
The Seven Leafed Clover

Brunei “Bei” Nox, a (human/dark) eleven childe was reborn again to repay the accumulated karma of his previous two births. Reborn in modern day earth, before the world declared itself ready to communicate and trade with the rest of the cosmos by learning to harness the remnant souls on our planet, he must comprehend the sacred geometry of chance once more of he wishes to live rather than survive.

Pratham_Singh_8127 · Fantasy
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1 Chs


Deep within the profound palace of the pauper of probability, a trio of beings could be seen sitting at a table. Two of the three, a small, plump dragon and a gaunt roc could be seen gazing intently at the third, a young elf, one who looked to be less than a decade old, who was languidly dealing a deck of cards. A deck of cards that would decide the fate of tens of trillions of souls, and that of several planets throughout the cosmos.

The eleven child, the pauper that owned the palace, did not appear to be particularly interested in the results of the match, after all he wasn't playing for the paltry amount of money he would win, or even for the respect of the other two, no, he was playing cards as a meditation.

"I'll play this one blind." Rumbled the dragon, in a voice that appeared unnaturally deep for a creature so young.

The roc simply responded by rolling a golden marble containing innumerable souls to the centre of the table as he took a peek at the cards in his hand.

The elf's demeanour had changed at this point however, he was staring at the cards scattered around the table, focusing on the scattered cards as he searched for the answer, the sacred geometry of chance. He too rolled a marble to the centre of the table, but instead of peeking at his cards, he simply tapped his index finger twice against the table, a clear symbol calling for a raise.

Time passed, and cards were played. When the roc eventually bowed out, deciding against betting with the seemingly reckless duo, the dragon spoke, "you may have played the jack of diamonds, and later the queen of spades, but you have failed to conceal the king in your hands, for my memory didn't fade."

"Those who speak know nothing, and find out to their cost, like those who curse their luck in too many places, and those who fear, have lost."

The dragon pondered, the game went on and as the elf had spoken, the strings of the universe moved, and the unopened cards reshuffled. The final card was played, and with it, a galaxy torn asunder.