
Chapter 199: Harem Interaction!


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After some relaxing and fun time with their women, Adriana returned to Aphrodite, approached the camp and summoned her wives.

All wearing appropriate clothes for the time of the world, the interesting thing is that there is more diversity of clothes, so they could wear some modern ones and they would hardly ask anything about it.

Luria and Ikiria were as usual, one had a long sword on her back and the other had two daggers on her waist.

As for Lily, she was the only one with changes, as she was using a disguise spell along with her species' natural talents.

And Lily's human form, was relatively similar to Adriana when she was Juri Han, the bitch even copied her colored bangs, where instead of being purple, it was red.

[Image] →

Of course, Lily wasn't identical to Juri Han, she just had many similarities that would confuse others who had lived with Adriana in that form for so many years.

But it didn't matter much, Lily was still hot and beautiful.

"I don't miss it!" - Lily said pouting as she looked at the surrounding forest.

"Stop being spoiled, I told you to accept hunting scenarios, to adapt to the forest again." - Luria said snorting and rolling her eyes.

Lily grunted as she rolled her eyes as well, not bothering to respond.

"Ok, let's meet that bunny, a new member in this big growing family!" - Lily said clapping her hands and laughing.

Luria rolled her eyes and looked to Adriana to lead the way.

Ikiria didn't say anything, she had her eyes closed, feeling the fresh air, the birds chirping, she liked that environment.

"Can we play tag later?" - Asked Ikiria suddenly.

"Oh? Clear!" - Adriana said smiling and the others too.

As for what this game is that Ikiria is saying, it's a Fun Scenario, which is more of a training for stealth.

"Oh?" - Suddenly Lily shouted in surprise, the 3 looked at her confused.

"Master, haven't you noticed?" - Lily asked surprised looking at the surroundings.

"What?" - Asked Adriana confused.

"The Paranormal… is weird!" - Lily said rubbing her thin chin.

"Was always!" - Adriana said rolling her eyes.

"It's not that… I feel like it exists, but… the rules that make up the Negative Dimension, it's not that strong here… I don't think there's even a Negative Dimension!" - Said Lily surprised.

"… System, do you have anything to say?" - Asked Adriana curious.

[The "Negative Dimension" exists, but it is multiversal, connected to different worlds, in some worlds the Paranormal is stronger, in others it is weaker! It could be said that the "Negative Dimension" is no longer connected to just one world, it is a dimension of its own and is technically infinite!]

"What about Earth's Negative Dimension?" - Adriana asked in surprise.

[It is untouched!]

The 4 were silent, soon deciding to leave this matter aside, they have no interest in getting involved with what could be considered literal Hell now.


About 1 hour later, Adriana, Luria, Ikiria and Lily arrived at the village, where they were greeted by 2 guards at the ready.

Adriana didn't see any noticeable changes in the village, so she went to the main building which is where she and Ajacky live.

On the way, many who were resting, because today is a day of rest and leisure, greeted them and memorized the faces of the 3 beautiful women following Adriana.

Lily started to get aroused, as being a succubus, she is extremely sensitive to the sexual desire of others towards her and here, women easily fall in love with others, as there are only women in this world.

And from the hermaphrodites present, Lily felt even more desire and lust coming from them, but she held back, there's no way something of this level could make her lose control, she always had a high mental resistance, see at the time that she was a Paranormal Creature, when was taken by Adriana and going into abstinence for months without sex, no succubus could handle that, but she did!

Luria found it curious, she still had her doubts about what an all-female society would look like, even if this village is not the best example, she admits that all the women here are unique in their own ways.

They have good bodies, lots of advantages being ass, breasts, thighs and more.

It means that the genes in this world must be of high quality, as she doesn't believe that Adriana would only go after beautiful women.

And indeed, for some reason the women in Aphrodite's world are quite beautiful, if we were to give a comparison of an average of 1 to 10.

On Earth the average would be 3.5/10, but here the average is 4.5/10, such a measurement may seem crude, but it is what it is!

Not to mention that practicing with Mana and training her bodies only accentuated their beauties, improved their skin and much more, so here, everyone is prettier than usual.

As for Ikiria, she looked around a bit, seeing if there was anything interesting, seeing that there wasn't, she lost her interest and wanted to find a place to sleep.

Adriana went to the door and opened it, only to find in the center of the room, a half-naked young woman, enveloped in a bluish aura, her entire toned body covered in sweat, making her look glowing.

