle-aged man nodded in agreement. "Yes, he's got heart. But he's also got a lot to learn."

The woman smiled. "That's what we're here for. To guide him, to teach him."

The man turned to her. "But are we sure he's the one? I mean, he's just a talentless brat."

The woman's smile grew wider. "Ah, but that's where you're wrong. He may not have a talent, but he's got something that's far more valuable. He's got courage, determination, and a sense of justice. And with our help, he could become something truly special."

The man nodded, a look of understanding on his face. "I see what you mean. Let's keep an eye on him, then. And when the time is right, we'll make our move."

The woman nodded, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "Let's do it. Let's help Alex become the hero he's meant to be."

"If he's the chosen one that is," the man said sadly

" let's just hope it's him so that our world can finally have the peace it deserves"

The woman nodded in agreement, her eyes shining with determination. "You're right. Let's just hope that Alex is the one we've been searching for. For the sake of our world, let's hope he's the hero we need." And with that, the two of them disappeared into the night, leaving Alex to his fate, unaware of the great destiny that awaited him.