
The secret to conquering total wealth.

Accidentally going to bed with a strange man, Maria Linda carries in his blood, the general director of the famous MR corporation. What should she do now? Darius Leona changed his lover like changing clothes, did he ever allow someone else to carry his child? .... "I'm pregnant, it's your baby!" “Do you know what I said?” “Yes, that is… the truth.” Darius Leona looked at her coldly, turned to leave. He didn't believe he could sleep with such a country girl, let alone pregnant.

BilyMoonMoon_08 · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 4

"A-you psycho, who wants to seduce you?" Maria Linda confusedly got behind a pile of things and quickly put on clothes. Shame death!

Darius Leona glanced at her embarrassed expression and nodded: "It's fine if not."

He didn't care at all about Maria Linda's body, he came here because his mother wanted that. She says that if she is really pregnant with his child then he has to cherish a little. If you care about that child so much, why don't you come and see Maria Linda yourself? He stood in front of the door, slowly bringing the phone to his ear.

In the corner, Maria Linda is trying to change clothes quickly. She chose a light blue dress to wear, gathered old clothes to hold in her arms, and then dared to step out. Up to now, there was still a faint pink cloud on her cheeks.

Darius Leona seemed to be busy, leaning against the door and talking constantly. Maria Linda looked down at herself, then suddenly a little disappointed. What did she come here for, when she finally came to Darius Leona's place, what did she think, wanted him to be responsible? Now that she has achieved her goal, she is not happy at all, because it was all forced by Madam Leona. Darius Leona didn't like her at all… Neither did the people in the villa.

She lowered her head, a little sullen to herself. What if she decided to have an abortion at that time? She really wanted to know.

Darius Leona observed her expression, the corners of her lips curved up slightly, and said into the phone:

"Guess what's funny?"

"What's up? President Leona is in a good mood today." The person on the other end of the phone laughed.

"A girl ran to the front door of the company screaming that she was pregnant with my baby, then my mother took her home and took good care of her."

"Huh? Really? She is tired of living…"

"YES. Really stupid." Darius Leona laughed. "Seven months to go, tell me if she got pregnant with the child of some unknown person and gave birth to it in the Leona family, what would be the outcome?"

The person on the other end of the phone mused a bit, then said, "It would be tragic."

"Right." Darius Leona's person suddenly became sharp.

Dare to lie to him, when this drama ends, she can also go to the golden stream.

Darius Leona glanced at Maria Linda who was looking at himself in the mirror in the distance, turned his head, and left without saying a word.

Hearing the door slam, Maria Linda breathed a sigh of relief. When facing that man, she felt a bit of pressure.

In order to make a better life for herself and the child in her womb, Maria Linda listened to Madame Leona's advice. She let her eat whatever she wanted, and even had a set menu for her grandson. Furthermore, she must pay enough attention to ensure that there is no adverse effect on the unborn child.

Five days passed in the blink of an eye, and Maria Linda gradually got used to life in the villa. Wake up in the morning to eat and then go for a walk to relax, their flower garden alone is enough for her to explore within two days, let alone other places? At noon, it's still food, then entertainment. Afternoon, eat nutritious food, learn necessary knowledge when pregnant. At night, go to bed early.

She hardly went out, and because of that, she gradually became a little melancholy. Feeling that she was about to run out, on Friday, she asked Madam Leona to let her go out. Thinking she would disagree, she nodded quickly:

"That's OK. I'll call Darius Leona to come with you."

The following sentence made Maria Linda lose her interest in walking, she immediately refused:

"No need, Madam Leona, I want to go alone."

"With no one around to look after my grandson, I'm worried." Lady Leona said. "Either go with Darius Leona, or go nowhere."

"…" How can she force others like that, is this a choice?

Maria Linda was a bit unhappy, but when she thought of being able to go out for a breath of fresh air, she held back. After all, why would you stupidly run up to the Leona family and say that you are pregnant with his child? If she knew in advance that she would be noticed by the entire Leona family, she wouldn't dare to do that...

There is no medicine in the world to regret. Maria Linda hugged an angry stomach and got into the car with Darius Leona, his face was very poor at this time. Seeing her, he frowned.

"It's okay, don't bother me."

Hearing him say that, Maria Linda just sat firmly in the back seat and wanted to get up and get out of the car. However, since she hadn't gone out in a week, she was very bored. She said:

"I also hope you don't bother me."

Do you really want to go with him? The more Maria Linda comes in contact, the more she doesn't like this man at all. Rigid, pretending to be dead, and even too disdainful. Why did she find him so cool in the past? She must have had problems with her mind then.

Darius Leona heard Maria Linda tell him not to bother her, so he wanted to laugh, who bothered who? He was preparing to go out with his friends when he received a message from his mother, telling him to return urgently. At that time, he thought that there was something important, so he immediately turned the car around, but he did not expect that the important thing that he thought of was taking Maria Linda out for a walk.

"She's very brave." Darius Leona curled his lips.

"Thanks." Maria Linda didn't even look at him.

The way she reacted made him feel like he wanted to conquer again.

"Where do you want to go? Say it."

"I… want to go to the amusement park." Maria Linda thought for a moment and then replied.

"There's nowhere else to go?" Darius Leona smashed this thought of hers. "Pregnant, don't be too active, don't get excited."

"I went there for a little walk, and I didn't plan to ride the roller coaster. Are you still afraid that I will lose my baby?"

"YES." Darius Leona teased. "I'm afraid you'll drop my baby."

"..." It was indeed her child and his, but now she suddenly didn't want to admit he was the child's father.

Being very peaceful, why would you listen to your good friend's words and run away to find Darius Leona and then be imprisoned in the Leona family's mansion.

Maria Linda suddenly had the thought of wanting to take her children away, she felt that the Leona family was a dangerous place, but as soon as she thought about it, she scolded herself for being stupid. Even if there is no freedom in the Leona family, it is still better than struggling to earn money to raise children alone, she has no other choice.

The two went to an amusement park for a walk, not knowing that the picture was stolen.

Darius Leona was very hearing, even though she spoke very quietly, he could still hear her and frowned:

"You better give birth to a boy, a little reminder, I don't like girls."

This man has no heart, boy or girl are his children, right? Maria Linda was angry but did not dare to speak, lowered her head and walked forward.

At this moment, there was a sudden conflict among the people queuing up. Someone interrupted the line, so the two groups of people began to push each other.

"You have no education? Why are you jostling someone else's line?"