The 4 entered, seeing Ajacky, the 3 began to analyze her, in fact she is very young, but that doesn't bother them, she is at the age of making decisions and did not come from a modern world.

So the first analysis was of her face, where Ikiria felt threatened, Ajacky besides being beautiful, she is very cute with a unique face in a way.

Not to mention that she also has big and firm breasts, a big body, but nothing disproportionate or exaggerated, her body has the proper balance, her breasts are not that big, if compared to Adriana, Adriana has exaggerated melons.

But compared to the 3, the one who can go head-to-head for her would be Lily, but it seems that Lily was also losing in breast size.

If it was her past self, who was bigger, leaner and had huge advantages then she would be competing with Adriana and not Ajacky, but Lily decided to make changes in herself as well, as she knows that a smaller body has its advantages.

As for her not being able to reach something, she has her tail which she can lengthen, so whatever.

But while Lily and Ikiria were comparing themselves to Ajacky, Luria was appreciating what she saw.

Unlike Adriana who started her powerful life with the System, she can see the obvious differences in someone with a lot of talent and good teachers.

Ajacky has a frightening talent, she can see it right off the bat, but she has a terrible teacher.

Not that she wanted to be rude with the way Adriana teaches, but… Adriana isn't the most patient type, she's pretty laid back and likes to keep everything simple in a certain way, so likely Ajacky and the others have a lot of shortcomings that will only be overcome, if they tell their problems to Adriana.

But then there is a problem, how will they know how to identify and report it? This takes a long time, Luria knows that well, which is why she looked at Adriana with some anger.

"Lazy!" - Said Luria snorting, leaving Adriana confused with this gratuitous insult.

"Adriana?" - Soon Ajacky's voice came in surprise, the aura around her diminishing, so she got up excited, but stopped when she paid more attention to the women around her.

She was then amazed, seeing the tall and muscular woman with pale white skin, long white hair and a slight coldness around her.

Not to mention that everything about her indicated strength, Ajacky could feel it!

Then it was a small figure with long silvery white hair, that perfect and expressionless face, she appears to be harmless, but Ajacky feels that if she blinked, she wouldn't even know what slit her throat!

Finally it was a woman with black hair and a red fringe, she was showing a lot of her cleavage and had a slight smile on her lips, giving her a wink.

"Ah… hello…" - Said Ajacky embarrassed and putting on a shirt.

"Hi honey, I'm Lily, the 3rd, nice to meet you!" - Lily was the first, holding Ajacky's hands and smiling.

"Ah… yes… I'm Ajacky, nice to meet you…" - Said Ajacky swallowing his saliva.

Lily laughed and then pulled her away. - "This one here, all quiet, is Ikiria, practically our mascot!" - Lily said laughing, only for a dagger to be put on her neck immediately.

"Oops... she's also very sneaky, but..." - Smiling, Lily brought her hand to Ikiria's armpit and tickled it, Ikiria stepped back with a slightly flushed face. - "She is very sensitive in her knuckles and armpits, if rubbed enough she might even pee!"

Lily moved her head to the side, dodging a knife that was thrown, Ikiria was with her arms crossed, trying to make a mean face, but it didn't work, she looked so cute, even more puffing out her beautiful breasts.

"Okay, stop bothering the others!" - Luria said pulling Lily away from Ajacky.

"This one is the mommy of the group, don't make her mad, or she might end up suspended from the ceiling with a rope rubbing her pussy, aaahhh!" -Luria pretended to pinch her nipple, but in fact her other hand was in the area above her ass and pinching a very sensitive area which is where her tail is hidden.

"OK! OK! I stopped!" - Lily screamed with tears in her eyes and Luria stopped, releasing her.

Lily rubbed her breast and butt, pouting, Ajacky was startled by Luria.

Luria came up to her, smiling gently and said. - "I am Luria, I was the first to become the woman of the irresponsible here who only thinks with her head down, I will also be the one who will teach you from now on!"

"Oh?" - Ajacky was confused by those words.

"Adriana is lazy and tries to shorten everything as much as possible, you know, if it weren't for your great talent, with the instructions from this one, you would be at the average level shown out there, so follow my instructions and I guarantee you it will be better than listening to this lazy girl!" - Luria said full of confidence.

"Oh, you bitch!" - Adriana approached and slapped Luria's ass, making her jump and blushing, she looked at Adriana angrily.

