
The Seventh Life

   Long, long ago a demon fell in love with a human and their lives ended up with a bunch of miseries. As of the demon's ability to produce earthquakes and grow in strength, this demon's talents have always posed a threat to the human race. The human and the demon, however, were so in love that they made a vow to see one other again. In order to complete their compromise and fall in love, they are required by the laws to meet paths once more in the human world.   The love is a beautiful feeling, when it is so powerful, lovers could cross the hell and win the heaven. So the demon suffered, in the dark hell, for years with the intention of protecting the human. The most powerful demon was sentenced to years of suffering since the love between a demon and a human was cosmic and violated the laws separating the two worlds. In every lifetime, the human also experienced suffering until he met his destinied love. The punishment continued until the demon decided to gain the victory. The one thing that could bring them together and break the curse was the one chance to fall in love with each other at last and rise to the top of the demon realm. The success may grant him his all the wishes, but....., That being said, should he fail, the outcomes would be utterly catastrophic and neither the demon nor the human would ever know. You might find it fascinating to read about this story, which is essentially about a demon who fell in love with a pure human soul, all the way to the end. _________________________________ N U _ V Y N E H A R A

charu_d · Fantasy
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The Demon

This was the most furious of all the demons, the most callous, terrifying, and ruthless immortal. It is thus inappropriate for you weak people to ever question or participate in their conduct. They have the freedom to choose whether or not to be visible. Like god, they also could make decisions about humans sometimes.

The gods will call the good and the demons will summon the bad, it was as simple as that.

It was a world sunk in darkness, the murkiest fog, howling wind, and shadows under dead trees. There was nothing alive as everything was dead and dark. You can't expect it to be a paradise anyway as this world was completely pertained to the demons.

And now this was the darkest place of them all. So, nobody entered here will never enjoy the sound of the eerie air. And the freezing fog had already swallowed everything around. Even the bravest man would be getting shivers from the spooky wailing sound. But, remember, anybody who already had entered, there was no way they could ever return. You will either become the meal for an enraged demon or freeze to death right here. This was exactly the domain of the most deadly demon, Agares, and was hidden beneath the blood moon.

Agares was the assigned demon to cause earthquakes and when he stepped into the human world the result was an earthquake which could make him more powerful. He absorbed the powers of the evil disaster he made.  

Agares always stood in his own space like a black-marbled statue. He rarely moved and stayed unusually calm, surrounding himself with a bunch of giant ugly crocodiles. If he had powers enough he didn't set his foot on the floor. In case he did it damaged the human world with an earthquake.  So he used to ride the giant crocodiles when he was full of his utmost powers.

There was a hawk on his fist who followed his commands, more likely a little warlock. This bird was the one to teach the languages to Agares. She could stop or retrieve the humans moving and sometimes grant titles if it was needed. However, you folks will not receive any until Demon decides to.

Once, this scariest demon of the demon world was tamed by a pure human soul and for the first time in history, a demon had fallen in love with a human. And this led to quite a lot of tragedies as it was considered forbidden. The consequences were unexpected and uncontrollable. The laws between the human and demonic realms started to fall apart. Some forbidden paths to the human world were uncovered. This made it easy for some low-cast demons to start their hunting of humans which was a horrible disaster that never should happen. 

Because of their intense love for one another, the demon and the human could not bear to be apart. The demon continued to kill more people as he frequently visited the human realm, causing an earthquake to occur each time he did so. The demon couldn't handle everything. Things got out of control. He brought tragedy upon himself each time he entered the human realm.

Because of their unconditional love for one another, the human had already come to terms with the demon's true nature. However, what he did not know was that the demon always brought about catastrophes when he ventured into the realm of humans. Therefore, he summoned his demon each time he desired his company.

Even although the love was banned by the rules of the demon realm, no one could destroy it until the news reached the demon king. Belhor, the demon king, became enraged upon learning of the facts and promptly ended their romantic relationship. The merciless attacks of the demon king always left the human suffering as a result. That was the day the human decided to terminate their love—the day he learned about the thruth and realized he had already lost all of his loved ones.

"Return to me after you stop causing these tragedies," The human's dicision never made the demon stop loving him but he stopped stepping to the human world. Instead, he willingly gave his whole realm to his brother Iftar so that Agares could freely enter the human world without causing dusasters.

But..., everything was already under Belhor's control. The demon couldn't enter the human world. Belhor prisoned him in the dark world in where his powers always worked wrong.

Belhor knew even he couldn't control Agares if he caused another disaster at this point. So he decided to end the human's life. He chose the day and never hesitated.

