
The Seduction of Shadow

"In a world of contrasts, Emily, a beautiful and cheerful young genius, crosses paths with Alex, a cold and handsome young general. In their first encounter, Emily finds herself kidnapped and drugged, vulnerable to the dangers surrounding her. encounters Alex, a unexpected ally in her perilous situation. "You smell good," Emily sexily whispers to Alex. "You're putting yourself in danger; don't seduce me," Alex responded with a husky voice. As she unravels the secrets of her past and fights back against those who hurt her, Emily's sharp wit becomes a force to be reckoned with. With an IQ that surpasses schemers, she laughs in the face of adversity. As Emily gains fame for her creations and talents, an accidental encounter sparks an intimate connection between her and Alex. Amidst whispered compliments and warnings, their chemistry deepens. Emily's newfound courage draws Alex in, and their pursuit of love intertwines with a tale of revenge, showcasing the transformative power of unexpected connections."

byprncss · Urban
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32 Chs

Chapter 31: Henry’s birthday party

(Henry's birthday party)

Henry Lee's birthday celebration unfolds at the picturesque Lee family estate, bathed in the radiant light of day. The grand mansion, adorned with ivy-covered walls and majestic columns, overlooks meticulously landscaped gardens bursting with vibrant colors. A cobblestone pathway leads to a charming courtyard adorned with ornate fountains, where guests gather amidst the tranquility of nature's embrace. Surrounded by lush woodlands, the estate exudes an aura of timeless elegance and serves as the perfect backdrop for a day of joyous celebration.


Many influential people arrived one by one; others are happy talking to their acquaintances, while others are mingling to find a connection for the influential people there. 


As the Sy family arrived at Henry Lee's birthday party, an air of envy swept through the gathering. Led by the influential patriarch, Desmond Sy, the family exuded an aura of confidence and sophistication as they made their entrance. Chester and Mrs. Sy walked side by side, their heads held high as they exchanged polite nods and smiles with the other guests. Their impeccable attire and composed demeanor only served to accentuate their status and wealth, drawing envious glances from onlookers.


Behind them, Kara followed with a graceful stride, her poise and confidence evident in every step. She carried herself with the grace of a true lady, a small smile playing on her lips as she observed the reactions of those around her. With her flawless appearance and confident demeanor, Kara commanded attention and admiration wherever she went, leaving others in awe of her seemingly effortless charm.


As the Sy family mingled with the other guests, whispers of admiration and envy followed in their wake. From their impeccable fashion sense to their undeniable presence, they epitomized the image of a perfect family, leaving others green with envy. Despite the subtle glances and whispered conversations, the Sy family remained unfazed, secure in their unity and strength as a family unit.


Kara reveled in the admiration of the guests around her, scanning the room but failing to spot Emily. Instead, her gaze fell upon her friend, Camila, who had arrived; a devilish smile crept onto her lips. Kara and Camila's friendship had blossomed since their high school days, with Kara strategically cultivating their bond to gain proximity to the Lee family, particularly Alex, through Camila's connection as his cousin. After years of effort, their friendship had finally flourished.


"Camila," Kara called out to her friend.


Camila glanced over at Kara's approach, sighing. "Thank goodness you're here. I've been bored to tears, surrounded by all these old folks," she remarked, rolling her eyes.


"It's still early; the party hasn't even started yet. Plus, our other friends will be arriving soon," Kara reassured her.


"Yeah," Camila replied, clearly unimpressed. Then, her tone shifted as she inquired, "I heard that all the Sy family is invited. Does that mean Emily will be here?"


"Yes, I've been keeping an eye out for her, but she hasn't arrived yet. Maybe she's on her way," Kara replied, casually observing her friend.


Camila groaned in frustration. "Ugh, I really can't stand that cousin of yours! She's always scheming against you. Why do you always put up with her?! She's just an orphan; she should know her place," Camila spat out angrily.


As Kara watched her friend grow more agitated, a secret smile played on her lips. Camila was easily manipulated, and Kara knew just how to play her. All she had to do was act pitiful and shed a few tears, and Camila would believe whatever she said. "Yes, let your anger brew, Camila. Direct it towards Emily, because you're going to be a key part of my plan to humiliate her later," Kara thought to herself, silently scheming as she listened to her friend's tirade.


"She's my cousin, and I love her. Yes, we sometimes have our disagreements, but at the end of the day, we're family," Kara replied to Camila.


Camila rolled her eyes at Kara. "That's your problem! You're too kind, and that's why people try to take advantage of you," Camila retorted. She took Kara's hands in hers and continued, "But don't worry, I've got your back. If you can't stand up for yourself, I'll do it for you." She smiled, her expression meaningful as she looked at Kara.


Kara feigned confusion, stammering, "B-but..." secretly pleased with Camila's determination to defend her.


"No more 'buts.' There are plenty of people arriving now. I need to play the gracious host. We'll talk later," Camila said decisively, releasing Kara's hands and heading over to greet the arriving guests with her mother.


Kara watched as her friend disappeared into the crowd, a devilish smile playing on her lips. In recent weeks, she has endured mockery and gossip due to the humiliating scandal because of Emily. Today, however, it was Emily's turn to experience the spotlight, and Kara relished the opportunity to make her pay. With a plan forming in her mind, she made her way to her family, eager to execute her revenge.


Meanwhile, Emily was on her way to the party, delayed because she had waited for her gift for Henry Lee to arrive. She felt a pang of uncertainty about whether the old man would appreciate her gift, despite the effort she made to get it.


Ethan, who was driving Emily to the party, glanced at her through the rearview mirror. "So, how do you plan to get back home?" he asked Emily, breaking the silence of the car ride.


"Umm, maybe I'll ride with Grandpa and take a taxi from there. Thanks for driving me," Emily replied to Ethan from the backseat of the car.


"No problem, and take care. Don't make a mess," Ethan reminded Emily with a grin.


Rolling her eyes, Emily retorted, "Are you saying I'm a troublemaker?"


Ethan scratched his head, chuckling. "I'm not saying that, but trouble sure seems to follow you," he teased, glancing at Emily through the rearview mirror. Catching Emily's eye in the mirror, he continued, "Your gift is quite big, huh?" he asked curiously.


"Yes, Grandfather Lee likes the musician Andrea Cha, so I did some research to find an instrument by Andrea Cha. Although it was hard to get, I still managed to acquire it," Emily replied, reminiscing about how she obtained the gift.


Since she was young, she had often visited Henry's house with her grandfather to play chess. This was where she developed her skills at that game. She remembers Henry would always play songs by the famous musician Andrea Cha, sparking an idea in Emily's mind for the perfect gift.


Emily immediately conducted research and found a man who owned an instrument once owned by the late musician. When she visited the old man's tea shop, she saw the instrument displayed inside a glass case, serving as an ornament. Despite her best efforts, the old man smugly turned down her offer to purchase the instrument.


"Please, let me buy this. I really want to gift it to someone," Emily pleaded with the old man.


"I said no," the old man coldly answered.


Emily sighed, feeling defeated. She didn't know how to change the man's mind. "What can I do to convince you? I'm willing to do anything," she implored, hoping for a change of heart.


"I've already told you no multiple times. Will you still not leave?" the old man asked irritably, eyeing the young girl in front of him.


Emily shook her head, a playful smile on her lips as she looked at the old man. He sighed heavily, unsure of how to get her to leave his shop. As he racked his brain for a solution, an idea suddenly popped into his head.