
Ch 1 Welcome to Ouran

Makai, Mei, and Makage Kokuyo were siblings, but not just any regular old siblings, triplets. Each of their names meant something dark, just like Makai meant hell, Mei meant darkness, and Makage meant devil shadow. Their last name meant black night.

We had all made it into Ouran Academy where we had been given academic, artistic, and athletic scholarships. "Hey Mei, wake up its time to get to school!" Makai called. I was up, but I didn't know what to wear. I took a simple black dress with leggings and a half denim half cotton jacket with a grey hood and sleeves. Ambling my way out of my room I grabbed the half buttered bagel and slipped my black backpack onto my shoulder. Makai was in a buttoned down dark grey shirt and a large black sweat jacket combined with blue jeans. Makage was sitting down with his grey backpack laying next to him. He had on black ripped jeans with a buttoned down white shirt with a loose red tie, and in his lap was a large black sweatshirt. We all got out of the house, Makai first , me second, and Makage last making sure to lock the door. We walked to the bus stop just a block away from our house. Soon we had stepped off the bus in front of the giant iron gates of Ouran Academy; you could even feel the filthy rich aura surrounding the school. We entered and went to the office to get our schedules, 30 minutes earlier before classes start. We all had similar schedules with a few classes switched around. We had home room and English together, and the study period, as well as the last class which was economics. Searching for our homeroom, there was 10 minutes left until the bell would ring. Soon we reached our homeroom a minute to spare. "Makai I knew we shouldn't have followed you all around school. We could have come to class early and not worry about being late on the first day," Makage chastised Makai. I looked around viewing our new classroom, with groups of students. Girls in bright light yellow poufy dresses, and boys in a light blue suit jacket with the emblem of the school's initials, black suit pants, a white buttoned up shirt and a dark blue tie. Everyone looked so elegant, it was a bit embarrassing compared to us with black and non-formal clothing on. I tapped on my brothers' arms, they finally looked down at me. "Umm, guys look at the class and our new classmates," I point out. They look around and their eyes pop out and mouths drop to the ground. We walk together as a group, sliding against the wall and towards the back. The teacher had not yet entered the classroom so we didn't have to worry yet about being called out, even though everyone probably had seen us just from what we were wearing. "Hello, commoners!" a pair of orange haired boys greeted us with mischievous smiles. I hid behind my two older brother's who looked at each other and then just rolled their eyes. We walked to the back desks taking the three in the farthest corner. I took the corner desk, Makai took the desk in front of me, and Makage to the desk next to me on my right. We simply sat there waiting for the teacher and to start our first day of school. "How rude Hikaru these commoners are just so, impolite," The orange haired boy to the right said, it seemed his brother's name was Hikaru who was on his left.

"Yeah, Kaoru they are so mean," Hikaru agreed. Soon another "commoner" as these rich kids liked to call us had come in with a messy short hair cut, large glasses, murky over sized purple sweater over a white buttoned down shirt, with green khakis. She sat in front of Makage realizing this was the best seat, near people who were in the same situation as her. She opened her books and started reading. Seemed we found the bookworm. I went and drew on my arm with a black pen drawing little designs. Makage read a book and had put on his reading glasses, I heard the squeals of girls who had watched my brother do a simple action. I felt Makage's uneasiness who had tensed up and stared at his book intently. Makai, was looking out the window and had already took out his notebook and pencil with all the notes we made during the summer having already reviewed the summer assignments and the basic etiquette skills, as well as the main lessons we would learn this year. "Woah, excuse me um, mister, but could I take a look at your notes and compare them to mine," The other "commoner" had asked Makai.

Makai hadn't paid attention and still stared off at the window. I took out my notes and handed it to her. Her already big eyes had grown even bigger from the shock not even noticing me. "Thanks, umm, what's your name?" random girl asks.

"Kokuyo Mei, but you can just call me Mei, these are my brothers, Makai, and Makage," I uninterestedly answered as I directed my head toward each of my brothers when I said their names. Makai, seemed to have just woken from his daydreaming, "What?" He says having no idea what happened. He then sees the girl and gives his most polite smile and greets "Hello." Makage had just waved still quite timid, but much more comfortable with this girl. "Hi, I'm Fujioka Haruhi, but you can just call me Haruhi," she introduces herself. I nod and go back to my forearm filled with black ink.

"Look here Kaoru, we have another commoner, another boy, but look how ill-dressed he is. I do have to say he got the pretty emo girl to talk," Hikaru said to his brother.

