
The Selfish Demon Lord

The story follows Ginro, a 18-year-old boy who lives a simple life in a small house, working part-time after school. He lacks knowledge about his past and parents, having grown up in orphanages. One night, he dreams of a mysterious black shadow that speaks of his "reincarnation." Upon waking, Ginro discovers himself in a unkown place, possessed by an ominous power. Faced with this newfound ability, he grapples with the decision of whether to wield it for good or evil purposes. The narrative revolves around Ginro's choices as he navigates his enigmatic past and the ethical dilemmas posed by his newfound power.”

RedUser_Gaming · Action
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12 Chs

The Game Begins - Episode 1

Out on the field, the atmosphere buzzed with energy as the basketball game continued. Ginro's classmates ran, dribbled, and leaped, their movements a dance of determination and camaraderie. Their voices intermingled with the squeak of shoes against the court, creating a rhythm that echoed in the air.

"Hey, Ginro! Over here!" a familiar voice called out, cutting through the collective murmur.

Ginro hastened his pace, joining the group on the field just as his tardiness was noticed. As he arrived, the teacher's whistle sounded, her stern instructions piercing through the commotion. His gaze flitted to his friend, a sheepish grin curving his lips.

"Sorry about that," Ginro offered, his voice carrying a hint of genuine apology.

The teacher's stern demeanor wavered in the face of his classmates' pleas, the collective persuasion proving too much to resist. With a begrudging nod, she relented, granting Ginro a chance to play on a condition.

"Alright, you can play, but only in the last minute of the game," the teacher declared, a compromise forged from her desire to appease her students.

Ginro's grin widened, and he shrugged off the limitation. "Sure thing. I'll make the most of that minute."

As the game resumed, Ginro's focus shifted from his late entrance to the task at hand. The ebb and flow of the match held him in its thrall, his body responding with practiced agility and precision. Cheers and jeers erupted from his classmates, their emotions riding the waves of every play.

Time dwindled, and the tension escalated. The score gap tightened, and with every passing second, anticipation surged. The court became a battleground, each dribble and pass a tactical maneuver in the war for victory.

Then came Ginro's moment, the culmination of his determination and patience. With an explosive burst of energy, he raced across the court, the ball dancing between his fingers as he executed a series of calculated moves. The seconds slipped away, but his eyes remained fixed on the hoop.

As he released the ball, a hushed breath seemed to escape the lips of every onlooker. The swish of the net greeted their ears, the crowd erupting into a chorus of cheers that drowned out everything else. Even through the rush of triumph, Ginro's body sang with the strain of his efforts.

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