
•The most important thing to life• #1

Where am I?

Who am I?

I wake up with black all around me and seem to be in some kind of room*. I don't remember how I got here I don't even remember my name" *as I look up I see some kind of hooded figure with brown hair starring at me*

It notices me and looks back at me then winks*

Did that man just wink at me?"

I don't remember much about how life works or how to talk correctly"

But I do remember something important from before "

Flirty mode activated•

Heyyyy that's a nice coat you have there it's almost as PURRfect as your handsome face (ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡

I don't know if remembering how to flrit is a good thing but he seemed to be happy from it cus now he's just smiling at me-


When he heard those noises his face got serious and he ran to a window seal and opened it quickly*

I tried to stop him but he jumped before I could"

We lost a good person today fly high man I flirted with,,,, WAIT DID HE JUMP BECAUSE I OFFENDED HIM HOW AM I GONNA LIVE WITH MYSELF AAAAAA"

As I was talking to myself I heard the tapping noises Again but they seem to be closer this time*


Another hooded man showed up and asked me what I wanted to eat.

I was confused at how he dident care his hooded friend just died Mabey he dident see it tho.-

On the topic of eating that made me hungry*

Get me anything that's edible "

10 minutes later he comes back with a red box that has a smile on it

I look at it carefully and open it it seems to have wierd shaped objects I think it's edible so I'll try it

I bite into one of the things I'm the box AND IT TASTED AMAZING!

Not long after everything in the box was gone but a toy.

The man in the hood looked at me with a serious face and told me to go meet his master

But I was tired from eating so I fell asleep

When I woke up I was tied in a chair•