
The Seduction of Shadow

"In a world of contrasts, Emily, a beautiful and cheerful young genius, crosses paths with Alex, a cold and handsome young general. In their first encounter, Emily finds herself kidnapped and drugged, vulnerable to the dangers surrounding her. encounters Alex, a unexpected ally in her perilous situation. "You smell good," Emily sexily whispers to Alex. "You're putting yourself in danger; don't seduce me," Alex responded with a husky voice. As she unravels the secrets of her past and fights back against those who hurt her, Emily's sharp wit becomes a force to be reckoned with. With an IQ that surpasses schemers, she laughs in the face of adversity. As Emily gains fame for her creations and talents, an accidental encounter sparks an intimate connection between her and Alex. Amidst whispered compliments and warnings, their chemistry deepens. Emily's newfound courage draws Alex in, and their pursuit of love intertwines with a tale of revenge, showcasing the transformative power of unexpected connections."

byprncss · Urban
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32 Chs

Chapter 6: Shattered illusion

(Shattered illusion)

When Kara saw the video, she grabbed the vase near her and smashed it on the floor.


"You stupid bitch! How could you be so foolish? You even dragged my name into this mess! I let you handle the situation so my reputation wouldn't suffer, but you've broadcasted my name to the entire country. So stupid!" Kara angrily exclaimed.


She then checked the comments on the video:


1+ "What a gold digger! Is this the most cherished and educated daughter of the Lin family? It seems like they taught her to be a bitch."

2+ "Kara Sy? From the Sy family? I thought she was innocent and beautiful. Who would have thought she has a dark heart?"

3+ "They're friends, right? Maybe they've both done this with many old rich guys. Haha!"

4+ "Poor girl, they're trying to ruin an innocent girl. They can both go to hell! What a bitch!"

5+ "What a vixen! They can both go to hell. I sympathize with Ms. Emily for having such a sister like that."

and 200+ comments.


When Kara read the comments, she couldn't believe that her plan would backfire on her. Her reputation as a beautiful and kind girl suddenly got ruined. She was so angry that she almost threw her phone away. She immediately called the media, attempting to buy and remove all the news about her.


"What do you mean I can't buy it? I'll triple the price!" Kara shouted. "Sorry, Ms. Sy, we can't do that; my boss will fire me if I do that," the person on the phone politely answered.


"Useless!" Kara shouted and threw her phone. She angrily opened a wine bottle and poured it into her glass.


"Emily, you bitch! You keep ruining my life. This is not the end," Kara mumbled while drinking wine.


Someone rang her doorbell; she got irritated and opened her door. "What the hell do you want?" she irritably asked. The door swung open, and an old man came in, his aged face clearly showing the effects of time. Wearing a suit and holding a cane, his expression turned visibly angry when Kara saw her grandfather.


"Grandpa?" Kara was surprised. The old man was really angry and slapped Kara.


"I told you before to stop touching Emily, but you keep doing it! Your jealousy and insecurity towards Emily are over the top. You even dragged our family name into this scandal! Do you know how many investors called me because of this mess? You fix this or you're out of my house!" the old man angrily shouted at Kara.


Stunned by the sudden slap, Kara sobbed while holding her cheeks, shocked at her grandpa's anger over Emily. "Grandpa, listen to me. I don't know about this. I'm not involved. I didn't know that it would turn out like this," Kara explained.


"Because your plan backfired, that's why you don't know why it turned out like this? And not involved? Don't make me laugh. Do you think I'm a fool? I've already investigated, and you, you are a devil! Emily is your cousin, and she has been with us since you were young. How come you keep scheming against her?" the old man angrily pointed his finger at Kara, who froze, facing her furious grandpa.


"Grandpa, please give me another chance," Kara pleaded.


"I've given you a lot of chances already. Fix this mess! If you don't fix it, you are out!" the old man answered while storming out of the door. Kara fell to the floor, sobbing.


"Ah, why does grandpa always side with that bitch? I'm his biological granddaughter!" Kara shouted while throwing her things around her apartment.


At the same time, Emily wakes up feeling sore all over, her body aching as if she had been beaten. Her head throbs, and confusion clouds her thoughts. Trying to piece together the events from the night before, memories flood back—the drug, the club, and an encounter with a mysterious man.


"The guy? Wait, what guy? "Emily is perplexed; the details are hazy. She recalls being drugged, waking up in a club room feeling weak and uncomfortable, and seeking help. There was a guy who assisted her, but the specifics eluded her. As she sits up, the blanket slips, revealing her naked body. Startled, Emily quickly pulls the blanket to cover herself, a sense of vulnerability washing over her.


Shocked and confused, she hysterically asked herself, "Why am I naked?" and started to remember piece by piece what happened to her. She recalled removing her clothes and pleading with the stranger to engage in intimate activities; the memories flooded back, leaving Emily utterly embarrassed as her cheeks turned red.


Covering her face with both hands, Emily's blanket falls again, intensifying her headache as memories from the previous night flood back, leaving her uncertain about how to navigate the situation.


"Oh my God! What did I do?!" Emily desperately asks herself, feeling a sense of remorse. "I'm like a vixen." She checks her sore body, noticing numerous bruises, and reluctantly stands up.


"Are you awake?" Alex coolly asks, a devilish smile playing on his lips as he watches Emily.


"Ahh!" Emily shouts in shock, taken aback by the sudden voice. She looks at Alex, who has been observing her since she woke up. Alex, enjoying his coffee and perusing some reports, couldn't resist watching Emily's varied expressions as she grapples with the aftermath of the night's events.


Alex, seemingly unfazed, continues to watch her, his devilish smile persisting.


The room is filled with tension as Emily confronts the consequences of the previous night, her thoughts swirling in an attempt to make sense of the tangled web of events.