

In the aftermath of a devastating explosion, amidst the debris and chaos, a lone figure emerged. Unscathed by the destruction surrounding him, a baby boy lay nestled within the wreckage, his tiny form untouched by the tragedy that had befallen the once bustling streets. Rescuers, combing through the rubble in search of survivors, stumbled upon the child, a beacon of hope amidst the despair. Little did they know, they had unearthed a mystery that would shape the fate of their world. Taken in by a wealthy noble family, the boy is offered a semblance of stability and belonging. Yet, beneath the facade of familial warmth, lies a sinister undercurrent of jealousy and resentment. His new siblings, heirs to the family legacy, view him with disdain, a reminder of their own insecurities and shortcomings. Branded as an outsider, the boy struggles to find his place within the gilded walls of his new home, his lack of innate talent serving as fodder for their cruelty. Mocked and belittled by his adopted siblings, the boy endures their torment in silence, his spirit unbroken despite the constant barrage of insults and taunts. Determined to prove his worth, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, seeking out the truth of his origins and the source of his mysterious resilience. Little does he know, he is destined for far greater things than the petty machinations of his noble kin. For within him lies a power beyond measure, waiting to be unleashed upon the world. Thus begins the tale of the shadow vanguard , a saga of redemption and revenge, of love and loss, and of the eternal struggle between light and darkness.

CRIMSON_R3DX · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


Alex stood tall basking in the triumph in his victory in battle but that all cama crashing down as teachers came in and surrounded him from all sides.

After surrounding him, they changed their posture to an attacking posture which showed that they were ready to attack if Alex tried to escape


"It was to be expected"

"Of course they were going to take his side," thought Alex dejectedly as he got down on his knees with both hands behind of his head. He had no intention of fighting back since he knew that doing so would only make things much worse.

Seeing this,

One of the teachers then stepped forward

"Alex Smythe, you are to come with us immediately," he said while caring not to hide the didain and mockery in his eyes

Alex sighed again "just take me"

It was a well known fact around the school that Alex was adopted and normally maltreated and bullied by both of his step siblings. They new that no one cared for him and that was why the teachers had the galls to disrespect him

"Well whatever, I'll make them pay later on for this, I'll make them all pay" thought Alex while not being conscious of the crazy look that covered his eyes,."

Damian sensed this and awakened from his slumber inside of Alex's body


"Looks like it's happening a lot sooner than expected" said damian as he laughed in a crazed manner

"Whatever, looks like it will soon be time for the feast"

Saying that he once again returned to his slumber

Alex was now being led by the teachers who didn't give him a clue to where he was being led to

They soon arrived at a door and Alex realized that he was at the head masters door. The owner of his School

Oakridge Academy, renowned for its inclusivity and excellence, was founded by Sir Reginald Oakridge during the Beast Wars. Despite not having a mana-based talent, Reginald believed in the power of education and unity. He established the academy to provide comprehensive education for all, based on the belief that every individual can contribute to society.

His daughter, Eleanor Oakridge, expanded this vision by integrating mana studies with traditional subjects and establishing the Vanguard Training and Late Bloomers Programs. These initiatives prepared talented students to defend humanity and supported those who awakened their talents later in life.Charles Oakridge, Eleanor's grandson, brought technological innovation to the academy. He integrated advanced technology and developed training simulations, and founded the Oakridge Research Center, advancing the understanding and harnessing of mana.

The current head, Jonathan Oakridge, possesses the rare talent to manipulate light. He introduced the Mana Integration Program, ensuring all students receive a balanced education, expanded facilities, and initiated global outreach programs.

It was a real honor to meet with Jonathan oakridge and it was every students dream for him to take them as his student. It was also Alex's dream. But right now, it felt like a night mare.

The teacher came unto the door and knocked.

Following that was a voice that said come in

Hearing that, the teacher finally came in and followed after was Alex

When Alex saw him he couldn't help but jubulate in joy that he had gotten himself in trouble.

Jonathan Oakridge is a tall, distinguished man standing at 6 feet 3 inches. He possesses a fit and athletic build, weighing around 200 pounds, which reflects his active lifestyle and dedication to physical fitness. His piercing blue eyes, often described as being able to see straight into a person's soul, reflect both his intelligence and deep compassion. Jonathan's hair, a vibrant chestnut brown, which also has streaks of silver, adding to his aura of wisdom and experience. His strong jawline and high cheekbones give him a commanding presence, further accentuated by his calm and composed demeanor. He always showed himself dressed in impeccably tailored suits that blend modern style with subtle nods to tradition, Jonathan carries himself with a dignified elegance that inspires those around him.

And Alex saw that same person sitting behind his dress with a bunch of paperwork work by his side.

Silence reigned over for a few seconds before the teacher decided to break it by saying

"Excuse me head master, this boy here is names Alex and comes from the Smythe family but it seems that his families power has gotten into his head as he even had the guts to injure a student named Greg thornton" said the teacher as he disgracefully lied in front of Alex.

Alex had a shocked expression and wanted to immediately explain himself but found out that he couldn't move an inch.

Alex glanced at the teacher only to see a smirk on the teacher's face.

Alex then knew immediately that the teacher had done something to him maybe it had something to do with his talent.

Alex looked down dejectedly.

He knew that he could no longer do anything to explain himself since he was frozen in place. But the headmaster's next words shocked both him and the teacher

"Is that so, Mr grey?" Asked Jonathan as he narrowed his eyes at Grey

Jonathan didn't wait for grey to answer and immediately continued

" the same Alex who is know for being talentless, the same Alex who you and everyone else bullied as if there was no tomorrow,"

"Are you talking about that Alex?," Jonathan said again

By this point, grey was already shaken in fear.

He didn't know that Jonathan was keeping tabs on Alex, he thought that Jonathan was too busy to even care to monitor the school.

He wanted to speak but couldn't as a heavy pressure suddenly appeared making him immobilized and unable to speak.

"Now if you don't want me to kill you, why don't you get out before I get irritated by your presence,." Said Jonathan as he realeased the pressure that he put up on him

Not waisting a single second, grey immediately ran out of the room like a scared looking rat running without looking back and as for Alex, he just watched everything unfold as if he was a spectator