

In a little chamber somewhere on the Yutran Continent, an infant's wail could be heard.

"A son! It's a son!" A midwife's eyes gleamed with happiness as she gave forth a delighted scream, "Lord Fallenhand, Madam Pyrebender, it's a healthy newborn boy with deep blue eyes! Congratulations, Madam; it is really similar to yours."

Amid snugly holding and draping of the baby in a piece of cloth, the Midwife managed the situation expertly and soon brought the baby to calm down.

After a brief conversation with the midwife, Madam Pyrebender immediately took her son gently and cried out, "Dear! Quickly...Quickly... You need to see this. By the gods, he's adorable."

Although, Madam Pyrebender is still weary, but she is nevertheless pleased as she looks into the face of her newborn baby, and she is glad to find that no harm has been done.

"It's finished?!" The exquisite wooden door immediately burst open, as a handsome middle-aged man strolled in hurriedly saying "Let me see my son... Oh! My son! That's my son! Sweetheart, quickly... Let me hold him."

Once the middle-aged man first saw his first son, he was overcome with emotion and began to gaze tenderly at his son's face after gently holding him.

The baby boy opened his eyes and saw that he was being held by his father who wore a set of green fur.

The room was quite ordinary. The wall, the dresser, the seats, the bed, all of them were all made from wood. In it, however, were carvings that gave off a sense of nobility, Atop the bed. There was a red-faced beautiful fiery-haired young woman.

However, upon straying afar from his mother's embrace he let out a delicate cry.

"Piere! Give me back my boy; you're clearly scaring him."Madam Pyrebender asked in a rushed manner.

"There's no need... My child is going to grow up to be a great warrior, and I'm going to toughen him up till the coming o-"

"Piere! I'm not going to say it again. I'm warning you."

"All right... All right... I'm sorry, sweetheart." After swiftly responding, while bringing his son to his wife, Lord Fallenhand said, "What should we call him? How about using the names in my catalog: number 15 Piere jr. Fallenhand or how about number 12, Piere the second Fallenhand. Okay, no? Nevermind."

Upon witnessing his wife's expression of rage, Lord Fallenhand became despondent and sighed, motioning for the midwives to leave the room.

"Yes," the midwives agreed, their voices soft and polite.

"This is something we discussed earlier, Dear. We will be naming our son Wex, which is means to grow. Don't tell me you're not in agreement?" Madam Pyrebender has a fierce look in her eyes, as though she's declaring, "You're treading on dangerous waters, my friend,"

She became exasperated after hearing his husband's nonsensical naming catalog.

She had, after all, heard some of the names that her husband had come up with, and when she heard the name "Ox in the Box," she couldn't help but cuss under her breath.

What parent in the whole Yutran Continent would give his kid the name "Ox in a Box"? To begin with, it is completely illogical and she was even baffled that a name like that would even exist!

"Nono... Wex is a fantastic name." The now slightly calm Wex was once again held by his father's embrace,

Wex, the baby boy, would never have imagined that the day he was born, his father would have the opportunity to name him Ox in the Box.

If it weren't for his mother's adamant refusal to allow it. The tale of Wex Fallenhand would have become the legend of Ox the in Box if it had ever happened.

"My son. You will grow up to be a great warrior," Piere's eyes were filled with love, as he released a silver of his essence to flow softly and freely into Wex's body, like a fish that was just gently swimming about in the water.

Moreover, he was overjoyed when he discovered his strong constitution.

"I must be the happiest man on the Yutran Continent by now; I've now got a son, a daughter, and a beautiful wife."

When he was safely wrapped in his father's arms, young Wex was intrigued by his father's strange blue ice necklace, which reflected a little of its grandeur in the light as icy air spewed out of the necklace's surface.

As if he were a little child who didn't understand what was good for him, he played with his father's odd ice necklace, poking it repeatedly and giggling as it flashed softly around his finger.

"Hoho... Wex my boy! This is coming from the time I fought the Ice Wraiths single-handedly. There I stood in the frozen tundra in the Vast Ice World..."

Pierce's eyes became brighter as he saw how much his son enjoyed his tale and as the enthusiasm in his son's eyes grew with every passing second.

"Now, this compass originates from the sentient treants that are exclusively composed of their bark. These treants are enormous sentients, as they uproot their roots in the earth, and they battled against your old man..."

"And this, you won't believe this, but on one of my travels, I came across a tree chimera, which I turned into this beautiful green fur. It's nice right?"

Aria Pyrebender was lying in her bed as she saw Wex having a wonderful time with his father and thought it was cute.

After seeing them engage in a small period of father and son bonding, she felt she was blessed.

Piere is thrilled with satisfaction after presenting another trinket to Wex, as he watches the same delight on Wex's face as he plays with the trinket in his hands.

Wex was playing with a tiny circular green item that flew about like a dragonfly before landing safely in Wex's hands once again, to which he giggled, as it fluttered around in the room.

