
The Secrets Of The Shadows

The city of Akihabara, TSR is trying to save his agency, and stumbles upon a certain someone who just might be able to help him, but the man tells TSR that or the man to help him, TSR would have to help him in in his intergalactic adventure in the pursuit of ultimate power.

Johmiya · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Sudden Darkness.

TSR held on to the poster as TIC was telling him about the suspected criminal, apparently, it was a 32-year-old man named Hirohiko Tateki, who works as a maintenance worker for a small plumbing company called "Plumbing Trio". He lived close to the agency's main building so it was easy to get to him but, as soon as he saw TSR he broke out into a run as he could probably figure out what would follow. TSR sighed as he paused time while dragging his feet as he was tired from his work. He finally caught up to the man, tied him to the nearest pole and then resumed time as he asked the man why he put out those posters. To TSR's surprise, the man didn't cough up anything even when being threatened instead, he started reciting a poem in what sounded to be German. The man then suddenly started glowing and just as suddenly he began melting into a pink goop of human remains. 'Well that was disappointing', thought TSR to himself but he hadn't lost all hope as he had a hint. First off that man was from an agency as only an agency would resort to exterminating their underlings. It was mostly RedFox, Silver Tooth, or Snake Palace as these three really like meeting people, but it wasn't Silver Tooth as they melt their agents into gray ash. TSR now had a new mission of finding whether it was RedFox or Snake Palace so he went to TIC but first he needed to report to his boss. 'That's gonna be a very wild ride', he replied to the info he received from TSR. 'What do you think I should do, sir', TSR asked his boss. 'I think you should go get some rest as you will be leaving first thing in the morning', his boss blatantly told him. 'Yes, sir', said TSR as he left his boss' office. He was excited about meeting more people with powers while h was wondering about what their powers could be. He suddenly saw a shadow moving at inhuman speeds and in no time his hands felt constricted, he tried to time pause but it didn't work and suddenly everything was black with nothing left to see.