
The secret to conquering total wealth.

Accidentally going to bed with a strange man, Maria Linda carries in his blood, the general director of the famous MR corporation. What should she do now? Darius Leona changed his lover like changing clothes, did he ever allow someone else to carry his child? .... "I'm pregnant, it's your baby!" “Do you know what I said?” “Yes, that is… the truth.” Darius Leona looked at her coldly, turned to leave. He didn't believe he could sleep with such a country girl, let alone pregnant.

BilyMoonMoon_08 · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 1

"Miss Maria, you are two months pregnant."

Maria Linda listened to the doctor and couldn't believe it. How can she be pregnant? She looked at the doctor confused.

"Did the doctor make a mistake? Is it possible to check one more time?

Now she is very scared, why is she pregnant, what if she let Darius know that she is pregnant with his child?

"I'm not confused, if we want, we can check again."

"Do it again, just once, it's because I don't eat properly, so my period is late..." Maria Linda was so urgent that her eyes were red.

She never thought that going to bars with good friends could even go to bed with strangers. At that time, sneaking out of the hotel with the other man's business card, she learned that he was the president of the MR group. He is famous for changing his girlfriend like changing clothes, moreover, he has a beautiful fiancee who is heartwarming, for some reason she herself is so unlucky that she gets attached to him.

The doctor drew Maria Linda's blood to test again, the result was still pregnant.

Maria Linda returned home stunned, hugged the test paper, but cried without tears. I'm dead, what should I do now? No boy friend yet, only twenty-five years old, still young and immature. Do you… have to give up this baby?

She picked up the phone to call her good friend, as soon as the other party picked up the phone, she couldn't hold back her sobs:

"Not done, Emma, help me. I'm pregnant, I'm pregnant… What to do? Mom would kill me if she knew… I don't want to die so soon."

"What? What did you say? Mommy, is that Ceo Darius's son?" Emma was surprised.

"It's true that his child... I guarantee, guarantee, only that night..." Maria Linda burst into tears. "If I let Darius' fiancée know, I'll be over."

She is known to be fierce, although she allows Darius to interact with anyone, but does not allow Darius's lover to carry his blood.

Maria Linda was so scared that she could only cry, now she really wants to have an abortion. Hearing her mention this, Emma advised:

"Don't break, you don't break, let me think of a way. You… Or tell Ceo Darius?"

"Do not!" Maria Linda shook her head furiously. "That man is so rich, there's no shortage of women, are you going to let me die?"

"So… then birth?" Emma lowered his voice. "Incombustible. It is very sinful for you to do that."

Two months ago, Maria Linda often missed her period, so she did not detect anything unusual, until today, she felt that she was not well before going to the hospital to check. Unexpectedly, she unexpectedly became pregnant with the child of a person that she could not reach in her life. The fetus has formed internal organs, is a small being, erased, can she live without torment?

Maria Linda held the phone in silence for a long time, in the motel room alone, the knock on the door outside woke her up, quickly hung up and went to open the door.

"When will you pay the rent?" The owner was angry.

"Sorry, can you give me a little more time? I will receive my salary the day after tomorrow…" Maria Linda awkwardly lowered her head.

"You said the same thing a few days ago! If you're still late for the rent, move out!" The host shouted, then went straight.

This month, she suddenly lost her job, her salary was stuck at the company for half a month, but she did not receive any money, then she heard that she was pregnant. Maria Linda bit her lip until she bled. She is so tired of this life… Or, listen to Emma?

She thought all night, then looked up Darius's address on the internet. She is very confused right now, but she should still tell him, he is the father of the child after all…

Two days later in the morning, Maria went to Darius's company to find someone, but was stopped by a security guard.

"Sorry, unauthorized people are not allowed in."

"I-I have something important to tell Ceo Darius." Maria Linda knew she would face difficulties, but could not be discouraged. She had no other way to find Darius other than to go to his company.

The security guard saw that she was normally dressed in rustic clothes, so her attitude was very bad, pushed her hand away and said:

"No appointment, no obligation, no entry."

Maria Linda staggered back a few steps, almost falling. She was scared, instinctively clutching her stomach. At the same time, she felt a sense of stability behind her, she had bumped into someone.

Looking up, it turned out that it was Darius.

"I-I... You..." Maria Linda saw his handsome face and stammered, forgetting what to say.

Darius dodged to the side and coldly said:

"Stay away."

He doesn't like women who actively touch him, especially a country woman like the one in front of him. Behind him is an assistant cum personal secretary, seeing this, he put his hand to stop Maria Linda and said:

"Please stay out of the way."

Seeing Darius turn to leave, he was stopped himself, Maria Linda hastily said:

"I'm pregnant, it's your baby!"

All the people turned to look at her in shock, thinking that she was nervous and had a problem with her mind. Who is Ceo Darius? And who is she? Seeing how their clothes don't match.

Darius lightly scanned her pure face, although it was also to his taste, he wouldn't be too hungry to eat. I said:

"Do you know what I said?"