
A new Kenpachi

"Break ... Kotsuryū" (Bone Dragon)

Kiganjō activates his Shikai. His Shikai takes the form of two gauntlets. They take the appearance of claws where the knuckles are underneath. I guess he is a close-range fighter with those. But that won't help him in this situation. He doesn't stand a chance and now he even takes away the small range he had with his Zanpakuto. 

I guess that his strength rises with his Shikai. It would make sense if I go from the name and the way he is built. Kiganjō pulls back his hand and gets into position to punch. I feel the Reiatsu gathering in his hands and then ... he punches. I tilt my body backwards and let the shockwave pass over me. As I straighten again, Kiganjō is ready to punch again. 

I'm unsure how much strength and power he uses when doing those attacks or if that is just the base attack damage. Then the release 'break' would make even more sense. 


The field crackled with tension as I faced off against Kiganjō's attacks. The stark contrast in our ages and experiences fueled the anger and frustration within the 10th Kenpachi. Kiganjō, older, fatter and physically imposing, couldn't believe being outmanoeuvred by a younger Shinigami like myself. His arrogance was his mistake but even if he hadn't been, the outcome would not change. 

His movements became increasingly unstable, a volatile mix of rage, anger and disbelief. But there was pain mixed in there as well. I could see the furrowed brow, the eyes ablaze with seething fury and pain, as Kiganjō unleashed a barrage of furious punches and slashing gauntlet strikes. Each movement was a testament to the struggle within him, the frustration and ridicule of being dominated by someone much younger.

I, maintain my stoic composure, deftly dodged and parried each enraged attack. The age and experience of Kiganjō proved invaluable in the fight as he held on with all his strength. He kept me at a distance or at least he tried to. He was playing a waiting/defensive game but in the end ... it would prove insufficient against my speed, strength and the blade. 

"Stop running and fight!!", he screams at me. I have been keeping my distance and chipped away at his strength and stamina. 

His roars echoed through the area. I could hear the sound of a Shinigami wrestling with inner turmoil. I could hear the desperation of him not willing to go out without a proper fight.


The veins on Kiganjō's forehead increased in number, a visual representation of inner rage. Yet, every missed strike seemed to deepen his wound, and the inevitability of his defeat began to set in. But that wasn't something that the Kenpachi would accept ever. He increased his Reiatsu once more. 

Kiganjō punched again. I decided that I would give him what he wished for, a warrior's death. So I stopped just being a prick about it and began to attack again. Instead of dodging the punch, I performed an attack of my own. I pulled my right arm back and then with massive speed and strength thrust my sword forward multiple times to pierce through his gauntlets. 

'Heavy Flashy Thrust'


My thrust pierced through his right gauntlet as well as his hand and thrust a hole where his hand would have been. This surprised everyone who was watching. I didn't stop there and followed up my attack with another one. I grabbed my Zanpakuto with both hands and pulled it back next to my head. 


I imbued my Haki into Zenmanzakura and then swung it horizontally. 

'Kokuto Issen'


I made sure not to make the strike too powerful lest I would kill far too many people. I wanted Kiganjō to use everything he had to attack himself and block it. And that's what he did. He pulled his left fist back and with all of his strength punched forward. His fist met my slash and he tried everything to win this exchange ... without any luck. Kiganjō's strength and his wounds made him lose the exchange and another long slash wound appeared on his body. 


Kiganjō, fatigued and wounded, continued his futile assault. I, with a calm determination, continued to dictate the tempo of the fight. The age difference became inconsequential in the face of my superior skill and control. This fight was over as far as I was concerned and as soon as he acknowledged that, I would give him the death he wanted. 

In the 'climax' of the battle, with a final, decisive blow, I disarmed Kiganjō. I mean I literally disarmed him. Everyone present bore witness to the defeat of the older, desperate warrior. Kiganjō, on his knees, panted heavily, the fire in his eyes dimming as the acceptance of his fate settled in.

I stand over the defeated Shinigami. In the end, age and rage proved futile against my mastery of the blade and sheer physical superiority.

Kiganjō, with a mix of exhaustion and resignation, met my eyes one last time. With a silent acknowledgement, I delivered the final blow.

'Ultimate Techniques: Flashy Slash'


As the head of the former Kenpachi Kiganjō fell to the ground, no sound was heard. None of the observers could believe what they had bore witness to. It was surreal and beyond what they thought possible. Yamamoto was ready to intervene when the former Kenpachi inevitably went too far. I could sense the tension in the Head Captain's muscles as well as my Grandfather and Father as well. No one expected this to happen. No one. 

But that's what fighting was all about. I was prepared to end this fight without one of us dying. But Kiganjō underestimated me and paid the price. His arrogance in challenging me and believing himself superior was his undoing. That was the Mihawk in me. If someone wanted to challenge me then he better take it seriously, otherwise, he would be cut down faster than he could blink.

