
The Seer's Awakening in a Dreamless Land

Divina is a sleep seer for the king of Ceavaria, a title passed onto her by her mother. When a bout of insomnia causes her to get on the king's bad side, she quickly learns that her adequate life might not be worth her sticking around. A kind knight comes to her rescue as her situation becomes even more dire due to a treasonous act. Now she must survive with the help of her knight who she is discovering is more than what he appears.

Audra_Symphony · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Chapter 37

Divina squirmed in her seat next to Owen. Her eyes darted about the thick trees that lined either side of the seemingly forgotten road.

"You seem restless," Owen mentioned, "There's nothing in these woods I can't protect you from."

"I know that," Divina waved his comment away. His manly pride would have swollen at her trust in him if it weren't for her worried look over her shoulder.

"What troubles you," Owen urged. He rested a staying hand on her shoulder. She took a deep breath before speaking.

"I just have a feeling that something is about to happen," she admitted.

"Did you have a dream about these woods?" Owen ask joining her in her careful watch of each tree they passed.

"No," she shook her head. She hadn't actually been dreaming lately. Traveling was exhausting and most nights they slept in the cart with his arms wrapped around her and his heartbeat lulling her into a dreamless sleep.