For the last time, causing a massive disaster in the human world, Agares entered the human world to bid the farewell to his human ,making Belhor more furious. Ultimately, the human left the world on the cold hands of the deamon, leaving the demon alone in the dark realm under the coldness.

" Hereafter, I will always find you in every life," The demon said before leaving, keeping his glistening lifethread over human's chest.

* * *

Years passed, the human was born again and again, he lived and died. But he never had a calm, peaceful life as he was always left in miseries due to the demons' effects to his life. The demons could never touch the human or attack him as he was protected by the demonthread which was gifted by Agares. So, In his every life, the human lost his loved ones instead of his life. In his every life, he left alone, suffered alone and died alone.

It's not like demon didn't witness these all, but he never could act, never could help. He waited until it was the time. He waited and tolerated for centuries.

The latest story of the demon

It was a hell of hell which was not his own home under blood moon as it was freezing where Agares was sitting. He didn't move an inch. His gifted rider was Sobek a crocodile and his hawk was Horus. Both were keeping his company even if it was the worst nightmare one could ever encounter in their lifetime.

Agares was sitting like this in this cursed hell for centuries as a punishment for falling in love with a human. It was an intolerable torture to his demon structure.  His two friends couldn't handle this any longer. The demon's powers were diminishing.   More likely, he had no powers left. Even if he had it would be useless.  

Since his brother Ifrit, the fire demon took the lead of his league he had no control over anything from the human world anymore. His last reckless action to see the human had made the doors completely close to enter the human world. He didn't sense anything there except one thing which was....

"His human had been reborn,"

He knew that and that was enough.The demon could feel him as he was solely bound to the human. At the same time he knew this was their last chance for them to be together as it was the seventh life of human after they fell in love. If the demon couldn't win the human in this lifetime, they will never, ever meet as the lovers. And the demon's fate would be the scariest.

The demon needed to protect the human at all costs so the last thing he could do was, move.That was his punishment for loving a human. If he did, his human was in danger and that was the last thing he wanted to see again. So the powerful demon eventually became the powerless as he couldn't gain any powers.

"You are dying Agares," It was Belhor the demon king.

"Your life will become only worse if you continue to be stubborn, you will never die but you'll be dying" Belhor's voice was everywhere. But Agares could see nothing. His sight was too weak. 

"He is just a human," Belhor said.

"But he should live," Agares' words were not audible.

"Don't you want yourself back?" Agares tried to remember the picture of himself, he had seen his new appearance. His face was gone. He had no appearance. He had no identity. Everything had gone missing. Now it was just a blank dark exterior.

Another two weeks passed and the demon was almost lifeless. Hawk couldn't grant any wish as his master was powerless.

" I wish I could see him," The demon's inaudible whispers could reach only one, and was his little warlock.

"Sobek, take him on your back, " Hawk commanded.

"What are you gonna do??,"  Sobek took his master, Agares, on his back and asked. He was curious.

The hawk burnt one of his quills and it flamed up in gold and vanished. She went for the next one.

"Horus, stop!!! you know what you are doing, Agares would punish you when he becomes stronger,"

"Like he will ever become stronger," Hawk picked her sixth quill.

"Are you gonna remove them all??," Sobek was not happy about this.

"Heaven will never support us, we are demons," Sobek reminded her.

"But, I'm not, and shut up!!!!," Hawk said picking her tenth quill. And it rose higher and emitted a glittering glow that illuminated the darkness. 

"OMG!! It worked!!!, "Crocodile just couldn't believe his eyes. He wagged his heavy tail happily, but quickly ceaased as he remembered that Agares was already on his back.

Through the light a heavenly voice appeared.

"Horus, How may I help you??," The divine voice of the angel was like a blessing.

"My lord needs to find his love," Hawk spoke.

"Horus, you understand the consequences," The angel advised.

"He needs his face,"

"You can grant only one wish, Horus,"

"But Agares didn't want any bad again to happen only to get his face back," Horus knows exactly what sacrifices should happen to get a face for a faceless demon.

"You have no choices, Horus, Make your wish, you have no time," 

"Let Agares find his love," Finally, Horus picked the best wish which she thought all others could be fixed from this one choice.

The angle disappeared. Through darkness, the white light appeared, coming the door to the exit, and it was the moment.

"Hurry up!!!,"Hawk shouted and Sobek ran towards the flashing white light.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Anyway, It's my first book so I'm opened to any of your kind comments on my mistakes, good or bad or anything.

And thank you so much if you had a peek into my work. ❤️

charu_dcreators' thoughts