I sheathed my Zanpakuto and looked at Yamamoto. The old man had opened his eyes wide. Both of them. He was surprised and didn't know what to say. I understand that it might be difficult to believe that I was as strong as the former Kenpachi after just graduating from the Academy. I wasn't sure what to do now. In theory, I was now the new Kenpachi and the current Captain of the 11th Division. 


"Yamamoto-sama.", Captain Unohana woke up the Head Captain from his stupor. Surprisingly she was the first to come to her senses. Yamamoto collected himself and then stomped his walking stick on the ground. 

"Yes. That was a splendid fight. Under normal circumstances, it would be forbidden to kill your opponent during a fight such as this, but since Captain Kiganjō was the current Kenpachi, things are different. Despite your young age, Kuchiki Byakuya, you have bested the former Kenpachi in combat and have therefore become the new Kenpachi as well as Captain of Division 11. Due to your age, you will be tested to see whether you are indeed ready to lead a Squad but you are from this point, the new Captain of Squad 11. Congratulations, Captain Kuchiki."

"Thank you Head Captain.", I say and then look at my Father and Grandfather. Both of them have surprised expressions on their faces but I can see the pride in my father's eyes. He must be very proud of me and must wish that my mother would love to see that. 


After everyone is dismissed, I go to my family and get a big hug from my father. 

"What were you thinking brat?", Grandfather says and bonks me on the head. I can feel the tension he had during the fight, slowly leave him. He was worried about me. 

"I was challenged, Grandfather. If he thought that he could challenge me to a fight and get away without the possibility of death, then he was even less intelligent than I thought. It was his own arrogance that led him to death. But I agree that even if he had been fully prepared, the end result wouldn't have changed.", I say. 

I get another bonk to the head for that. 

"Stop saying such things, Byakuya. To be proud of your strength is admirable but arrogance will lead to your death, as you have seen just now. ... However I have to say that you were formidable. It would appear that you have surpassed me already.", Grandfather said. 

"What are we going to do about your succession, Father?", my father asked. 

"We will do nothing. You are my successor and nothing has changed about that."

"I don't think you have to worry. If something happens, then I will simply resign as the Captain of Squad 11 and take on the role of Captain of Squad 6. I prefer our division anyway. I will have to deal with pesky challenges from now on. There will be ridicule and stupid whispering."

"I'm sure that you'll manage to deal with that Byakuya. You are now going to be a Captain. I planned to teach you how to do that slowly in the coming years when you become the Lieutenant of Squad 6, but now you are already Captain. This means that I'll have to speed things up."

"That's alright. It shouldn't be that hard to do. I'll just select a talented Lieutenant and have him do all of my work as well.", I say and watch the strange faces of my father and grandfather. 

"You will do no such thing!"



The next day I was called to the Division 1 Headquarters. When I entered I was met with the hall full of Captains and also some Lieutenants. This didn't surprise me as much as it should have. I had Kenbunshoku Haki after all. I knew that they were here, but not that this was what the meeting was about.

"Kuchiki Byakuya enter. As you all surely know already, yesterday was a special graduation test for Kuchiki Byakuya where I intended to have seated officers as well as Lieutenants challenge him to see whether he was worthy of becoming a seated officer right away. As it happened, former Kenpachi Kiganjō challenged Kuchiki Byakuya to a fight. The result of that fight is already known to you all. Kuchiki Byakuya killed former Kenpachi Kiganjō and therefore took up the position of Squad 11 Captain as well as the title of Kenpachi. He has been deemed worthy of the position. So welcome, Captain Kuchiki of the 11th Division."

"Thank you Head Captain.", I say and then stand at my place. I can see that there is a Lieutenant standing there. He must be my Lieutenant now and will take me to the 11th Division barracks. The man didn't look very pleased but that wasn't my problem. He was going to be my Lieutenant and I was interested to see whether he was worthy of that position. 


"What is your name?", I ask the man. 

"Kogan Numijka", he says. I can see that he already is not showing me the proper respect. I won't say anything now and wait until I can make an example out of someone in front of everyone. Otherwise, I will have a lot on my plate. 


We reached the 11th Division Headquarters and Kogan showed me to my study, where I 'would' do most of my paperwork. Well, that won't be happening. I have no interest in doing that. I'll find someone that could do that for me. 

"Call all of the members to the training grounds. I wish to speak to everyone and that will make it easier.", I tell him.

"That might not be the best time, the members are usually training on their own or patrolling and the like. Maybe you should wait and do it when everyone is going to eat?", he says.

"This was not a request but an order. And when I give you one, I expect you to follow it.", I tell him.



"Did I stutter? Come on don't play the strong man here. It seems pretty obvious how you got your position, so don't play games with me, boy."

As soon as he said that, a massive pressure fell onto Kogan.


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