"Ooh, I didn't even notice her, hiding behind her two brothers, yes quite pretty," He commented then he swiftly walked over and knelt on one knee, suddenly with my inked hand. "Hello, my lady, it is nice to meet you, I am Kaoru Hitachiin and that is my brother Hikaru you can call us Kaoru and Hikaru," Kaoru introduced his brother and himself.

"Or the Hitachiin twins" they said together. The girls screamed in excitement when they heard the united voices of these orange headed twins. I just lifted my eyebrow, already tired of them, slipping my hand out of his grasp and went back to drawing. "Hikaru, did you just see what happened," Kaoru says aghast by my reaction.

"It's ok Kaoru, I will always love you even when others won't" Hikaru holds Kaoru's chin in his hand and his other arm around his waist, their faces so close they could kiss if they moved another inch.

"Ha," Makai laughs not able to hide is amusement. The twins looked his way with curiosity, then with a wicked smile, came over to him. Hikaru in the seat in front of him and Kaoru next to him sitting on top of his desk. "What is so funny, emo guy?" Hikaru questions.

"First off, at how you reacted to my sister's response. Second to how the girls respond to you," Makai explains falling right into their trap. I sigh with sadness and continue drawing, however the Hitachiin twins heard and Kaoru came up to me and with a sweet smile says, "Why did you just sigh, Ms. Pretty Emo?" I look at him straight in the eyes and then turned my head back down to draw his eye. I was trying to perfect my drawing skills, especially on realistic human traits.

Kaoru sees me drawing intently and watches when he starts seeing more and more of the eye he gasps, "Hikaru look at my real world eye!"

However​ before Hikaru could see what Kaoru had meant the teacher had come in and started homeroom. The day had passed by, everything was understandable. Our English was mostly fluent with minor errors, math was a drag and quite boring. Soon it was study period and us four commoners went straight to the library. We had sat down to start our homework to find hundreds of loud gossiping students coming in and talking. We exited and found another library but that one was full as well. We checked each library to only find loud rich kids talking and not really studying. We decided to split up Haruhi and me and Makai with Makage. We walked through the giant halls of the academy searching for a quiet room then deciding on checking music room number 3. When we opened the beautiful double doors red rose petals floated in the air. We then heard the doors close behind us. Haruhi panicked and tried pushing the door open when obviously you had to pull it open. "Welcome!" Says a group of handsome young men.

"This is a host club?" Haruhi exclaims.

" Oh wow, its a boy, oh and Pretty​ Emo," the Hitachiin twins recognize.

"Hikaru, Kaoru, I believe this young... man and lady are in the same class as you, aren't they?" A tall black haired young man with a cold demeanor and spectacles had gathered.

"Yeah but they are shy.They aren't very sociable so we don't know much about them," the twins answer honestly.

"Oh that wasn't very polite. Welcome Mr. Honor student and Ms. Emo Scholar," the cool spectacles guy welcomed us with his very own nicknames.

"What? You must be Haruhi Fujioka. Your the exception honor student we've heard about. And you are Mei Kokuyo, with two brothers, triplets who are all scholars and made the commoner scholarships," The tall blonde boy who seemed to be the leader said.

"How do you know our names?" Haruhi questions freaked out by the group of boys. I had taken a seat in one of the comfortable sofas and started drawing once again on my arm.

"Why you both are famous. It's not every day commoners gain entrance into our academy. You must have an audacious nerve to work hard enough to fight your way into this school as an honor student, Mr. Fujioka and Ms. Kokuyo," Spectacles informs us.

"Well, ah thank you? I guess," Haruhi tense and nervously says.

"Haruhi that isn't a compliment," I tell her the genuine truth.

"Your welcome," the Leader said seeming to ignore my comment, "you are both heroes to other poor people. You've shown the world that even a poor person can excel at an elite private academy. It must be hard to constantly be looked down upon by others."

"I think you're taking this poor thing too far," Haruhi cuts in.

The leader continues, "spurned, neglected. But that doesn't matter now. Long live the poor! We welcome you poor people, to our world of beauty!"

"Let's go Mei let's get out of here," Haruhi says.

"Hey! Come back here, Haru-chan! You must be like a superhero or something. That's so cool!" A cute short blonde boy cooed in awe.

"I'm not a hero, I'm an honors student. And who are you calling Haru-chan?" Haruhi explaining herself. I didn't understand why these group of boys were calling her Mr. And boy.

