
Chapter 1 introduction:

People usually says that real stories never end. Ladies and gentlemens , I am back the one and only The Writer . I am trying to write story that you admire. I hope you will like it .

This is the story of a person whose name was JACK . He was well honoured and respectful actor . He was living in the city of Germany name Bremen. He has a great apartment with a small garden and swimming pool. He was doing a job in the theater name Schaumburg. He started his career three years ago.He almost worked in 3 series and now he was working on a new project of Serie My way. He was very happy with his job.He usually goes to his job from 8:00 A:M to 12:00 P:M. His apartment was about some miles away from the theater.

" Guys , I hope you like the introduction of the Jack . I only introduced one character. People usually says that an actor has no emotions just because they always act. That's not the reality people forget that they are also humans whom had emotions. People usually suppose them to be a lair or a player. But , some people are of dual personality like a hypocrite.

I am not saying anything I am just trying to express the impression of Jack on people of society. Okay ! Guys , the wait is over because the story is about to start. I hope you all will like the reference because it's seems interesting 💭."



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