
The Senses Cycle in DC

Blindside. A vigilante known through all of Gotham, AND all of Metropolis. Central City has even heard rumors of him. No one knows where he came from. But even the Red Hood hesitates to face him. Batman gave up trying when HE got his ass handed to him for once. Blindside's appearance coincided with the sharp and steep decline in domestic and child abuse nationwide. It also coincided with an increase of mutilated and brutalized corpses of abusers. Under the mantle of Blindside, is Keith Kelvin, an Irish runaway with too many demons for one Metahuman to handle healthily and a burgeoning Braille and ASL professor at Gotham University. How would he handle being forced to cooperate with the Justice League? And, more importantly, how would the Justice League and every hero in the DC Universe handle Blindside? Add this story to your library and read to find out!

Drax152 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 11: First Actual Date?/Itch to Scratch Part 1

Keith came to about half a day later, just before noon. His hearing returned first, as per the usual. He immediately recognized the smell of the medbay. A nanosecond after he registered where he was, he heard Raven's heartbeat. He switched to sight and took a peek through a half-lidded eye to see her awake, but reading. He smiled and shut his eye. He reached his hand slowly out to set on her thigh. She about jumped out of her skin. "You're adorable when you read." She immediately gave him a half-hearted punch to the shoulder for startling her like that, and then she kissed him, as a greeting now that he was awake.

"I was so worried when you passed out, K." She nuzzled into him, just happy he was okay. "Dick, Batman, and Green Lantern said you had just used too much energy and you needed to rest from it, but still."

Keith smiled softly and pet her hair with a free hand. "I'm ok, Rave. I'm ok." He kissed the top of her head and laid his head back.

"If you hadn't been fighting the shithead that your father was, you would've made fun of how many colors my cloak turned." She jabbed him, joking but also conveying how scared she was.

He frowned to himself and lifted her face to look at him with the knuckle of his finger. He engaged his sight to look at her in the eyes, before he put his right hand in the "a" shape and set it on his chest, moving it in a counter-clockwise motion.

His eyes widened significantly when she smiled and signed back, "Yeah it's ok." He grinned widely and kissed her forehead before he switched to speech.

"Did you start learning Sign Language just for me?" When he got a nod from her, he chuckled. "You could always just join my class at the university. I'll even make a new joke for your desk in Braille."

She smiled at him. "I'll think about it, K." She picked up the book she was reading. "A neat little Sign Language for Dummies is pretty handy, so maybe. We'll see." She giggled softly before she kissed his jaw and got off of him. "Now go tell the others you're alive." She flipped her hood up and moved for the door, only for Keith to scramble off of the medbay bed they'd been laying on and snatched her wrist.

"Wait, Rave. You wanna...I dunno, go out? Like, today or tomor-"

She cut him off by kissing him deeply and grinning at him. "Today is perfect. Took you long enough to ask. I've been waiting for-fucking-ever." She ran her hand through his hair and pecked his lips again before leaving the room.

(Shoutout GODKINGASH for the date idea! You da real MVP.)

Keith grinned before he looked around for his suit. Then, remembered that the upper half was cut off of him and he currently only had the bottoms on. He switched out for the clothes set by the door, a black T-shirt and dark red skinny jeans, probably picked out by Raven. He took a deep breath, considering he didn't have facepaint for a blindfold.

The next half hour was spent introducing ASL and Braille professor Keith Kelvin to the other titans. Immediately following, Keith turned to Rachel. "Meet me at my apartment in two hours. Dress comfortably, too." He gave her hand a squeeze before he left for his apartment.

When he got back, he showered and switched out his black T-shirt for a white one, slapping a black flannel over it. He put the red skinny jeans back on. He then spent his 2ish hours until she showed up making sandwiches and snatching a few cold sodas from his fridge. He secured everything in a lunch bag or two and stashed it all in a backpack.

He spent another 10 minutes just reflecting. Partially, just to revel in the happiness he had recently been able to have, but primarily to reinforce his hope so that could make the trip.

She knocked lightly on his door, feeling stuffy in the clothes Starfire helped her pick out. Not her style at all, she was thrown colors that clashed with her entire sense of taste and style. But, the actual design wasn't bad. The main stuffy thing was the jacket that Starfire insisted she take. She really didn't want it. She liked the cold. The only warmth she could stand...was Keith. She blushed slightly at this thought, altering the horrific colors of the clothes Starfire picked out with her magic foolery.