"I could never imagine the famous scholar would be openly gay." The leader assumed. I scoffed at those words and how idiotic this group was to believe Haruhi was a boy. I was watching the whole thing in amusement. Spectacles looked my way in curiosity. Then went back to watching the amusing pressured conversation with his leader and Haruhi.

"Openly what?" Haruhi confused more than ever.

"So tell me what kind of guys are you into?" The tall blonde starts. He gallantly walks over to the tall black haired silent guy who was standing near the small cute blonde. "Do you like the strong silent types?" Then going over to the cute little blonde, "the boy Lolita?" The twins had sat one on each side of me playing with my raven black hair, which the blue eyed and blonde haired tall leader then went to us saying, "how about the mischievous type?" As he smoothly transitioned to spectacles, "or the cool type," he goes through. "I uh... I-It's not like that. I was just looking for a quiet place to study" Haruhi tries explaining her actions. Why doesn't she just tell them that she is a girl first, now they think she is gay cause they think she is a guy. However, the leader seemed to not listen at all, and finished going through the types, "Or maybe your into guys like me. what do you say?" He somehow was holding Haruhi and lifting her face with his hand under her chin. Haruhi freaked out and ran out of the leaders grasp taking a step back right into a very beautiful vase making it fall over and break. The twins were now twirling their fingers in my hair then said, "Awww." They stood taking me with them having one my arm locked into theirs as they stood over the vase. "We were going to feature that Renaissance vase in an upcoming school auction." Hikaru complained.

"Oh now you've done it commoner. The bidding on that vase was supposed to start at eight million yen," Kaoru blamed Haruhi who was shocked.

"What, eight million yen? How many thousand yen is that? How many thousands are in eight million? I'm going to pay you back,"Haruhi promises.

The twins laughed and poke fun at Haruhi, "With what money? You can't even afford a school uniform." They stood in front of Haruhi bending their upper bodies towards her to be at her eye level.

Kaoru asks, "What's with that grubby outfit you've got on anyway?" As he picks up Haruhi's sweater with his index and thumbs at the shoulders.

"Well, what do you think we should do, Tamaki," Spectacles asks the tall blonde boy who seemed to be the leader. Finally they say their names. Tamaki answers, "There's a famous saying you may have heard, Fujioka. When in Rome, you should do as the Romans do." He dramatically shouts, "since you have no money, you can pay with your body. That means, starting today you're the host club's dog." As he points at Haruhi. I can't hold in my laughter and I start bursting out laughing. Everyone is surprised by my outburst. I cough trying to make myself​ stop. The twins had put on a wicked smile and swiftly made their way to my side. "What is so funny Pretty Emo?" They ask in unison. I hid my smile knowing it will go against these pair of twins. They tried to get a view as I turned my head different directions until I got my composure. "Its Mei not Pretty Emo or Emo scholar, Mei Kokuyo" I clarify with a strong voice. "My lady, how rude of me to dismiss such a beauty, gentlemen present yourselves there is a lovely young lady in the room," Tamaki instructs. I just roll my eyes, as the twins salute towards Tamaki-kun and the young blonde boy runs over and sits next to me, "Mei-chan, you're really pretty, sorry we ignored you," he apologized. He was cute and it seemed he was genuine but I nod my head at him regally. He seems to be disappointed by my reaction. "Awwww nice try Hani-sempai" the Hitachiins acknowledged their fellow host. "Haruhi, why don't we meet up with my brothers they are probably worried sick by now," I say bringing Haruhi out of her trance over her actions and what had just happened to her. She nods and we exit together. Soon it was the end of the day and suddenly the Orange headed twins picked us up and carried us back to Music Room 3. We saw Tamaki swoon a group of girls and the Brothers called out, "We have brought them!" They sit us down on a couch, making us think over what had just happened. "Host club dog, here take this list and go to the market and buy everything on that list," Spectacles orders while reading something on his computer. "Why, do I have to do it?"Haruhi complains not understanding her situation.

"Because this is your job as the Host Club's dog to repay your 8 million yen debt," Spectacles threatens which makes Haruhi shake in fright and zooms out. "Umm, Spectacles why am I here?" I ask as I now stand over the seated handsome boy with glasses. "Spectacles? heh," He questions at the nickname I made for him.

"My name is Kyoya Ootori, and you Mei Kokuyo are here because the twins wanted you to be here, as well as you were a witness of the events at what happened earlier. Well, also because you intrigue us," Kyoya answers. Just as he finished, my brother came thrashing in, searching around the room until locking eyes with me and just in a blink of an eye they were hugging me dearly. "Ahh, Mr. Makai Kokuyo and Mr. Makage Kokuyo, pleasure to meet you, actually if you are interested would you like to be a host here, with just your looks you could give us quite a lot of profit," Kyoya notes.

