

Emily grew up in a great family with a loving father. But everything changed when he past away and left them in debt, her mother worked hard to provide for them with food but sadly got admitted due to a heart problem. As much as it hurt, Emily knew she had to push her limits and take care of her mother, she needed a job and the only job that would pay well was being a maid in the price family. A family that had mysteries and secrets. She hated to work there but what drew her more to the place was Jason Price, he was cold and always grumpy, but also very handsome. And kind when he felt like, to her he was the man she was secretly in love with. But something felt weird, every night of the full moon they all would lock themselves up, and Jason went as far as to threaten Emily to stay away, she wanted to, but her curiosity couldn't let her, so she went and took a peek in that same room at the night of the full moon. What I saw completely changed my life forever.

Kathrine_Kayz · Teen
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6 Chs

1. I desperately need a job

Emily's p.o.v

I came out of the fifteenth store with a low sigh. I was exhausted and very thirsty, since morning I had been going around town in search of work.

Ever since my mother was admitted at the clinic due to a heart problem, I had been struggling to pay for her bills and medication, there was never a day that went by without me wishing father was alive to take care of his own mess.

Once upon a time I was part of a very wealthy loving family, my parents loved each other so much and made sure I had all I ever wanted, then, I had it all and everyone was so kind to me until the most tragic thing happened.

My father died in an accident leaving my mother and me to suffer for the debt he had, the man was a selfish Bastard who was secretly addicted to gambling, he was in so much debt that it took all of our wealth to cover for it, despite having a hard life my mother made sure I went to school and ate at least one decent meal a day, she was working two jobs a day just so she could provide for us.

When I completed my education I began helping her with little errands, I slowly got used to our life and became too comfortable. One day she collapsed out of nowhere, I rushed her to the clinic where the doctor told me about her condition, she had a heart problem and she kept it a secret from me, I understood how much she wanted to protect me and keep me from worrying, but I was still very upset with her. I was no longer a kid anymore, I was nineteen years old and very capable of taking care of the both of us.

I worked hard to earn more than what my mother did and it worked out fine until Freddy the shop owner's son began harassing me, as much as I wanted to stay I couldn't take it, so I quit and began looking for another job, sadly I was unsuccessful.

I walked to the bench which was near the store and sat down, the sun was making it hard for me and the streets were too noisy.

"Bad news again?" Ms. Benedict asked a few meters away from me.

I looked at her and smiled, Ms. Benedict was one of the kind women that helped me and my mother whenever we needed help, she was in her late forties but still looked somehow young, she was beautiful with brown eyes. Unlike me who had ocean blue eyes, freckles, and red hair, although I had a slim figure I couldn't help but think that I looked like a freaking cartoon character out of a movie.

Ms. Benedict always praised me over my looks but I had my doubts.

"Well, I'm still unemployed Aunt," I answered Softly.

She moved closer and sat next to me with a sigh.

"Child, how about letting your uncle help you?" She asked.

I shook my head and kept quiet, my uncle was the worst, he made it clear that he was only going to help us if my mother agreed to marry him, besides that he wanted nothing to do with us.

"I'm sorry Aunt, I can't," I whispered.

"It's fine Child, I understand. Well, there is this mansion near the forest that is in need of a maid, the owner is willing to pay $ 1000 a month, all you have to do is be a live-in maid, that's if you are okay with it," she said as I quickly stood up.

"Are you serious aunt?" I asked loudly.

"Yes," she answered.

"But wait, the only Mansion I know of which is near the forest is the price household," I said feeling a little confused.

"Yes that's the one," she answered.

I bite my lower lip and chewed on it.

Everyone in town knew about that mansion, it was scary and some claimed it was haunted, according to a lot of people, the owner of the house Mr. Jason Price rarely talked to anyone, he was very handsome, mysterious, and also very unfriendly, but due to his never-ending wealth many tried to befriend him but it never ended well.

"Child, if you aren't comfortable with the place then don't go," she said.

Yes, I was scared but I really needed the money.

"I was just wondering who would take care of my sick mother if I was to be accepted," I answered sadly.

"I can look after your mother, after all, I stay alone and I'm well to do," she answered with a smile.

"Thank you Ms. Benedict for your kindness, I will take a look at the place then come back home soon," I answered then bowed slightly to show my respect.

"Just take care of yourself," she said with a smile.

"I will," I answered then turned and walked away.

For nearly an hour I forced myself to move faster ignoring the ache in my feet. When I saw the huge mansion ahead I smiled.

I quickly rushed to the place not caring that it was the only one in that area. I reached the door and knocked twice when it opened my heartbeat widely.

A tall Beautiful blond came out and stared at me with a smile.

"Hi," she greeted.

"Hi," I answered back then kept quiet.

"How may I help you?" She asked.

"Um... I came here looking for a job, there is this woman Ms. Benedict if you know her, she told me that you might be looking for a live-in maid," I answered.

"Awesome," she screamed then hugged me out of nowhere.

I pat her back slightly then pulled back.

"Jason I have found the maid you badly wanted!" The girl screamed happily while looking behind.

"Send her away, I wanted a maid last week, not today Moron," a deep husky voice that gave me shivers answered.

The lady looked at me sadly then sighed.

"I'm sorry, I'm sure you have heard what he has just said," she said softly.

"I understand, thank you," I whispered then turned and began walking away.

I suddenly stopped moving and turned to look at the door, I couldn't understand but whatever I was feeling was drawing me back and making me want to push the door open.

"Rhoyda, why the hell is your scent different," the man's voice asked in a loud growl that sounded like an animal.

"Stop sniffing my asshole, it's from the girl who was here, I kind of hugged her out of joy," the girl who now I knew was Rhoyda answered.

"Where is she!" The man yelled.

"Gone," Rhoyda answered.

The door swung open and I came face to face with the most handsome man I had ever seen, he was tall, my guess was that he stood at 6'1, his built was large in a sexy way, I could tell he was muscular because his shirt was unbuttoned, my eyes traveled from his abs and downwards.

"Stop," he ordered.

I quickly looked him in the eyes, he had mesmerizing grey eyes and nice kissable full lips.

"Quit checking me out," he commanded.

I gasped in embarrassment when it all sunk in, I was really checking him out shamelessly and admiring everything about him.

I quickly turned to run but stopped when a strong grip held my hand, I turned in shock when amazing tingles spread throughout my body, his beautiful grey eyes slowly began turning a dark red and he whispered something I couldn't understand.