"Can't you see I'm fixing your mistakes?!" - Luria shouted angrily.

"Okay, but don't insult me!" - Said Adriana huffing.

Luria rolled her eyes and decided to ignore her.

"Well darling, how about we get to know each other better? Hey long stick, go fix us something to eat!" - Said Luria waving to Adriana.

"Long stick… me?" - Adriana asked, taking her time to react.

"Who else has a dick here? Not to mention you know what everyone likes and you're the best at making it, so hurry up!" -Luria snorted and pulled Ajacky that she wasn't understanding anything.

Ajacky initially thought there would be a rivalry, or even enmity, as she just stuck herself in this relationship, she herself knows that it's complicated to have many wives, as their mothers had many problems.

She was worried that she would have to fight for Adriana's attention, but that didn't seem to be the case.

"I see, so you found the idiot during a dangerous situation, I see, to tell you the truth, I would say that her encounter with her was the most common one!" - Said Luria laughing lightly.

"Common… how did you two meet?" - Asked Ajacky curious.

"Luria was a noble of the Elves of Hell, an arrogant slut who hated the human race, she tried to kill me, more than once!" - Adriana shouted from the kitchen, making Ajacky surprised.

Luria growled, but embarrassed she said. - "In fact, I had a very limited mind, I was a Knight of a certain royal family where I lived, I hated humans, because I thought they were the cause of the death of my parents and many other important members of my family… well, that was partly the cause, but it was some kind of evil cult, Adriana made me discover the truth, we had our differences, but I learned to love the idiot!"

"She forced herself on me when she was drunk, it was our first sexual encounter!" - Adriana said leaning between the two, almost getting punched in the face.

Laughing, Adriana told about that wonderful day, where a drunk Elf approached her all frustrated and wanting her life, but then forced a kiss on her and took her to some place that Adriana doesn't remember exactly, it was some kind of store, afterwards they fucked there.

Luria blushed, but didn't say anything, since whenever she remembered, she thought it was one of the best days of her life, even if at the time she was all regretful and enraged, today she loves her reckless decision at the time very much.

Ajacky was surprised that Luria was a noble, which made her wonder about the others.

When Ikiria found herself the focus of Ajacky's gazes, she cringed in embarrassment, as she doesn't take much pride in it, but like Luria, she greatly appreciates her recklessness at the time.

"The Ikiria here was a thief, she tried to steal from me, but in the end I stole her body and heart!" - Adriana said laughing and giving Ikiria a big kiss on the forehead.

She also finished serving the table with all kinds of luxurious and very fragrant dishes, showing off Adriana's culinary skills.

"Ikiria here, you could say it was love at first sight." - Adriana said hugging and kissing Ikiria's cheek.

"Of all of them here, it was the relationship that lasted the shortest to start and we practically left for sex, it was a whole night and afternoon fucking, I vividly remember every second of that day, my balls hurt!" - Adriana said laughing and Ikiria punched her.

Ajacky liked to hear that, as for the rest of Ikiria's history, she doesn't like to touch on her past so much, so it wasn't said.

But Adriana said that Ikiria somehow had a noble purpose for her thefts, as she targeted those who were strong and powerful, stealing them for an orphanage she liked.

This only made her even more admired by Ajacky, which made Ikiria even more embarrassed, but she puffed out her chest with pride, which made everyone think she was even cuter.

Finally it was Lily's turn.

"I also wanted to kill the master at the beginning!" -Lily said laughing bitterly, just remembering that day, she made him shudder.

"Master?" - Ajacky asked in surprise.

"I'm different from the other two, I started out as a slave, a plaything for the master, I loved that and still do, but when we met, you could say I was like a thug, I was with other powerful women and then the master attacked us!

She showed a frightening disparity in strength, hundreds were annihilated in moments and I… luckily I survived and she used me as she found me useful, so I showed my loyalty and was officially accepted into this beautiful and wondrous harem full of glittering pearls!" - Lily said laughing.

"I see… Adriana had told me that there is a Sorceress among you…" - Ajacky said, stopping talking and looking at Lily.

"Yes it's me!" - Lily said carefree and then doing a simple trick, where a black cloud molded itself in an agonized face and a high-pitched scream came.

"Cum! We're eating Lily!" - Luria shouted angrily and Lily undid the [Agony] spell.

Ajacky was wide-eyed.