"Darling, please come here and meet your younger brother, Wex," Aria Pyrebender addressed the little to the little figure peeping his head out the door.

Her first reaction to seeing that little midget was fearful; she assumed he was some kind of monster since he was holding his father's belongings in his hands as if they were nothing out of the norm.

In the end, after seeing her mother, she gained confidence and exclaimed,

"Mothher!" The tiny figure sprang to her feet and embraced her weary mother, who was resting in her bed at the time.

"Rye, please don't be mean to your younger brother, okay? Be good"

"Rye, don't be mean to you're little brother, okay? Be good."

"Buth, mothher, ish he reawwy my younger brothher?"


"Buth I wanth a shishther, noth a boy!" Rye wept loudly.

Suddenly, a big chubby face emerged on Rye's face,

"But, little Rye, how can you say no to this... I mean, look how cute he is."

Rye upon looking at his brother Wex's face, she sniffed, shouting "He'sh ugwy!"

Aria and Piere was taken aback, " But Ry-"

"I thowd you! I wanth a baby shishther! I don'th wanna... I don'th wanna..."

Looking at each other eyes, Aria and Piere smiled awkwardly.


Despite having recently given birth, Aria Pyrebender had no trouble getting out of bed.

As they went out of the room, she was likewise clad in green fur and was in her husband's arms.

"You can clean up in here," Wex's father, Piere Fallenhand, told the three midwives who were present during little Wex's birth.

"Yes," the three midwives agreed, their voices filled with reverence.

As they went carefully down the corridor, they saw a muscular, fiery-haired middle-aged man standing at the door.

As soon as his gaze fell on Wex, he was overwhelmed with emotions of excitement and love.

"Brother! Do you know whether the baby has arrived yet?! Is it the one you're holding in your hands? So, how is his constitution, is it suitable for cultivating?"

"I've checked, and as predicted, considering the bloodlines of our two families, there is virtually no possibility that my baby son will not cultivate."

"On top of that, I had a sensation of it. He didn't even flinch when I handed him my frosty necklace, which had been fashioned by Ice Wraiths. He will, without a doubt, develop into a formidable warrior."

Bael Pyrebender, who stood in front of him, grinned, "Did you hear that? Vance. If you don't put forth the same amount of effort as your cousin, you will find yourself slipping behind."

"Yesh, fathher," Vance Pyrebender, who is the same age as Rye Fallenhand at three and a half years old, said softly as he looked at Wex.

"This calls for a celebration! Bael, we're going to be partying for three days and three nights straight! You're not getting out of here until everything is finished!" Pierce poked Bael in the shoulder with a soft jab while laughing.

"You're on, Brother," Bael Pyrebender said as he nodded. "I'll just let Wex see how weak his father is... Hahaha."

"What?! You'll come to regret making such words later on. Allow all stores to stay open for at least three days and provide a 10 percent discount on all purchases, with the exception of the Pyrebenders, which should offer an 11 percent discount to those who intend to make a purchase there."

When Pierce Fallenhand saw the financial adviser standing next to him, he made a motion with his hand.

"Yes," the financial advisor said, his voice tinged with reverence.

"Also, make the Whitehaven Palace accessible..."

"What?! What gave you that idea, brother?! A mere 11 percent discount? In fact, if you can defeat me tonight, I'll up the percentage to 15 percent."

Having a growth of one percent in his shops, Bael Pyrebender was baffled and thought to himself, "Even though you're an old monster, you've kept that feeling of being a kid in you."

"As for you, on the other hand. Given the fact that Fallenhand's stores are soon offering a 15 percent discount on everything, as soon as you lose brother. And won't that pitiful sum of money cause your family to become bankrupt, brother?" Bael Pyrebender cracked a grin.

"Hmph. Let's wait and see how things pan out... Little Vance, I'd want to apologize in advance." Pierce stared Bael square in the eyes and said, "All night long, your father would be eating on the inside of my fist."

"Vance. Don't pay attention to this arrogant clown of a father. Piere. This evening is the night..."

"I'll show to you just how strong our bloodline really is." Abruptly, Over Bael Pyrebender, a massive inferno broke out in the sky above him, lighting the whole area.

While it burned across the night sky, a burning stench filled the air as it rapidly increased the temperature above, scorching the atmosphere and causing it to burn.

"It's only a paltry fire from a third-rate warrior. Please. Can't you do better than that?" All of a sudden, Piere Fallenhand's knuckles became black, slowly creeping towards his torso.


As Pierce Fallenhand struck his fist together, sparks burst out in all directions.

Within seconds, a strong feeling of pressure erupted from his body, which Bael picked up on straight away.

He, on the other hand, solely applied pressure on Bael, leaving no pressure on the individuals standing alongside him.

Pierce has a juggernaut-like expression in his eyes as if he were a man who had been taken in by a beast in disguise.

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