
The Shadow of Sacred Lies

"The face of God was illuminated with a radiant smile, a symbol of beauty and tranquility. His hair flowed like a cascade of gold, emitting an aura of serenity and happiness. With loving touches, He eased pain and healed wounds. His eyes were filled with profound wisdom and understanding..." Divine Fate of Aetheria: Verse 21 Ray was a child who had lived in the cathedral since birth. Having never set foot outside the cathedral before, Ray had never once questioned the existence of God; he believed unconditionally. The clergy had deceived Ray, claiming he was chosen by God to deceive him. But it was all a grand lie... God was not real, and people were worshipping an entity they had never truly seen. Ray felt betrayed upon realizing this. The being he had devoted his life to was actually an imposter who had taken the place of God.

Daflamingo · War
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CHAPTER 1: The Library Inside the Cathedral


The Library Inside the Cathedral

Ray opened the doors of the library, which seemed to have jumped out of the pages of fairy tale books from distant lands. As he stepped inside, he was transported to a heavenly space. The splendor dazzled his eyes. The domes were adorned with eye symbols, and the light streaming through the stained glass windows illuminated every corner of the library.

In the entrance corridor, he saw rare manuscripts displayed in dazzling showcases. The gilded letters on the covers offered a mesmerizing beauty. Miniatures drawn with vibrant inks came to life on each page. The scents wafting from the pages carried the essence of the past.

The grand library made him feel as if he were in the presence of God. Its high ceilings and elegant slender columns evoked a sense of divinity. The shelves resembled an endless sea. Curved wooden ladders lined the shelves, and the books arranged on them reflected centuries of accumulated wisdom.

The reading chairs were upholstered with carefully crafted fabrics. Various patterns and colors showcased the unique character of each chair. Sitting in these chairs, one couldn't help but feel enchanted by the magic of the pages. The gentle breeze that entered through the stained glass windows danced around, drawing people deeper into the stories.

As he walked further into the library, he came across a sight that always captured his attention—an enchanting waterfall. The waters cascaded from marble pools, creating a mesmerizing melody. Droplets of water danced on the colorful glass surfaces, reflecting the fractured light.

This library, like a treasure trove, held more than just knowledge waiting to be discovered by the minds. Here, lost dreams were found, forgotten stories came to life. It was the center of infinite wisdom and imagination.

As he continued to explore, he reached the center of the library. There, he encountered a colossal table that stretched across the length of the space. He ran his hand over its surface, which he had done countless times before. He had read so many books here, most of them about God, that he felt as if he had lived thousands of lives within these walls.

He looked at the book on the right side of the table to make sure it was still there. Yes, it was. This was the first book he had read in the library. He reached out and took "Believe" from the shelf, flipping through its pages; although it had been years since he last held it, the book showed no signs of wear and tear.

The book told the story of a man who initially doubted the existence of God but gradually became one of His most faithful followers, guiding people on the right path. Looking back, the plot seemed ordinary, but at that time, he had loved the book so much that he had finished it in one sitting. This book held a special place in Ray's heart. Now, however, he realized those days were behind him, and tomorrow he would have to bid farewell to this place. Deep down, he felt a sense of sadness, but he couldn't deny the emotions he felt for the characters he had encountered, as if he would be betraying the thousands of fictional characters he had come to know if he left.

These emotions continued to swirl within him as he moved along. When he arrived at the end of the library, a small, elegant column caught his eye. The column, made of gold, held a glass display case. The glass panels invited the dancing light and illuminated the contents of the case.

As he peered into the glass display, a sense of awe mixed with excitement washed over him. The rare bound book inside was meticulously arranged and displayed on a golden podium within the column. This book was the Divine Chronicles of Aetheria.

He opened the glass case and took the book in his hands, feeling the familiar excitement he always experienced. Regardless of who held the Divine Chronicles of Aetheria, it made them feel as if a great power was protecting them, assuring them that they were not alone.

He examined the book: its pages were composed solely of black and white. The scattered black symbols on the cover carried traces of a divine entity. At first glance, these symbols seemed meaningless...

Ray raised his hand and pressed his palm against the book's cover, murmuring a few words. These words were a blessing bestowed upon the chosen ones by God.

"The language of God."

At first, nothing happened, but after a few seconds, the seemingly meaningless symbols began to transform into letters, forming readable words. And finally, only a single sentence emerged: "Divine Chronicles of Aetheria." What appeared to be nonsensical symbols from the outside were, in fact, the title of the book. Yet, what surprised Ray even more was the second detail.

The symbols, which had seemed incomprehensible, transformed into letters and merged into meaningful words when blessed. This transformation created a maze-like structure, with the symbols forming a labyrinthine path that led to a single black eye image on the cover of the book, symbolizing "I am watchingover you wherever you may be!"

This was the translation of the emotions Ray had felt when he first entered the cathedral's library. He had entered this place at the age of ten, and he still vividly remembered the shock he had experienced upon seeing the waterfall. Who would consider a grand waterfall in the middle of a library as normal? And what about the bookshelves? The books that adorned them seemed to stretch into infinity, although many of them contained information about history and God. He couldn't help but feel excited. At last, he would learn everything there was to know about God and gain insights into why He had created everything. These were the things that filled Ray with anticipation.

As he continued to explore, he ran his fingers along the colossal table situated on the right, left, and back sides of the waterfall. He had read so many books here, most of them about God, that it felt as if he had lived thousands of lives.

He paused, still surrounded by deep silence, and looked at the book on the right side. Yes, it was still there. This book held a special place in his heart as it was the first one he had ever read here. Although he had read the passage in the middle of the paragraph on the fifty-third page countless times, he decided to read it once again, allowing the memories to resurface.

"Mighty God, who governs the dance of stars in the sky with the encompassing power, sets the rhythm for the undulations of the sea, listens to the song of the winds, and envelops nature with His wisdom. His mercy is an infinite ocean, and His love is as warm as the sunlight. He forgives sins and nurtures hope like a sprouting plant. The divine power and majesty of God are as radiant as the stars in the sky. His presence is like a beautiful painting of nature, resonating in every corner of the universe, full of life. God's guidance provides reassurance, making us feel His presence at every moment. With His words that radiate light, He illuminates darkened hearts and nurtures souls longing for happiness.

Divine Chronicles of Aetheria: Page 53"

He stood there in profound silence, lifting his gaze from the verse, feeling the echoes of his emotions in his heart. The words of the verse had created a deep resonance within his inner world. The power of God's sacred words had taken hold of him, filling him with an emotional fervor.

When he first read it, he had felt a slight warmth in his chest, accompanied by a profound sense of peace and gratitude. God's loving words had become a guiding light. In that moment, he had questioned the meaning and importance of everything in the world. God's presence had offered infinite reassurance, illuminating the dark corners within him. The words of the verse had reminded him of God's boundless love and emphasized that He was present at every moment. This feeling had awakened a deep sense of devotion within him.

With a heart trembling with love, he looked up at the sky, realizing how the words of the verse had brought meaning to his life. Along with the end of the book, he vividly remembered making the decision to move forward on God's path. With faith, love, and righteousness, he had pledged to live a life filled with these virtues. Under the influence of the verse, an inner transformation had taken place, allowing him to see his life's purpose more clearly. For all these reasons, this verse held a special place in Ray's heart.