
The secret of love in Paris

The action takes place in the city of love in Paris. An ordinary girl does not look for easy ways and constantly gets into trouble. She came here from her small town to work for her seriously ill sister. Events unfold not in favor of the main character. It's worth considering who you can trust.

Nastasiy_Well · Urban
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19 Chs

Chapter 10, Merry night

"You will pay for the operation for Erica's sister," Andre put forward the conditions.

"Pf... you'd better tell me. I will not spend such a huge amount of money on some simpleton." the guy said confidently.

"Okay," the guy answered, taking out the phone.

After dialing the number from the phone, the beeps went off and almost immediately a voice began to be heard from the device.

"Yes, Andre," said Rainer's mother.

Realizing that Andre wasn't really joking. Rainer rolled his eyes and rushed in the direction of the guy.

"Okay, okay, let's talk," he whispered in his ear and froze in anticipation.

"Has something happened? What is the reason for your call?", she asked.

"I wanted to say that your son is still coping well with his duties." the guy said.

"That's good. Keep watching him, "the woman said," Well, I think I'll continue to do my business."

After that, the call was over.

"So you've been following me all the time?!", Rainer was indignant.

"And you thought you made a deal with me? No. It was you who made it with me, " Andre explained.

"Well, you know, if I now give all the money for the treatment of her sister, I will be left without money myself. They are limited for me!", the guy complained.

"Is that why you spend them here almost every day?" asked Andre.

Rainer rolled his eyes, " Okay! All right! I will help this girl!", realizing that there is no way back, he replied.

Andre approached Erica,"For now, find Theodore and don't leave him," he whispered.

"And you and I, my friend, will discuss our deal," and the guys left.

Erica immediately started looking for Theo, squeezing through the crowd, she tried to see him. after some time of searching, she went to the bar to catch her breath and try to look out for him from the side, but Theo was already sitting at the bar with some girl. They were talking animatedly about something and drinking.

"Those, Andre asked me to find you," the girl said.

"What does this brute want from me?" the already drunk guy asked.

"What are you talking about, girl?" the person sitting next to him asked.

"And who are you?", Erica ignored the question.

"It is necessary to ask you, afferistka. This young man told me that he came alone, " she accused Erica.

"Me? Theodore, what does this mean?", but the guy probably went too far with alcohol, which is why he fell asleep on the bar counter.

"Security! There is a fraudster in the club!", the girl shouted, at this time Erica still tried to wake up her friend.

Erica's actions did not like Theodore's new friend, so she approached the girl and began to pull her away from the guy, but because of her sharp movement, Erica hit her on the cheek by inertia.

"I'm sorry, please, I didn't mean to. I'm sorry, please," the girl immediately reacted.

By this time, two guys came up. it became clear from their uniforms that they were guards.

"Who was shouting here?" one of them asked.

"I am!", the girl responded, "This girl is a fraud," she pointed out to our heroine, "She tried to pick up my friend, but he is a little drunk. And she also hit me."

"Your friend?! Yes, you have known each other for at most an hour. I came with this guy and another friend, but he's still gone, " the girl tried to explain, but one of the guards signaled to his partner.

Erica refused and resisted in every possible way. Whatever she said, they didn't listen to her.

As a result, the girl was taken to the department for hooliganism. She gave Andre the number so that he could pick her up, since Theodore would not have done anything at the moment. Having arrived at the department and talked to the district police officer . Andre immediately approached the girl and asked.

"I've been gone for fifteen minutes, and I've already become a criminal, pretty woman," the guy said.

"First of all, it happened by pure chance, and secondly, don't call me that." the girl answered.

The guy laughed, and then said, "Now you will be released, and when you are released, you will tell me how you got here," he said.

When the girl was released. she immediately left this building. She had never been in such a situation before. I was worried about Theodore. And that they still took the wrong person.

"So?" the guy asked, standing in front of Erica.

Realizing what Andre was hinting at, the girl spoke, "After you left, I went to look for Theodore and after some time I found him at the bar with some girl. When I told Theo about you, he got angry, and this girl started saying that she was his friend, and I was a fraud. After that, when Theo fell asleep, I tried to wake him up, and she tried to pull me away from him and in the end I accidentally hit her not much on the cheek, " she told the story.

"I understand, I won't let you in anymore. I hoped for this drunk, "said Andre," Let's go to the car, they are already waiting for us there."

They came to the car, where Rainer was sitting in the front passenger seat,and Theodore was sleeping in the back.

"Rainer, let's go back. Erica will sit in your place, " Andre asked.

"I'm not going back," Rainer protested, but only one humble look from the guy decided everything.

They sat down in the car and Andre explained the plan, "Now we need to take this sleeping beauty home," alluding to Theodore, Andre said.

"And...?", Erica drawled, with a glance hinting at another passenger besides a friend.

"He's coming with us just in case. You never know, " he hedged.

The time was at three o'clock in the morning. when they got home. Rainer and Andre dragged Theodore, and Erica helped them pass small obstacles in the form of doors and other things. Approaching the right apartment. you could clearly hear the music that was playing loud enough. Erica opened the apartment and went first.

The hall was a complete mess and besides the girls there were some other teenagers. Erica didn't know how to react to this. The guys pretended not to notice all this so far, and when they put Theo on the sofa, Andre said.

"What happened here during these three-plus hours that we were not there? What kind of people are these?", Andre asked.

"And who are you here to command?" asked Shiyan.

"The deputy director of this apartment," said Andre, " What are you standing for?!", he turned to the girls 'friends," There's nothing to arrange parties here at such a time!", fearing that the guy would get even more angry, everyone except the sisters began to pack their things and leave, and Andre periodically hurried them.

When everyone left, Andre turned to the girls, "And don't you think that if your brother got drunk, he won't know about it," Andre threatened.

All the sisters felt a little ashamed and only one Shien spat on the words of some man. Later, the girls cleaned up a little and went to bed. There is very little time left before departure...