"Don't worry, it's just a spell, not a trapped soul or anything, just a lame visual effect that bitch does because she's such a bloody sadist!" - Adriana said snorting and pinching Lily's cheek, who punched her in the head and stuck out her tongue.

"Haha… I understand why you said I was the most common, 2 tried to kill you and 1 rob you…" - Ajacky laughed.

"What can I do, I'm interested in dangerous and peculiar women!" - Adriana said laughing, leaning back on the sofa and opening her arms, where Ikiria lay on her left chest.

Adriana smiled and then Luria narrowed her eyes at Lily, who wanted to go the other way but stopped, pouting.

Luria then pushed Ajacky, who was confused as she got up, not understanding, until Adriana pulled her by her pants and made her sit on her right.

"You are evil!" - Lily said pouting.

Luria ignored her and just took a few pictures, liking the view, it's really cute and cozy.


Adriana refused to meet with Mell, Maria and others, she needed to take care of personal matters and the others understood.

That afternoon and evening, Adriana spent time with the 4 of them, helping them to get to know each other, where Ajacky understood better the type of relationship that everyone here has.

Adriana is not like many hermaphrodites who try their best to control their wives and prevent them from looking at other women.

She doesn't forbid them, if they want to get involved with other people, so be it, Adriana won't judge them, it's not fair that she can stick her dick in anyone she likes and if she ends up falling in love, bring her to meet the others and say to everyone: She is part of the family, accept it!

This is very unfair, as such Adriana has an open relationship, if they want to bond with other people, vent their frustrations or want to try new things, Adriana will not stop them.

And if they decide that they don't feel the same passion as in the past and don't want to be with her anymore, Adriana will accept it, even if she will insist a lot on keeping trying and stuff like that, Adriana will still give her her space and won't cause any harm.

This made Ajacky understand what kind of woman Adriana is, a woman with a big heart, but also with a closed heart, she aims to have an equal and beneficial relationship for all, everyone has equal rights and will receive the same treatment.

And the thing is, even if they can relate to other people, it doesn't mean they will!

Take Lily for example, since officially becoming Adriana's wife, she hasn't dabbled as actively in other men or women, she's naturally had her sadistic diversions with quite a few over the years, but never actually got penetrated, at most she sucked a few. cunts, masturbated some men hard and such, having their sadistic orgasms.

But she never had the desire to have another penetrate her, other than Adriana or others in the Harem.

Ikiria was the same, there was that time when they were having dates with several girls, she didn't like it very much, she thought it was boring, but since she didn't want to be left out, she tried it and enjoyed it, but the feeling is not the same as when she is with Adriana, Luria or Lily.

As for Luria, she is the same as Ikiria, she knows how to appreciate vague and quick relationships, but she doesn't see herself very interested in that, so she found a way to get out.

As such, Adriana went to parties alone to pick up women.

Ajacky knowing how the relationship works, understood that Luria and Ikiria will be the same, she will not get involved with other women, she does not want that, maybe she will play with the ones in the harem, since they will share the main woman with one of their penises, but anyway for the rest, she doesn't see herself having another one inside her.

Not to mention that Ajacky is pretty old-fashioned due to the family she was raised in, which further cemented her being 100% faithful to Adriana!

In the end it was a fun night full of revelations, they also played several board games, where Ajacky met the family-destroying game, UNO!

She saw firsthand how the 4 in front of her got extremely competitive and fierce, not to mention scary, when getting others to buy.

Ajacky didn't understand at first, thinking it was just a game, but… when they made her draw +18 cards, when she only had 3 cards in her hand, she felt anger and frustration.

In a moment when she was only with 1 card in hand, given the chance of victory, Ikiria who was on her left or Lily on her right, would cast a damn +4 on her.

And then she understood this frightening mood and began to be infected by it, wanting to destroy her enemies.

But in the end she didn't get any wins, which made her very angry, but she admits that it was a lot of fun and that next time, she will win!

As for the [Tag] game, Ikiria forgot about that and didn't say anything.

And then, seeing that there wasn't room for everyone in the room, Adriana got rid of the bed and covered the floor with blankets and sheets, making it comfortable so that everyone could sleep.

There was no sex, they understood that it wasn't the climate for that, just as Ajacky is young and she will have to integrate with the others little by little, it's not good to force this kind of situation.

Not to mention that they usually end up running over each other to see who will sit on Adriana, Ajacky, who is young, wouldn't have a chance.

Next chapter