My brothers  ignore him as they check me for any injuries. "Who were the ones to take our little sister," Makai announces. I slam my hand into my forehead, embarrassed at how protective my brothers were. "He was," the twins accused. They pointed their fingers at Tamaki who dramatically gasped at the twins betrayal. My brothers stomped toward their prey. Tamaki was frightened, shaken to the bone. "So you are the one who took our sister," they hissed. The girls scared, Tamaki watched in horror but some had sighed at how dangerously cool my brothers were. "Calm down," I ordered. My brothers turned in surprise, and I walked straight towards them then explained, "I was here with Haruhi, who just went to do her new job as their new personal servant, I just wanted to accompany Haruhi and maybe help with her debt." My brothers looked at me in confusion. "What?" They said in unison.

"I'll explain later, why don't we introduce ourselves to this group of young men and their guests" I hinted at the crowd surrounding us.

"Ahhh, yes, sorry to interrupt your evening ladies and gentlemen, we were quite worried for our sister when she disappeared," Makai had apologized to the rich kids in the music room. " We, are the Kokuyo triplets, I am Makage, this is my brother Makai, and our lovely sister Mei," Makage timidly introduces us.

"Oh, it is always nice to have poor people join our wonderful world, I think we shall end a little earlier than usual to help them," Tamaki had announced. All the girls sighed, saddened by this news. "I'm back! I think I got everything you asked for," Haruhi enters. "Thank you Haruhi," Kyoya thanked her and Tamaki took the bag to see what was inside. "What's this?" He takes out a can of instant coffee. "What you never heard of instant coffee?" I ask in shock, everyone knew about this well selling product and the companies who were doing quite well in their stocks. "Oh, is that coffee that is already grounded?" Hani-senpai had asked in curiosity.

"No this is where you just add water," Makai said as if it was obvious.

"Fine, if you don't like it, I can just return it," Haruhi shouts when Tamaki just stared at it in wonder.

"No, I'll try it!" Tamaki announces and the  group applauded at this simple thing. "Haruhi, make this coffee," Tamaki orders, and Haruhi sighed and walks over she stops suddenly in front of one of the girls with dark red hair. She then keeps walking and pours the powdered coffee and the hot water. The hosts pick up their teacups and started stirring the liquid with silver spoons. Tamaki was the first to take a sip of the unusual drink which they had never tasted before. His eyes had brightened glowing and and he declared, "this is delicious, the poor are so smart and resourceful!" The guest clap and the hosts had taken their drinks and started nodding their heads with Glee and then some of them even patted Haruhi on the back as if she was the one who created this delicious drink that they had just tasted. Everything was back to normal or as normal as it could be in a rich kids private school. The host started entertaining their guests once again. I took a seat next to spectacles or Kyoya and he had a smile on his face. I asked him "why are you smiling Kyoya-sempai?" he just realized I had been watching him and answered with a cool expression, "thanks to you and Haruhi as well as your common thinking of simplification we have saved quite a lot now without those expensive teas and coffees which were grounded from Rio and South Africa which is quite expensive not including the sweets and cakes for Hani-Sempai and the outfits as well as the decorations for the events." I rolled my eyes in response to his rather insulting answer.

It was now the end of the club activities and all guests had left. My brothers and I sat on a couch together as we waited I watched the group of boys talk to each other. They were discussing about their clubs activities and what they should do next. I coughed to clear my throat and hopefully gain their attention, Haruhi this cleaning up the clubs room or Music Room 3. Spectacles or Kyoya was on his computer as usual as he typed away and scrolled through whatever he was looking at I cleared my voice once again hoping one of them will pay attention to the three of us who were still here for no reason. Finally Mori had tapped Hani on the shoulder which gained Hani's attention. Mori pointed towards us, and Hani's eyes grew big in realization, "oh sorry Kokuyo-chans, Tama-chan what should we do with these three?" He asks Tamaki sempai. "Well, if as Mei said, they want to help Haruhi with paying the debt then lets get them to work, just from today we gained quite a crowd, very profitable. So lets make these two hosts and Mei as a assistant manager or maybe something else if needed," Kyoya-sempai answers for Tamaki. "Yay, emo triplets!" The twins and Tamaki cheered. This decided our fate with the Ouran Host Club.

I do not own Ouran Host Club and their script. Only The Kokuyos and some other characters as well as the plot is all made by me.

Infinity Star

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