Keith opened the door to find Raven standing there in a huge black fucking jacket, that he immediately knew was Starfire's doing. He laughed at the same time Raven then did, and he flopped it on a coat rack in his apartment. He then laid eyes on her actual outfit. A black pair of pants with dark blue threads and accents, a blue medium sleeve shirt with black sleeves, and a belt that matched the clasps of her usual cloak. She did the barest minimum makeup, just straight eyeliner, and dark blue lipstick, but that was about it. Maybe a smidge of blue eyeshadow. He grinned at her wide. "Much better without that jacket swallowing you." He smiled and set his thumb on his chin before his other fingers rolled in front of his face. (sign language for beautiful)

She giggled. She noticed Keith wasn't using his sight at the moment, so she allowed herself to bite her lip at Keith's outfit. 'How is he so hot. Like, actually what the fuck. Though, maybe that's the skinny jeans I picked out helping out here.' Unbeknownst to her, Keith's hearing caught her heart rate spike when she bit her lip and that train of thought ran through her head.

He laughed. "Let's get this date going. You can be thirsty for me later." He went to a bookshelf he had on hand and skimmed through for a second before she put her hand on his.

"I have a book with me. But honestly, I'd rather talk for most of the time with a little reading together here and there." She was mentally running through her head where Keith could possibly be going with the date.

Keith shrugged and nabbed the picnic backpack. "Let's go then." He took her hand and led her to his fire escape. "I'm going silent for however long it takes to get there." He kissed her softly. "Trust me." His ring on his hand lit up blue before a blue shield covered the two of them. "You give me the hope to be able to do this. Hold on tight." He shut his mouth and used his sight to fly upward.

He genuinely hated flying, but watching where he was going made it tolerable. He couldn't hear it, but Raven had officially begun screaming once they had left Earth's atmosphere. Her screaming stopped when she realized she could still breathe. She engaged her own flight and adjusted from hanging onto his waist to just fly snuggled up to his chest at the same speed that he was flying. He smiled at her and kissed her forehead, before he wrapped and arm around her waist and slowly set the two of them down on the moon.

"Even if anyone lived up here, they wouldn't be able to hear us in space's vacuum." He set the backpack in front of him. "I can't increase this bubble more, so we'll have to deal with being stuck only 2 feet apart at most. But there's enough room for a little picnic at least." He smiled before he offered her a sandwich and a soda.

She giggled and took them before he gently guided him to sit, sitting in front of him and snuggling her back into his chest and began eating her sandwich.

For Keith, even as he ate his own sandwich, the way she was sitting was...distracting. He hadn't really pursued a sexual thing with Raven yet, though he was sure it would eventually happen. He still blushed at the thought though. The vulnerability he would have to have to do that. This was madé more difficult with Raven basically sitting on his lap. He had looked at her butt before, sure, the thiccness that it is. But, he had never brought himself to touch her there, or any of her intimate areas for that matter. But here they were, and he could now gauge just how...bubbly...she was back here. He gulped, and not just because he'd taken a sip of his soda. He made use of a small facet of his own meditation methods, forcing himself to calm down.

Raven, smugly eating her sandwich with the smallest of smirks, shrugged a little to herself. She would admit, her small mischievous part was taking the reins a little here, and in no small part in conjunction with the part of her that had suddenly realized that couples typically get up to the more...intimate activities. That said, she knew exactly what she was doing to him, since she could pick up on lust from a mile away. She sensed him suppress himself, and smiled to herself. 'He really doesn't have to play this so safe. But I get it.' She finished her sandwich and sighed, leaning back and wrapping her arm around Keith's neck and kissing his jaw from upside down. "Keith?"

He finished his sandwich and rose an eyebrow at her. "Yeah?" She gave a smile that read kind of as 'Who are you kidding here?'

"Take me back to your apartment. It's nice up here, and I love being alone like this with you. But..." She took a deep breath and shifted her weight by her back end to grind her ass into him a bit. "...we'll need a bed for what I want to do right now." She had never been allowed to masturbate, much less fuck, because if she did, the world would probably end. But now...she didn't have to fear anything of that sort. And 23 years of no masturbation, no fucking, no nothing? Realizing how free she was now had made her increasingly aware of the itch way deep down inside her that needed to be scratched.

In a faster time than it took to get up there, Keith flew them both back to his apartment, both he and Raven both biting their own lips on the way down.

It was about to get steamy, and get steamy really really quick.

The last quarter of this chapter is purely meant to set up the next chapter, which will be the first R18 chapter out of a total of 3.

Also, my plan for how to introduce Batgirl into this might be a little out of left field, but it's my own twist on the typical way that stuff happens.

Drax152creators' thoughts